Chapter 54

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Sanem and Can have been busy between work and trying to get ready for the fundraiser for the girls youth home.
CAN : "Sanem, you need to slow down, and relax, your doing to much.  You're exhausted."
SANEM: "Can, I'm fine, how can I not be when I have my wonderful husband hovering over me, taking care of me every five minutes."(she smiles and scratches his beard) "anyway this weekend is the fundraiser. I think it's going to be great Can, already donations are coming in."
They bought an old warehouse, and remodeled it making individual rooms for the girls, with a small kitchen area and living space and bathroom. There will be a gathering place were the girls can go to read, play games and have there group meetings.
Counselors will have their own offices for one on one meetings with the girls.
Everything is coming together, a lot of the counselors will be volunteers, and the full time ones will be paid.
SANEM: "Can, things are coming together.  I'm so excited"
CAN: "yes they are, but when this is over you have to relax."
Sanem was starting to feel more tired, and gaining weight she can't even bend over to see her feet. She feels so fat and ugly. Will Can get tired of looking at me like this , what happens if I stay fat. 
Tomorrow they have a new client coming in, a makeup company, it's a very big account, with a big budget.
Can and Sanem went home to eat and rest, Sanem was tired she just wanted to relax. Can made dinner, and then sat down to watch a movie.
The next morning they were in the conference room waiting for there clients. From Free cosmetics .
Deran brings in the CEO and his Daughter. 
DERAN:  "Can, Sanem, this is Anil and his daughter Gamze"
They shook hands and of course the daughter wouldn't stop looking at Can. Sanem is thinking here we go again.  ( girl ignore her Can doesn't even notice her.  Yeh but look how pretty she is and look how fat I am. Be quiet you don't know what you're talking about. Your right I shouldn't be jealous the sex has been of the charts, I love my Can!!)
They were discussing different concepts of advertising for their makeup, and Sanem "says I got it!!"
She explained about the youth home and what they we're doing, preparing the girls to grow to love them selves and get them ready for the world and try to place them in jobs or maybe even going to college.  "What if
We make a commercial showing the girls putting on their makeup with your product, which is natural ( like they are)we will show them getting ready to go out into the world to start a new life in a new job. Showing them with a positive attitude, because the makeup makes them feel beautiful and more confident.
Anil is thinking and so is Gamze.
ANIL:  "I love it, Sanem it's perfect! You have the account, I'm not even going to go to any other advertising companies. And since you're so passionate about this and you and Can created this home.  I will donate the make up, and have a makeup artist come to the home, to do their makeup when they have an interviews. The home will contact me directly or my daughter.!"
GAMZE:  yes, I agree dad, this will be perfect!!
CAN:  "thank you Anil, this is my wife Sanem's project, and I am so proud of her"( Gamze, he's married, ugh, and she pregnant. All the good ones are always taken)
We are having a fundraiser this weekend, you're welcome and to come."
ANIL: "you can count on me!! And I will be making a big donation!! I always believe in helping people less fortunate than us."
SANEM: (smiling ear to ear) "thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to us.  We will email you all the information for this weekend."
ANIL:  "Can, your wife is a beautiful soul take care of her!" The two of you remind me of my wife and I, I can only hope my daughter finds true love like ours"
CAN:  "Oh I know Anil, I'm blessed with Sanem. She's special."  They looked at each others, Can Hugged Sanem and kissed her cheek.
Gamze knew she had no chance with Can.  And she really liked Sanem. And she was growing on Sanem too. Sanem was thinking maybe playing matchmaker with Osman. The wheels are turning.
They ended there meeting, and Can and Sanem went home. They decided to take Friday off so Sanem could rest before the fundraiser.
It's the night of the fundraiser, Sanem was trying to get ready, but she was feeling very emotional . She was in her 30th week of pregnancy. She's looking at her self and doesn't like what she sees.
CAN: "Sanem, what's the matter. Why are you crying?"
SANEM: "Can, look at me I look like a big fat, I don't even know what!" She had a beautiful strapless red cocktail dress on, ( Can loves her in red) with a slit up her thigh .  " I want to look pretty for you and I look awful!"
CAN:  "bebek, what are you saying, you look absolutely beautiful, pregnancy becomes you. You could wear a potato sack, and still be the most beautiful woman in the room." Sanem, smiled a put heard head in his neck , rubbing her mouth and nose in his neck. . (Can was getting turned on , she doesn't realize how she turns me on) "If you keep doing that we won't make it to the fundraiser." She laughed, got up fixed herself up and headed to the fundraiser.
The fundraiser was turning out to be a great night, they were getting a lot more donations than expected.
And it seems that Gamze and Osman, were hitting it off to.  All of a sudden, everyone started chanting "Sanem. Speech, speech!!"
Can helped her on stage, and he couldn't have been more proud. Smiling and kissing her hands he handed her the mic. 
SANEM:  Wow! Were do I begin, I'm so overwhelmed and emotional right now.  I am so very great full for each and every one of you.  For all the donations for all the people that helped put this fundraiser together, and for center for the young girls.  As some of you know I was a victim of abuse, I was beaten through out my childhood hood.  And one day before my eighteenth birthday I ran away.  And I ended up at a home that I tried to steal food from several weeks before, that day I met 3 of the most kindest individuals I ever met in my entire life.  Aziz, Emre, (Aziz Emre so proud of her) and my heart and soul my husband Can.  (They looked at each other with tears in their eyes and love.) they changed my life forever.  And through them, I found my sisters Leyla who was given up for adoption. ( Leyla smiling with tears in her eyes blows  her a kiss) These girls need to know that at the end of a dark tunnel , shines  the brightest light of hope.
Thank you all for making all this possible!!" Then she  blew kisses to everyone . And all of a sudden she bends over and a sharp pain, and she feels wet.
CAN: "Sanem what's wrong?"
SANEM: "Can, my water broke!"

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