Chapter 10

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Meeting with the CEO of compass sports, who is an older man the owner , probably in his 60's intelligent, friendly and professional.  He told us that he and his daughter usually work together but she is away for a couple of months, but when she gets back they will work together.  "Well gentleman, I enjoyed are meeting together, hopefully we will be able to work together.   Show me what you got! See you next week!!  

CAN:  "well dad that went pretty well"
EMRE: definitely!! The numbers on this account are incredible. 
AZIZ:  ok boys tomorrow we start brain storming!! Can contact Deran fill her, have CeCe sit in also, his brain works alittle differently, he might be able to help ". Ok let's get home and get some rest."
Can's phone rings, Polen? What the hell does she want now.   I've know Polen since high school, now she's in London working as a Physicist, I would hook up with her when I would come back from a photography shoot or when she was in town, Friends with benefits.  But lately she's been getting pretty clinging, I haven't seen her in several months. But I don't want to be mean, but I'm not interested in being more than friends with benefits. but she definitely wants more.  I need to break it to her slowly that we will be just friends nothing more, we will see how that goes.  Lately the last several weeks my mind has been elsewhere, on alittle spitfire named Sanem, she's so different, always bouncing around house with a smile on her face, and alittle clumsy, I love how she makes fun of herself when she trips over her own feet. she's seems so relaxed and happy since we found her in our back yard that day.  Every day is different with her, very intelligent,, and very Pretty, but she doesn't know it .  She doesn't even try to be something she's not, She is who she is. But I think her mind is not where I am, maybe eventually it could be, baby steps Can, baby steps.
Emre on the other hand also seems preoccupied, with his beautiful blue eyed assistant.   My brother the playboy, not that I'm any better, who would have thought, Emre would fall for a simple girl. I guess I could say the same about me. 
It was pretty late by the time we got home, my brother and father went to bed, I decided to have a glass of whiskey and go sit outside on the patio.   Sitting outside with her laptop is Sanem, looking at the sky, daydreaming.  She looks like she's  deep in thought.  I wonder if everything is ok.  
CAN:  Sanem, is everything ok, you look like your far away, somewhere else.  
SANEM:  I'm ok, just thinking of a lot of things, how things have changed for me, how I found myself with new family, (Can gives her a warm smile,  which makes her heart flutter) and I'm applying for classes.  But a what pain this is, even applying for scholarships.  My brain is fried.(she laughs). Maybe that's a good thing ( and they both laugh).
CAN:  maybe I could help, I've had some experience in applying for college applications, come on let's see were your at.
They sit there together filling out all the forms on line, laughing and joking around together.   When they were done, they just stared at each other, and all of a sudden.
SANEM: Caaan! caaan!, I have a great idea!! Your in the gym a lot, rite! Can you teach me self defense? pleeeease?
(Sanem just staring at Can with her eyes wide open, and a huge smile on her face, from ear to ear, waiting to hear the answer)
CAN:  "Sanem, it's a lot off hard work, I would be very tuff on you. I don't know if you can handle it "
SANEM: Can Divit! Do you think I'm weak,!!do you think I can't handle it!! I'm a lot tuffer than you think!! How dare you!! just because I'm a girl you think I'm weak? And i can't keep up!!! Wow!! CAN DIVIT!!!
Can is just starting at her with a little smirk on his face, he's really enjoying this little rant of hers.
CAN:  ok Sanem, be ready tomorrow morning at 6 am, we're going to the gym together, .  Besides when you use my full name, CAN DIVIT. Like that, you are kind of scary. 
They both looked at each other and bursted out laughing,. 
SANEM: game on Divit!! See tomorrow at 6am!!! Good night!!
CAN: good night ( my little spitfire!) can't wait to get you in the ring!
Sanem just turned around and looked at him , the ring? what's he talking about? She shrugged it off and went to bed, With a huge smile on her face.

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