Chapter 35

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That day at the agency, Can received a email, from the magazine he works for. They want him to go Africa for a couple of months, to get pictures of remote villages and the people living there, And he would have to leave in a week if he takes the job. This is such a bad time, I really don't want this now, but if it's not this one it will be somewhere else, maybe being away even longer. "I have to talk to Sanem."
DERAN: "Can Fabri is here and he wants to see you."
CAN: "ok bring him in." Fabri; "Can bey, nice to see you again".( they shake hands, Can gets a wierd vibe from this guy). I wanted to discuss some things about the campaign, is Sanem here also.
CAN: no, she's out sick, what do you want from Sanem?
FABRI: I was hoping that I can convince her to sell me the recipe for her perfume.
CAN: I think she told you no, it's not hers to give.
FABRI: well it's up to her not you, since you're no longer together.
CAN: "excuse me!, who told you we're not together".
FABRI: "well your actions this weekend with your new girlfriend, tells a different story."
This guys is getting on my last nerve.
CAN: "well Fabri bey, your wrong, we're still together. And I think you know about fake news. Don't believe everything you see or read."
FABRI: "oh I see. Well ok I'll be off then. Give Sanem my best."
CAN: "yes, you do that be off. And don't call me I'll call you when we're ready for a launch. Good bye."
This guy is a piece of work. He can't take no for an answer.
Yigit kept calling Sanem, he's really getting on my nerves, I don't want to deal with him now, I'll talk to him when I get back to the office.
Can texted Sanem if she wants lunch that he would bring it to her.
SANEM: I don't know Can , I'm not ready to talk yet.
CAN: we don't have to talk about what happened, I just wanted to talk to you about something else.
SANEM: ok bring me a fish sandwich. From that place on the pier we always go to.
CAN: ( smiling) ok I'll see you in about an hour.
Sanem, took her shower cleaned up, put a pretty dress on for can. ( girl! for someone who is mad at her boyfriend you sure made yourself look good!)be quiet I didn't ask your opinion!)
Can, came on time like he said. But when he saw Sanem she looked tired and it looked like she was crying. Sanem felt the same about Can, he looked very tired, like he hasn't slept for weeks. Good I'm glad !!!
CAN: "Sanem, this morning I received an email from the company I work for, the magazine actually, and they want me to go to Africa to take pictures of remote villages and their people. I will be gone for approximately two months, for me, This is one of my shorter jobs. I prefer to take this one because I don't want to leave you if I take another one it could take six months to a year to come back and I don't want that."
SANEM: ( she was disappointed of course but she didn't want him to see it) "well Can I won't hold you back, this your job your passion. I'm ok if you go. I'm mean right now I don't know were we stand. I'm not ready to go back to where we were."
Can is devastated, he can't believe what he's hearing. But I have to be patient. I won't push her.

