Chapter 9

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"Ahan,, it's Sanem"!  
Ahan: ,  Sanem! Sanem!" I can't believe it's you, are you ok, we're are you!! Osman and I are so worried about you ? I looked everywhere for you, are you ok??"
Sanem: Ahan calm down I'm fine, where are you , please don't let anyone hear you talking to me, he can't find me, if he finds me i don't what I will happen."
Ahan:  Sanem, after you left he went nuts, that man is crazy, his eyes looked like he was possessed,  he is not going to stop, he wants you to pay.   And it looks like he has some sleezy goons helping him. I don't know  Sanem, maybe you should go to the police?"
Sanem: and what's that gonna do? How can I prove how he treated me? And what he wanted to do to me. Who's going to believe me with no proof even my own neighborhood didn't stick up for me when they saw me with all those bruises. Maybe the people in the neighborhood were scared to help maybe they were threatened, I don't know. Who are these men that are helping him? this seems much bigger than what it is."
AHAN; I don't know Sanem, but he came to me pushed me aside to see if you were here, thank god that Osman , wasn't here because I'm sure they would have fought. Your big brother (Osman) is also worried about you."
SANEM:  "I  have to figure out something, but how with out getting more people involved. we will see, anyway do you want to come and visit me? "
AHAN: "where are you?"
SANEM:  do you remember that beautiful home that we tried to steal the food?" As Sanem explained everything what happened, they started making plans to spend some time together.  
SANEM:  Ahan, whatever you do, you must be very careful that nobody sees where you are going.  Because if he finds me forget it I'm done.   I don't even think that he would think of finding me in this part of Istanbul."
The girls wished each other well, and made plans for a Ahan to come within the next couple of days.

What am I going to do, if he finds  me? He might even hurts the Divit men.  And who are these other men that are helping him look for me?.  I might have to get my self a job to make some money so I can leave.  
I can't think about this rite now, push it out of your head Sanem. Go back to applying to online classes.

Divit men at the office.
Can, Emre, and Aziz, have a new client today, a very big client.   Compass sports.
CAN:  "
dad if we get this client it will boost our company to the top of advertising company, this week bring us a lot more business"
EMRE: absolutely, from the financial part of it, it will definitely benefit us!"
AZIZ: ok boys let's put are heads together and see what we come up with. 

This my first time writing anything, hopefully it I'll be a decent read. 

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