Chapter12 Ahans visit

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Today Ahan will be visiting for a couple of days.  I can't wait to see her, but I'm a-little  nervous about what's going on in the neighborhood with my stepdad.   It seems Osman got into it trying to protect me.  My stepdad went back looking for me,  Osman got very angry and very harsh words were exchanged.  
How will this mess be cleaned up, I do know, but something more serious is going on than him just looking for me.
Finally the door bell rings, "Ahan Ahan, I'm coming!!"
Sanem opens the door and sees Ahan and they hug each other crying .
SANEM: "come in Ahan. Are you sure nobody followed you.?"
AHAN:  "yes Sanem, I took all different detours, don't worry, and Osman snuck me out of the house."
Sanem you seem so much happier, you gained some weight back, I'm so happy that this family took you in."
SANEM: "they are wonderful people Ahan, they treat me like one of their own.  But I need to start working. I want to start paying some rent at least.  "
" so tell me what going on in the neighborhood "
AHAN: "Sanem he's desperate to find you. I don't know what's going but these shady men go in and out of the house.   The people in the neighborhood are scared to approach him, they think he might be Mafia."
SANEM: I bet he was pissed when I knocked him on the head and stole his money." That's the best thing I ever did and then coming here." He so creepy, when I was there and he would threaten me it was like he was trying to rape when I was 18, and other times I felt like wanted to make money off of me."
AHAN:  I know, Sanem, a thought came to my head, do you think he was trying to sell you to the highest bidder because you pure, do you think he's a trafficker?
SANEM: "oh my gosh Ahan, I'm pretty sure that's what it is. He's so disgusting. I wish I could stop him some how."
Ahan is watching Sanem she sees the wheels turning in her head, and when Sanem looks like she does now, it could be dangerous. Oh boy Sanem.
As the girls sat around they talked about everything and anything.  
Sanem went to get dinner started with Ahans help, because the guys would be home soon. They decided to bake a chocolate cake, but I think Sanem got more chocolate on her face than in the pan, she loves to lick the bowl.
The guys walked in while there getting ready, Can , Emre, Aziz, stop and stare at Sanem.  With grins on there faces. 
SANEM: "what's wrong why are guys staring at me like that?"
CAN:  you seem to have more chocolate on you face than in the pan" laughing he start wiping it off her face."
Sanem face was  blushing, his touch is so warm.  She's weak in the knees. He so gentle.   She turns away and clears her throat and  starts getting ready to have dinner.
SANEM:  Ahan let me introduce you to Can, Emre and Aziz bey.  I know you saw them once before but now it's more officiall.
They all welcomed Ahan.  And they had a very enjoyable dinner.  Sanem and Ahan would tell funny stories of when they were kids, and how her brother Osman would always get them out of trouble.  They were all laughing,.
SANEM: "thank goodness for Osman, or we would have always been in trouble."Osman is like a brother always looked out for me".
When was listening to Sanem about Osman, he started to feel alittle jealous, "wait were did that come from I never felt that before for anyone " but after she said he was like a brother to her he felt more light hearted.
AHAN:  "I want to thank you all for allowing me to stay with you for a couple of days, I really missed Sanem.  I was worried about her, but I see she's doing well. Thank you for taking care of my sister."
Later that evening they all went to bed, except for Ahan and Sanem.  They sat up all night talking and laughing outside under the stars.
Can got up to get some water, and heard the girls giggling.  It's so nice to see her laughing.   And he hears Ahan "girl that Can Divit is hot. Sanem smiled and said  "I know "with a dreamy look on her face.  
Sanem: stop staring at me like that, you have to be dead not to see how handsome he is."  Let's get back to my stepdad. I'm sure he's looking for me and I'm worried he's going to catch up with me sooner or later.  When you get back to the neighborhood let me know if you hear anything." Because if he finds me, I need to figure out how am I going to protect can, Emre, and Aziz.
AHAN: Will do Sanem, you can count on me.
Can was smiling listening to Sanem, it made him happy to hear her smiling and laughing and that she likes him.  But when he heard her about that idiot, it woke up the beast in him.  I need to protect her , don't worry Sanem , I won't let anything happen to you.

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