Chapter 47

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The  doctors had Sanem in the ER for a while. Can was nervous, waiting outside in the waiting room,
Emre and Leyla along with Miriban, and Aziz were waiting with Can.
Sanem just wanted to see Can.  And the doctors kept poking at her.     DOCTOR:  "Sanem, did Fabri touch or force you to do anything you didn't want to do, did he rape you."
SANEM:  "my God no!! thank god,  he just slapped me and I fell on the ground, and I was bet up by his three goons."
DOCTOR: I'm sorry I have to ask you these questions, we just have to make sure, because we would be running different tests if that was the case.  we're going take some x-rays run some bloodwork to make sure everything's OK so you don't have any internal bleeding"
SANEM: "ok Doctor, can I see Can please."
DOCTOR: "yes just for a couple of minutes.  We will keep you in for the night to make sure you're OK, we will take you to a private room once everything is done here in the ER and then everyone can visit you there. How's that sound?."
SANEM;  sounds good to me thank you!!
CAN: "how are you feeling?"  SANEM. I'm ok, I have some pain but other wise I'm good. 
SANEM: "Can, I can't believe it was Fabri , Ahmet was working for, when I was a little girl I remember him coming around, but I never paid attention. I only remember the name because it was Italian."
CAN: "I know bebek, I called Metin to check up on Achia, to see if she was involved and if she knew anything about the kidnapping,  because then she would be facing some jail time also."
SANEM: "You know what I want, do you think Miriban, would let me stay on the farm for a couple of days to recover, it's so relaxing there ."
CAN: I'm sure she will, she's in the waiting room with my father, Eme  and Leyla. I'll talk to her when I go back into the waiting room."
The doctors went back in, to examine Sanem, and Can went back in to the waiting room.
DOCTOR: "ok Sanem, we're going to move you to your room, so far everything looks good, we're just waiting on some test results, but I think everything will be okay."
I will let your family know what room you're in ."
SANEM: "Thank you doctor!"

Everyone was happy to see Sanem was in good Spirits, they stayed for awhile and saw that she was getting tired.  So they left.  Can stayed with her, he wants to spend the night.  But she told him to go home pack some of her things so she could spend a couple of days at Miribans when she gets out of the hospital.
SANEM: "and make sure you bring me a change of clothes for tomorrow ,for when I leave here and my toothbrush, hairbrush you know everything I need to clean up,"
CAN: "are you sure you don't want me to stay? It's not a problem."
SANEM:  "Can, I promise I'm fine. Go get some rest and come tomorrow morning with breakfast"
He kisses her good night, and goes home to rest ,
It's been a long emotional day.
Emre and Leyla, we're watching TV when he got home.
EMRE: how is Sanem?"     CAN:  "she's good, I don't know how she does it.  Either she's covering up how's she's feeling very well, or she will break, when reality sets in."
LEYLA:  "Sanem has always been like that Can, she was always strong, she would always try to find good out of a bad situation. I remember when he would beat her , I would be in my room crying listening to her crying and begging him to stop.  ( Leyla is crying) I would feel guilty because he was hitting her and not me, Then I would go into her room and hold her and we would cry together." And she would say to me don't worry Leyla, he's a sick man, one day we will get out of here, and our prince's  will find us and we will live happily forever. now I know why he didn't hit me because his plan was to give me away." Sell me actually. Can Sanem was always a dreamer, I think that's what helped her.  And look at you two, I guess dreams come true, your her prince.  Sanem's heart is golden Can, she always tries to see the good in everything, but if you piss her off, well as you know, that's another story.!!" And they all started laughing.
Metin called can and told him when Sanem gets home he wants to talk to her, she will probably have to go to court. 
CAN: does she have, she's been through so much. I don't want her reliving everything, I want her to move on. 
METIN: Can. She has too, I really want to stick it to these guys, especially her stepfather, that guy needs to spend the rest of his life in prison along with Fabri.
All that abuse for years, he has to pay!
CAN: okay Metin, but try to give her a couple of days to recover.  We will be on Miribans farm for a couple days.
METIN: okay. Talk to you soon!!"
Meanwhile Sanem, was laying in bed, crying, thinking about everything that happened to her within the last 24 hours and whole her life. But she knew now, her dream from a little girl came true, she met her prince, and he saved her. 
Think positive Sanem, only good things from now on, for her and Can.   I love you Can Divit good night.
CAN:  I love you Sanem Ayden, good night!

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