Chapter 4 Sanems birthday

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Several weeks have passed by and it was Thursday the day before Sanem's birthday. That morning when she woke up her stepfather was already drunk. As she tried sneak out of the house, he grabs her and throws her on the floor, slaps across the face, and holds her down, he ask her "we're are you going, it's your birthday , tomorrow, so tonight at 12 midnight, you will be 18, an adult, so that means you mine in every way, and it will be your word against mine. Maybe I'll share you with my friends and make some money"or maybe I'll sell you!"

Poor Sanem started fighting trying to get him off. But all he did was hit her punch and hit her again and again, she was bleeding, he tried to tear her clothes off He was so drunk he reaked of alcohol. Sanem pushed him off her ran to her room and locked the door.
She was in so much pain, but she had to think how she will get out of here before midnight.
She started thinking of ways to escape and never come back,. As she slowly opened the door she saw him walking around and swearing but he didn't come to her.

Hours passed being very close to midnight. Sanem hears some commotion outside of her room. Her father starts pounding on the door trying to take it down. He says " your time has come. I'm gonna break the door down and I'm coming in." As he breaks the door down, Sanem tries to fight him off. She pushes him off he is so drunk he can't fight as hard. She runs out of the room, finds a hammer and knocks him over the head.. she stood on top of him shaking, and crying, did I kill him, ?standing there in fear, she's sees him move " I have to get out of here before he wakes up" she goes in his pockets grabs whatever money he had and runs out.

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