Chapter 26

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Good morning CeCe, more like good afternoon Sanem, Can bey said you weren't feeling well. I'm much better CeCe, thank you!
SANEM: is Can in his office? CECE: yes he's in a meeting with his father and Emre.
SANEM: ok I will go see him later. Deran is pretty quiet today. What happened?
CECE: Who knows maybe she didn't have her coffee yet. They have a new client coming in today maybe she's nervous because he's very rich and he owns a very big perfume company.. she wants the account because we need it. With Deran you never know. ( they both laughed )
SANEM: ok, I'll be on the file room working, let me know when Can is done.
Can, asked Sanem to come to the office. CAN: hi my love, how are you feeling?
SANEM: much better, and he gives her a small peck on her cheek, and grabs her and sits her on his lap.)
CAN; mmmm you smell so good, I always meant to ask you what perfume you are wearing.
SANEM: ahh Can Bey, that is my personal creation, my grandmother handed down the recipe, and I make it myself.
CAN; really, wow , that smell is amazing, I always wanted to ask you what scent you had on. Wear it all the time, I love smelling your neck. ( and he nuzzles in her neck. Sanem, yesterday when you were intoxicated, ( he gives her a big grin) by the way you are adorable when you're drunk.. ( she just smirked)You said something that made me wonder , you said to me don't worry Can I won't let anything happen to you. What was that about?
SANEM: I don't know, I don't remember what I said ( she new very well what it was but didn't want to worry him) Can new that she wasn't telling the truth, but he has a feeling that it has to do with her stepfather. I'll let her go for now,
CAN: we have a new client coming in Mr. Fabri, I want you in the meeting with me because you have a creative mind and I need you by my side.
SANEM; ok Can Bey call me when he comes.. I'll go finish my work. (CANs present for his Birthday)
CAN: you can finish here with me, you always work here in my office.
SANEM: yes I do but I have some things to look for in old files, I won't be long.
Sanem is so excited for his birthday. She has plans of making him a nice dinner, and giving him a memory book with pictures and things from places they have been to together.( she had the biggest smile on her face, she's beaming) Can, can see that she's up to something, so let her do what she has to do. He kisses her taps her on her butt, and he's looking at her butt as she's walking out. Sanem: Can your bad. And she laughs and runs out.
Sanem went into the conference room, were Can and his father and brother were, with the new client.
SANEM: good afternoon Fabri bey, it's nice to meet you. ( takes her hand and kisses it? While looking in her eyes. Sanem is feeling very uncomfortable, and pulls her hand back, thanks him and says it's nice to meet you also. Can, doesn't like the way Fabri , is looking at her. But keeps quiet, can has Sanem sit on the other side of him. So she won't sit by Fabri,)
FABRI: Sanem, I can't help it, your perfume smells exquisite. What do you have on? ( mean while Can is seeing red. I hope she doesn't tell him)
SANEM: it's special, my grandmother made for me, I don't know what she put in it, all I know is I love the smell, and I wear all the time.
FABRI: maybe your grandmother will be willing to share her recipe?
SANEM; I doubt it, she's a very private person. ( Can, was so proud of her good answer my love, they look at each other and they know exactly what the other is thinking.)
FABRI: that's a shame , if she ever changes her mind come and see me.
The meeting went well. They got the account, and everybody was happy. Sanem was feeling uncomfortable with him, but she's not gonna be friends with him just work associates with Can by her side.
FABRI: Sanem, would you join me for dinner? We can discuss the account more.
SANEM: I'm sorry, Fabri bey, but I'm having dinner with my boyfriend Can. Thank you for the invitation.
FABRI: i'm sorry I didn't realize that you were a couple my apologies , well then, we will speak again to see what you come up with. Thank you for your time. Goodbye..
Sanem, kept thinking about Fabri, it's seems strange, his name seems familiar. Maybe it's a common Italian name , who know best not keep thinking about it.
That night, Sanem had made arrangements with Aziz and Emre, so she can have the house to themselves, so she can make a nice dinner for Can's Birthday. She told Can she had to leave alittle early, because she wanted to look for a dress for the compass launch party,
Sanem was already for Can, she had a beautiful strapless red long dress on that hugged every curve of her body, She curled her long hair , that layed on her shoulders some light makeup and she was ready.
Can walks into the dining area calling Sanem, he sees her standing there with a candle lit table. And a Happy Birthday sign on the mantle of the fire place.
Can, is looking at her surprised but with loving eyes,
CAN: how did you know it was my birthday ?
SANEM: I have my ways. ( and smiles at him) Happy Birthday my love!! I'm glad you were born, I hope you like what I did ( she was so nervous)
Can just looks at her walks over to her and looks at her up and down, loving what he's sees, and says Sanem Ayden , I am more than pleased. (Devouring her with his eyes) I love you? My life. And by the way you look hot!! He wraps his arms around her and kisses her with the most passionate kiss. Sanem is loving it, they can't get enough of each other. Can is caressing her back her hips, her butt, she's getting hot , she's feeling things in her lower half that feel weird and good at the same time, and she feels Can getting harder as he presses her against him. Finally they both pull apart,
CAN: "Sanem my love I'm sorry I got carried away."
SANEM: "don't feel bad I enjoyed everything". ( she's all red and shy) can is holding her hand and kisses it. And says. Sanem I want you more than you can imagine, but I want you when you're ready, I will wait for you as long as you want. ( I hope not to long) I don't want you to feel rushed. When we make love it will be beautiful."
SANEM: ( smiles in a daze) "yes it will be beautiful Caaan"thank you for being patient."
So they decide to sit down and have dinner and wine. They laughed alot, they always are so comfortable around each other.
Sanem gave can his present, when he opened the book he looked up at her, and said "I can't believe how you kept everything, even the first chocolate I bought you."
Sanem this by far is the best gift I ever ever received, thank you, ( he was emotional, he couldn't believe how she put all there memories of 6 months together in one book with little poems next to them).
Sanem Ayden you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, you are like no one I ever know. I love you so much!!! And gives her kiss and just keeps hugging her.
She's so happy to see him enjoying her gift , she knew he loves things from the heart not material things.

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