CAN: "ok Sanem, one thing that you should know, is that, I love you more than myself. And it's not going to change. I hope that we can clear things up before I leave. But even if we don't, can I call you and text you?"even though sometimes there is no reception depending where I am. It could take days before we talk. Are you ok with that."
Sanem hesitates, and he sees it, but she straightens her back sits up straight and says.
SANEM: "yes, I'm ok with that, and I would love to hear from you when you can."(can was very happy)
CAN: "ok , I have to get back to work. I hope we can talk before I leave. Please Sanem."
SANEM: "we will see Can. We will keep in touch during the week. Ok? "CAN: ok! ( he gives her a hug, and kisses her cheek. And she wants to melt in his embrace, but she can't give in . I can't.!)
Girl your crazy, how long are you gonna act mad at him that poor guy loves you you're being very stubborn Sanem. Don't wait too long because you might lose him girl from being so stubborn.!! Be quiet I don't want to hear it.! She waves her hand in front of her face to get rid of her inner voice.
Can leaves to go back to work, and Sanem is thinking what's wrong with me why Am I being so stubborn. It's not just Polen. He likes the attention of other women and he's had so many. (girl all men are like that)shut up!
Leyla asked Can how lunch went with Sanem. "Leyla, I feel like she's drifted, I don't know, I don't want to push her. I'm hoping it passes and she forgives me."
LEYLA: "she will Can, she's just very hurt with what happened, and insecure, with herself. We talked a lot these last couple of days, and she's been through more than I thought with our stepfather, not only did he hit her he verbally abused her and it left its mark, sometimes words are worse than actions."Can, is saddened by what he hears. It's such a bad time for him to leave. But he has a contract. It's either the shorter job or the longer,
CAN: I agree Leyla, thank goodness she has you to talk to! She needs all the support she can get."
Sanem decided to go into work in the middle of the week, staying home was getting on her nerves, although with everything that's happened she's almost done writing her book. She walks in the entrance and the first person she sees is Yigit. Ugh, not who I wanted to see, but. Put your fake smile on Sanem.
SANEM: Yigit, how are you? Sorry I didn't call you back but I wasn't feeling well.
YIGIT: I was worried about you, after what that idiot Can did to you. He doesn't deserve you! Your special Sanem, you deserve someone who will love you"
SANEM: "you know Yigit, it really isn't any of your business. And I'm sure you know what really happened from your sister. So don't even go there. What goes on between Can and I is none of your business.!! And I tell you this, if you think that something is going to happen between us, that will never happen!!! Do you understand!, if you want you can publish my book but with no contract, because I don't know if I want to work with you again!! Am I clear."?( Yigit was shocked he didn't expect Sanem to react like that.)
YIGIT: "yes Sanem, of course, I was just concerned as a friend. How is the book coming along?"
SANEM: "I'm done with the book, you can read, ( she hands him her journal) and let me know what you think. I have to get to work. See you later!"
CeCe, Guliz and Deran, heard everything, they were so happy and proud of her, she let him have it good! CeCe was so excited he ran into Cans office and filled him in.
Can, was so proud of his girl!! He was smiling ear to ear. She went straight to Cans office.
CAN: Good morning Sanem, ( no my love? Just good morning Sanem. What did you expect Sanem, he probably thinks you don't want endearments from him at least not right now)
SANEM: "good morning Can,"( she went and sat in her chair close to Can) he was so happy to see her!! And happy that she is working next to him, oh how he missed her.)they both started smiling at each other and Can filled her in on the work that had to be done.
CAN: oh Sanem , I almost forgot, Fabri was here he was looking for you.
SANEM: "what does he want from me, I really don't care for him much. It feels like he's hiding something".
CAN: I feel the same way, he wants your scent , Sanem, and I have a feeling he will be back.
SANEM: it's not even a perfume, it's a cream. I don't want to give it to him Can. It's my grandmother's special recipe and ( she pauses) you like it too. She shyly put her head down.
Can is so happy rite now.
CAN: "my love, no one can take something from you that you don't want to give. And I personally don't want you to give him the scent. I love the way it smells on you. Do you know the first day I met you, I smelled it When I grabbed your hand. I was hooked from the first day I met you. From your beautiful big brown eyes, to your sweet scent"
Sanem is blushing rite now and Can is loving it.
SANEM: Can, if Fabri comes back here when you're away I don't want to see him by myself. I want someone with me.
CAN: don't worry Sanem, Emre will be with you. And I don't want you going anywhere by yourself ok. Please Sanem.
SANEM: "ok can. I promise."
They worked the rest of the day together. Like old times.
CAN: "Sanem, would you come back to the house and stay so I can see for the next couple of days before I go.?"
Sanem was surprised, but happy, she is going to miss him.
SANEM: ok Can, I want to spend time with you too. But it doesn't mean things are back to normal, ok?(who are you kidding Sanem.) Can was so happy.
CAN : "ok we will go get something to eat after work and go pick up some of your stuff from Leyla's"
Can and Sanem, went out to dinner with Emre and Leyla. Sanem was feeling better more relaxed. But deep down inside she was sad that Can was leaving. She is going to really going to miss him. Ah Sanem you are hooked so hooked with this Handsome Turk.
That night Can called Volkan ( the detective) "Volkan bey I need a favor, I bought Sanem a heart necklace, is there something I can add to it, like a GPS ,but i don't want her to know it's there." This way we can track her , you, me , my brother and Leyla." Great idea Can, bring it by my office tomorrow, and I'll have it ready by tomorrow evening." Thank you Volkan!!"Good Night"
Can felt much better. Good night my love.

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