Chapter 21

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I wake up in the arms of my love, my back is against his chest, wow, who needs heat when you have Can. All of sudden I hear a low growl and Can pressing my bottom against his , wow, it feels hard, is he dreaming. His hand is under my tank top caressing my stomach and moving down between my legs. That feels amazing. Is he awake or is he pretending to sleep?
All of sudden he freezes. Sanem? Can?. Are you ok Can, I should be asking you that question."
CAN: "I'm sorry Sanem, I was dreaming, and a very good dream."( with a smile on his face)
SANEM: I hope is was about me. CAN: oh you bet it was, I wish I didn't wake up.(smirk) Sanem is turning beat red. "I love when you blush Sanem, you're so sweet. Are you ok?
SANEM: "I'm fine very fine ." ( with a shy smile). But I think we should get up and have breakfast.
CAN: "after I take a cold shower "( Sanem can't help but smile)
The afternoon was perfect, Sanem and Can eating relaxing together. Sanem was working on some work for her classes and Can was finishing up some work.
SANEM: Can, I have an idea! I'm going to rite my book about my life in the Mahalle, everything.
CAN: am I in the book?
SANEM: "of course!! You and I are the main characters !"( and she grasps his shirt brings him close and gives him a kiss and they rub there noses together.
All of a sudden they hear the door shut.
EMRE: brother are you home,?"
Sanem and Can just look at each other and smile, it seems that Emre has a guest with him Leyla. The couples are enjoying their time together. They had dinner and laughed when Emre was telling Sanem about all the trouble can use to get into when he was young. Your lying Emre I was a good boy. And they all started laughing. Emre: yes short tempered Can. Some things don't change!!
EMRE: "how about alittle game of soccer, work of the food we ate." Can looks at Sanem and winks at her and says, softly to her, I can think of other ways to work out. And he winks and blows her a kiss. Sanem is smiling and is turning red, he loves to see her like that.
Sanem and Leyla look at them both. And they say can we play against you guys? Emre and Can look at each other and smile.
CAN: "we play kind of ruff, we. Don't want to hurt you."
LEYLA; really, you don't think we can handle it. We did grow up in a tough neighborhood, don't worry we can handle it. Sanem agreed!
So now it's the girls against the guys. Can and Emre were shocked how good they were,. As Sanem is running to get the ball. It seems that Can was alittle too quick for her, two can play at this game. Sanem stops in front of can puts her hands on her hips looks up at him, grabs him gives him a breathtaking kiss, grabs the ball and runs!! She starts yelling, Divit you loose I got a goal!!! The girls are laughing and jumping up and down, Emre couldn't stop laughing, says to Can. She's got you hooked line and sinker!!! Can walks up to Sanem, picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, goes over to the pool, and they jump in together. They all had a good time laughing together and enjoying the rest of the day. After dinner the boys were having a drink hanging out and talking, and the girls were enjoying their time together also. All of a sudden Sanems phone vibrates, she picks it up and again there's someone on the other line, but no one is talking, she says hello , hello is anybody there? Leyla looks at her concerned,
LEYLA: Sanem who was it?"
SANEM: Leyla, I don't know, I have a feeling it's him, who ever it is they called several times. ( then she gets a Text, that says, it's a matter of time) Sanem's eyes go wide, Leyla is concerned,
LEYLA; have you told Can about these phone calls?
SANEM: no, I haven't Leyla, and neither will you. He only knows about the one phone call." and don't you dare tell Emre. I don't want him to worry I'll figure it out. Please promise me.
LEYLA: but Sanem, he could be dangerous, he's threatening you. You can't just let it go.
SANEM: if I get any more calls, I promise I will tell Can. They looked at and agreed, but Leyla was hesitant. She will keep an eye on her to see if she gets any more.
Sanem plays it off well, "I don't think he noticed anything. I hope not". Can saw her answer the phone, he didn't like the look on her face. I'm not going to say anything. I'll keep an eye on her.
The rest of the evening was nice, Leyla spent the night, so they can be together tomorrow again. Leyla was happy she could stay to be near Sanem, she was very worried about her.

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