Chapter 24

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Sanem is still irritated with Ceyda, what is her problem doesn't she know that he's taken, she's very confident, she's the type that she thinks she can get what and whoever she wants. Well, she's in for the big fight.
And the end of the day,Sanem didn't feel like dealing with Can, so she went to have dinner with Leyla. They missed each other a lot throughout the years. Leyla always felt guilt leaving Sanem behind. But there was nothing she could do, she was only 13 and Sanem was 11 when he gave her to her new family. Thank god they were good people,and they raised her in a loving home.
LEYLA: "Sanem, I'm sorry (with tears in her eyes) I couldn't get you out of there, I didn't want to leave you with him. I feel awful. I talked to my parents to try to take you too, but he must of threatened them, because every time I would bring it up, they would get nervous and change the subject. I'm so sorry Sanem."(tears running down her face) tried, I really did. "
SANEM: "Leyla the only person to blame is him. No one else, he's an evil person. I just don't know what he wants from me. He would beat me and be possessive at the same time."and now he's still looking for me"
LEYLA: have you said anything to can about the phone call and text?"
SANEM: "no I haven't , I haven't gotten any more in the last couple of days."any way let's talk about something else."
So they talked and laughed about things that happened in the neighborhood. They missed each other so much. Sanem decided to spend the night at Leylas.
SANEM: "text Emre, and tell him to tell Can that I'm with you and that I'm spending the night with you.
LEYLA: "why don't you tell him?"
SANEM: "because he got on my nerves with The cougar Ceyda today, if CeCe didn't tell me she was in the office today, he wouldn't have said anything."what is it with her she knows Can is with me, and she's still after him" she's like 10 years older than him."that wrinkled up old prune!"
LEYLA: (couldn't stop laughing)"Sanem, Can loves you, but he's a guy, they all like the attention, but it doesn't mean that he will do anything. You can see he cares deeply for you."
SANEM: "so you mean if someone was after Emre, and flirted with him you wouldn't care.?"
LEYLA: he better not, he doesn't know who he's dealing with!!"
SANEM: "I'm glad you're cool about it!"(snickering)
Sanem smiled, thats my conservative Leyla, but not so calm and conservative when it comes to her man.
SANEM: text Emre, Can is getting on my nerves he keeps trying to call me and text me. Let him stew alittle, I'll see him tomorrow at the photo shoot, with the old cougar.(they both laughed ) And went back to leyla's apartment.
Sanem was getting ready for bed, so she decided to call Ahan.
SANEM: "hello Ahan"
Ahan: hello Sanem, I miss you, how are you?"
SANEM: im good, Ahan he keeps calling me do you have any idea how he got my number?he even sent me a text."
AHAN: I don't know Sanem, ( she's thinking how he got her number) wait about a week ago, when we were asleep I had this funny feeling that someone was in the house, at first I thought it was a burglar. But nothing was taken. Sanem. Do you think it was him trying to see if I was hiding you?" I left my phone in the kitchen to charge with Osmans , do think he looked at. It must of been him. He told me he was watching me, he knows how close we are. Oh Sanem. I bet you it was him." I'm so sorry.!!"
SANEM: "Ahan. It's not your fault how would you know that he would come into your home. What does he want from me?"anyway , don't worry, it will be ok. We will see each other soon, but we have to be careful."
Good night.
AHAN: good night
Sanem layed in bed thinking, how am I going to get rid of him. This is starting to worry me, some one is going to get hurt he's getting desperate. All of a sudden her phone pings.
CAN: call me please. I miss you. ( of course she ignored him, ). She will talk to him tomorrow.
In the middle of the night her phone vibrates again, she wakes up and looks at her phone. " I'm getting closer, I saw you with your boyfriend. Don't think that he will stop me from getting to you. Nothing will stop me!"if he knows what's good for him he will stay out of my way!"
Sanem is devastated, is he in danger too. Try to get some sleep Sanem, maybe he's just trying to scare you because of what you did to him. She tried to sleep but no luck.
Put your happy face on Sanem, try not to let him intimidate you. It's another day tomorrow. ( girl you have another fight tomorrow put the jerk behind you and put your fighting gloves on for that cougar Ceyda! )your right thank you!!)

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