Chapter 18

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This morning I sent everything to Volkan bey( private investigator) about Sanems past and her stepfather. Hopefully he can come up with something to get rid of him.

CAN: "Good Morning princess, how are you this beautiful morning.?"
SANEM: "Good Morning my prince, I feel wonderful.
I see you made breakfast this morning Can. Thank you."
Can kisses her cheek softly and says, "anything for you my love". Of course Sanem, is turning beat red.
No one had ever made her feel this special. I love this man.
CAN: "Sanem today the Compass people are coming to see what we came up with are you ready.?"
SANEM: "yes, but I have to tell you I'm very nervous, do you think Deran can present it to them, I don't think I can do it."
CAN: Sanem, I know you can do this, I will be right there next to you, and father too. You got this. I know you do."
Sanem was ok, Can makes her feel like she can do anything.
SANEM: "ok , let's go."
As they walked into the office? They noticed everyone was quiet. Can and Sanem walked in Aziz's office, saw him stressed leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed.
CAN: "dad what happened."
AZIZ: "can I have to warn you, Huma is in town, and she is not going to make it easy for you and Emre."
Can's mother left them when they were young, never turned back to look at her children. But every time something or someone enters her children's lives she loves to but in or when she needs money. " we had a big argument Can, I kicked her out of the office and told her not to come back. But knowing her she still won't stop. She's up to something. She must be running out of money " in the meantime Emre entered the office.
EMRE: "dad do you think she heard about Leyla and I and Can and Sanem." Sanem looked at Emre, Leyla and Emre? There together too? Leyla never said anything, then again we really haven't been by ourselves either. I'm so happy, two sisters 2 brothers. I can't believe it. I'm so happy. But this Huma seems to be putting a damper on everything.
CAN: and EMRE:: don't worry dad, Huma won't get to us we know how to handle her.
The creative team is in the conference room preparing for compass. Sanem And Can are next to each, smiling and holding hands and stealing little kisses with each other. The team seems to like what they see, they love Can and have grown quite fond of Sanem, especially CeCe.
DERAN: ok team let me introduce you too the compass team, this Ceyda and her father .
Ceyda walks in like she owns the place, and shakes hands with everyone, and looks at Can, takes his hand, but doesn't let go. And it looks like she flirting.
Sanem is looking at her sideways (with her eye brow arched and her arms crossed over her chest.)is this woman for real. Watch out Ceyda, I protect what's mine, and Can is off limits. What a piranha!!
Can is feeling uncomfortable, she is very forward, I have to put a stop to this nicely, because if I don't, I don't know how Sanem will take it , and if I know my girl, she will let her have it. !!
CAN: "Ceyda, this is my girl friend Sanem."(he put her arm around Sanem 's shoulder) Sanem just stared at can with a huge smile. But it doesn't seem that Ceyda heard a word he said , she gave Sanem a dirty look and put her hand on Can's arm. Can is feeling uncomfortable, looks at CeCe, and has him sit between him and Ceyda. Ceyda is not happy, but to bad deal with it. Sanem is thinking good move Divit!!

The meeting went well, the presentation was exceptional, they got the account!!! As they were leaving. Ceyda says to Can, " Can let's have drinks and dinner together tomorrow night we can get to know each better " Sanem looks at her ready to pull out that curly red hair of hers.
CAN: I'm sorry Ceyda, I have plans with my Girlfriend, and when I do business dinners and lunches, it's with my Girlfriend and my team. Not one on one with the client. (Ceyda is fuming, but trying not to show it)
CEYDA: "ok can, we will see."she gives Sanem a death glare, but Sanem doesn't back down. Don't mess with me Ceyda you don't know who you're dealing with. I might be a softie but when it comes to my man and to people who are important to me I'm very protective.
Ceyda, looks at Sanem and knows she's in for a fight. It's like Sanem and Ceyda are reading each other's minds. But I always get what I want. Can will be mine. Keep dreaming piranha!!
Can was watching Sanem after the meeting, she seemed far away,
CAN: "Sanem are you ok?"
SANEM: no Can I'm not ok, who the hell does she think she is putting her hands on you, she lucky I didn't grab her hand a break it!!!" ( Sanem gets up and starts walking back and forth) she's very irritated.
"Can, do you think she's pretty, I mean she looks like a model, expensive clothing, long legs, elegant. I mean would she be someone that you would have went out with?"
CAN: "Sanem, you are more beautiful than her, in every way, you legs , your face, your butt(he winks) I like watching your butt when you walk away. ( and he smiles that seductive look) She has nothing over you. You're more beautiful in every way. And no I hate women like her, I don't like when women are pushy like her. When she took my hand , she made my skin crawl., so don't ever think less off your self your everything I want and more."
SANEM: "yes but Polen is just like her.
CAN: "yes she is but Polen and I knew each other from high school. And then we hooked up in college, friends with benefits, and she knew it. She was an easy lay when I would come back from photo shoots and I was stressed. And I made it clear to her that it Will never be more than that. SANEM you are everything I want, nothing will ever change that. You are my future. These feelings I have I've never felt them before. Your mine.!! When I see other men looking at you, I want tear them to shreds. This all knew to me to. For the first time I want to build a life and family and all with you. I love you Sanem.!"
SANEM: "good answer Can Divit!! Now I don't have to beat you up!!"( he laughs and hugs her and kisses her softly) Can, (he looks at her with a soft smile) I love you too..

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