Chapter 37

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Can and Sanem went home that afternoon, they got the grill going, can was cooking some steaks and grilled vegetables, and Sanem was making a salad and some rice in the kitchen. They were eating dinner laughing and enjoying each other's company.
CAN: "Sanem put your swim suit on, we're going swimming."
SAMEM: "ok, let's clean up real quick. And I'll change."
Sanem was excited, because she bought a new thong bikini bathing suit, she can't wait to see his reaction. If I'm going to compete with other women I might as well make him want me. But what happens if he doesn't like what he sees, your such idiot Sanem, he's had so many beautiful woman. You nothing compared to them. ( girl, what are you a saying, go put that bikini on he's going to love it!! Now get!!) finally my voice of reason.
Sanem comes out, Can is already in the pool, she takes of her cover up, Can looks at her, wow I've never seen her with such little clothes on, she's beautiful. Can is getting hard just looking at her. Sanem, is very shy and embarrassed, he's just staring at her, why isn't he saying anything? He probably doesn't like what he sees, how stupid Sanem. He sees her getting figity, comes out of the pool, looks at her says, " I've never in my life seen anything more beautiful than you Sanem"you take my breath away".
SANEM: really Can? ( with unshed tears in her eyes)
CAN; "Sanem, I wish you could see what I see, I want to be inside you so bad that it hurts".(he smiles and she looks down, her eyes widened and she blushes and puts her face into his neck, Can's loving it he hugs her and kisses her, picks her up and jumps in the pool with her. Both laughing, Sanem, trying to run from him and splashing him she turns and runs out of the pool. Can looks at her but and of course loves what he sees, and notices a tattoo.
CAN: Sanem, what's that tattoo on you but cheeks?
He starts running after her , grabs her and they both fall on the ground laughing, " Sanem, what's that tattoo on that beautiful ass of yours, she turns over and he sees a Phoenix bird on her ass. He smiles, and says to her "when did you get that?"
SANEM: "when I noticed your albatross on your chest, the first time I saw you come out of the pool, I knew then that I was your Phoenix. Albatross is my favorite bird and you remind me of him of free spirit, a traveler."
Can kissed her passionately, she gave in, he was feeling her up and down, squeezing her ass, her breast. Kissing her breast on top of her suit, kissing her phoenix tattoo. They pull away from each other. And look in each other's eyes.
SANEM: "I gather that you like the Tattoo, maybe I'll get one on the other cheek, maybe a tattoo of a picture of you" she starts giggling and he starts tickling her, they couldn't stop laughing. Finally they sat up and looked at each, he softly caresses her cheek. And says, my love are you ready to talk? She nods her head yes.
CAN: "Sanem I want you to know, I swear. Nothing happened between Polen and I, I have no feelings for her I never did. The feelings I have for you, I've never felt for anyone" "I go to sleep thinking of you and I wake up thinking of you and even when I'm sleeping I'm dreaming of you, this for me is all new and I'm sorry if I made mistakes, I never meant to hurt you.
SANEM: "when I saw you both together, sitting close to each other talking about old times and about mutual friends , laughing together, and about the good times that you had together. And then going out to lunch together and not even asking me to go with you. I was devastated and then when you went out that night together at the bar, supposedly to meet a friend I felt like there was a knife going through my heart Can.! I was so hurt. Do you know what it's like Can, to watch your boyfriend being cozy with his supposedly X girlfriend. Knowing that they made love together, that you touched her and kissed her all over her body like you were doing to me right now, and even more. And then the pictures of her so close to you and walking into her apartment together. Can, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die.!(tears streaming down her face) then all I kept thinking, why would he want me, when he can have beautiful sexy mean old Polen! ( he smiles slightly wiping the tears from her cheeks) How would you have felt if I did that with goofy Yigit, or Fabri.
CAN: "first of all, I would have killed both of them!!!" Being jealous Sanem is something new to me, I've never been jealous of anyone before."they both smile .
"Sanem, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize how you felt, you should have said something. I assumed that you didn't want to go with us because I knew you didn't like Polen. Sanem, I want you to know that, I never made love with Polen, or with any other woman. ( she looks at him confused) It was just sex. That's all, because I was never in love with any of them, with her it was always cold, and the others, it's was just to get a release and done. I don't how to explain it any better."they meant nothing to me".
SANEM: "Can, I saw these girls you went out with on line, these models, they were beautiful"
CAN: first they weren't all my girl friends and second you know how the paparazzi is, I'm young single and a famous photographer. So they make up stories to make there news look more interesting. Sanem, you are beautiful!! They can't match up to you. You are the most beautiful, amazing woman I have ever met. Your strong , smart, and your beautiful heart. My god Sanem it's like you glow from the inside out. Other women see this and they're jealous of you. And Polen knew that that's why she didn't like you.
Sanem. Looked at Can , embarrassed and shy, caressed his beard, and kissed him.
SANEM: "I think you got enough brownie points to last you a lifetime Can Divit ".(They both laughed and hugged each other)ok Can topic closed. I believe you. I love you more than you can Imagine. You know you're my first boyfriend . (She put her head down playing with her hands) you will be my first and last everything, I could never love anyone like I love you."
I know you had many girlfriends, I'm inexperienced in many ways. I hope you can be patient with me Can."
CAN: "Sanem, I might have had girlfriends before , but you're the first to capture my heart, no one has ever made feel what I feel for you. You my life, are my first and last love. You are embedded in my heart and soul."
Sanem cried in Cans arms, after a while they layed on the lounger and fell asleep in each other's arms. Both very content just being together.

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