Chapter 41

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It's about a month and a half that Can left.  Yigit packed up and left, it seems Metin, had a few words with him. And sent him packing back to Canada.
Sanem was so happy he was gone.  He even decided to cancel the contract so she can have all the profits to herself.  And because her book is number one on the top seller list , she has a lot money coming in.  She now has a new publisher, Burke, is a nice older man.  Can had called him.  And he will be working with Sanem from now on.   He even sold her book to the US.   She's so excited, she can't wait to celebrate with Can when he gets home.
It was a busy day, here at the agency, Fabri's launch was coming up. Can't wait to get this over with.  Fabri keeps looking at me, I don't like it, and he keeps asking about the perfume, and the answer is always no. He's such a pest.

It was a long day , so they just got pizza and ate and relaxed out by the pool.
All of a sudden she receives another text, this time a picture of Ahan.  " I wonder if you would show yourself if I had Ahan"
She goes in the house and calls Ahan. 
SANEM:  Ahan are you ok?    AHAN:  yes, why?
SANEM; "I thought he had you he sent me a picture of you."
AHAN:  "what! I haven't seen him since last time we talked." He hasn't even been in the neighborhood."
SANEM: " Really? That's strange."  I don't know Ahan, be careful, don't leave Osman's side, ok, please!"
AHAN; "don't worry, my sister, he's probably trying to scare you.  I'll let you know if I hear anything."
They said there good nights .  And Sanem went to bed, but she couldn't sleep.  " maybe Can, is awake. 
CAN: Sanem,, how are you,  it's late is everything ok?"
SANEM: "I just missed the sound of your voice Can, I really miss you."
CAN: I miss you too bebek, you look worried are you sure everything is ok?"SANEM:  "I'm fine Can, next time I'm coming with you.  I'm miss everything about you."2 more weeks and your home.!!" I can't wait."
They talked for Alittle while longer and hung up.  Can is worried, something is wrong, I'll call Emre in the morning.  I didn't want to tell Sanem that I will back in 2 day.  I want to surprise her. 
Can didn't get much sleep.  He texted Emre in the morning and told him to call him when he's bye himself. 
About an hour later Emre calls Can.  EMRE:  "What's up brother, how are you? Everything ok?.
CAN:  I'm ok, listen Emre, Sanem called me last night , she looked , worried, upset.  Is something wrong?
EMRE: You know I noticed that the last couple of days she's alittle off.  I asked her if she's ok, and Leyla tried to talk to her.  But she won't say." She just says , she's tired, and she misses you. She's been talking to Ahan alot, but they always keep in touch."
CAN: ok, listen I'm coming home tomorrow night, but don't tell Sanem I want to surprise her.
EMRE: that's great brother!! She will be so happy.!! I'll have your car at the airport, we will be here waiting for you."
CAN : "and thank you for looking out for her, I owe you
EMRE: Can, stop we all love Sanem, you know that, she's become my sister I would do anything for her." Listen have a safe trip and see tomorrow."
CAN: "thanks see you soon!"
Sanem, was in Cans office when, Fabri came in, and right behind him was Emre. She loves Emre, he's like a big overprotective brother. 
SANEM: Fabri bey, what can I do for you.  
FABRI: Sanem my dear I came to talk to you again about your grandmother's recipe, have you said anything to her.
SANEM: "fabri bey, I'm sorry the answer is no, I don't know what else to tell you! You keep insisting, but the answer will not change.  I'm sorry."
Sanem was looking deep into his eyes, she didn't like what she saw. A chill ran down her spine.  This man won't stop until he gets what he wants.
FABRI:  please keep trying, it will be towards both our benefits if she sells me the formula. 
SANEM: "ok I'll try "
He thanks her and walks out of the office.
Emre looks at Sanem, " did you talk to your grandmother?
SANEM:  " no , there's no phone connection six feet under ground. And she looks at Emre with a twinkle in her eye, and for a second he looks confused. And turns to look at her and starts laughing.
They ended the day early, Aziz, went to the farm. And Sanem, Leyla and Emre went down to the pier to eat.
Sanem always loved looking out into water, it always gave her peace. 
Across the pier, Ahmet is sitting there with another man. And the other man is very angry at him. 
AHMET:  look Enzo, I'm having a hard time locating her, it's like she disappeared, I'm trying. I saw her a couple of times with her boyfriend from far and that guys a beast.
ENZO:  she has a boyfriend, I told you how I wanted her. 
AHMET: believe me when you see her you won't care if she not pure, she's a beauty. Sanem was always beautiful. 
ENZO: "what's her name?" AHMET: "it's Sanem, Sanem Ayden."
Sanem Ayden, she's been under my nose this whole time, and I didn't even know it.   This is a game changer. Enzo had a big smile on his face. Maybe I can have the best of both worlds.   Perfume and Sanem.
ENZO: Ahmet, change of plans, I'll contact you when I'm ready,  I will tell you where and when you will bring her to me., I know exactly where she is.  And don't ask  me any questions. Now get out of here.
Can Divit and Sanem, isn't that interesting.

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