Chapter 25

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Can couldn't believe that Sanem would not answer her phone, or even text him. He's not sure what he did wrong.
I know Ceyda irritates her, but she has to understand that I have to be nice, we need the business and it's a big account.
Hopefully she will be ok at the photo shoot, she's been working very hard at work and at home, she doesn't stop. Maybe she's just tired.
Sanem was already at the shoot when Can came in.  
CAN: "good morning Sanem,"
SANEM: "good morning Can."
CAN: "are you ok,? why wouldn't you talk to me yesterday, if I did something wrong, I'm sorry. 
SANEM; "here comes the problem right now.  ( looking at Ceyda) Let me ask you this, if CeCe, didn't tell that old lady was in your office would you have told me?"
CAN: "of course I would, but there isn't really nothing to tell.  She came in to talk about the account and the shoot.  ( he takes her hands and kisses them and caresses her cheek). Sanem I would never do anything to hurt you, trust me."
SANEM: she didn't keep touching you and try to make you go out with her." Can, I know how she works, I might be young and inexperienced but I am not stupid"
Maybe it's me, you're my first boyfriend and for me my last. You have had many girlfriends and I don't want to be another statistic."
CAN:  yes, I might have had other girls friends, but no one else has touched my heart like you have."
She smiles, scratches his beard, and gives him a soft kiss on the lips.  "Good answer Can Divit!"
Here comes Ceyda, right in between them, "Caaan,"
Gives him kiss on each cheek, he pulls away and she ignores Sanem.
CAN: "Sanem sorry she very aggressive,"
SANEM: "I know, don't worry. Her time will come, (can smiles) and says " I have no doubt "
The shoot went well, except for her being a pain and trying to change everything and wouldn't leave Can's side, you can tell she was trying to irritate Sanem. 
After the shoot, she asked Can about taking pictures of her,.
CAN: "I forgot Ceyda, we don't have much time, everyone is tired and wants to get home."
CEYDA: that's ok we won't take long let's go outside ."
SANEM: not a good idea. By the time we set up it would take to long."
CAN: I agree!"
CEYDA: Will the lighting be good in here.  I want these pictures to be perfect."
SANEM: "don't worry Ceyda, Can is a professional , none of your aged wrinkles will show, and whatever shows up I can photoshop them, you will look 10 years younger!"
Can was covering his mouth trying not to laugh out loud, Sanem just sat there with a straight face.  And Ceyda , if looks could kill.
Can took pictures of Ceyda, she was posing like a model actually a bad model.  Can and Sanem were both secretly snickering,  after they were done Sanem deleted the pictures, Ceyda got so mad.  And accused her of deleting them on purpose, can said sometimes it happens"  I will see if I can recover them when I have time."
Can and Sanem went to mihribans farm to have dinner with Aziz and Mihriban. Can and Sanem loved the farm, they are big nature lovers .  A little later Emre and Leyla showed up do hang out. The men were having there drinks and the girls were drinking there wine, 
It's seems the girls had a-little too much to drink and were laughing and singing out loud.  They decided to put music on so they can dance with there men.
The guys are getting a kick out of them. 
SANEM:  "Caaaan , dance with me pleeease."
CAN:  Sanem don't you think you had enough.
SANEM: "no way Can Divit , now get up and dance with me." Can gets up and start slow dancing with Sanem.
SANEM: "you know Can, I can never really ever handle alcohol, I get drunk veeeery easy."
CAN: I can see that , let me take you home so you can sleep it off.
SANEM: "no way!! I just want you to hold me Can, I just love you so much,  please don't ever leave me. "
CAN:  "my one and only,  that will never happen Sanem"
She's ready to fall asleep and lays her head on his chest, and he hears her say.  "Can I won't let him hurt you I promise." What is she saying, has been in contact with her.? I'll have to ask her in the morning.
Sanem wakes up with a bad hangover her head is hurting, and nausea.   Can tries to help, he gives her water and aspirin, tells her to go back to sleep.  "Feel better my love I have to go to work, stay home and rest." You can come later if you feel better. " I'm sorry Can.  Did I say and do anything stupid last night"
CAN: not at all. Actually you were very cute!"
SANEM:  "well I don't feel very cute". ( he gives her a kiss and goes to work.)
Volkan bey ( the detective)calls Can,  " Can, it's seems, that he's working for a trafficker, I have a feeling Sanem was promised to someone and he never delivered her.  And now they threatening him.  He's desperate. 
CAN: what!! Are sure?
Volkan: "yes Can, I'm still investigating. I'm sure there is more that I need to find out. That poor girl made it out of there just in time, and found you, god is definitely on her side."
CAN; "yes, he his!! thank you Volkan keep me posted."
Damn, I'll kill him if he comes near her. Poor Sanem.  She never talks much about her life with him.  She's been through so much.  And she still has a positive outlook on life.  She is definitely special. I will let Emre and my dad know, this way we can all keep an eye on her.

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