Chapter 15

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Sanem took a taxi home, she didn't wait for Can. She was annoyed, how can I be so stupid. I guess I am because I read him wrong. Of course he would be with someone like her, long legged model. I could scream what a fool I am.
Can walk into the house looking for Sanem. "Sanem were are you," no answer. He goes out to the back by the pool and sees Sanem walking back and forth talking to herself. Well she does look irritated, maybe she's jealous, that's a good sign.
CAN: Sanem, are you ok? Are you talking to yourself?"
SANEM: only when your around, I seem to have developed a voice in my head when your around. Are you scared you Can Bay!"
CAN: "no not at all, I find everything about you fascinating." She just stared at him, is this guys for real, he doesn't find it strange that I have a voice in my head.
CAN: look Sanem, I just want you to know Polen and I are not a couple, she thinks we still are , she won't let go. Actually we were never really a couple, just friends with benefits. But she took it differently even though I explained things to her. We broke up before I met you, well it seems the break up was one sided.( he catches Sanem with a side smile, and it's as he expected she's jealous) that put a smile on his face.
SANEM: Can bey you don't have to explain yourself to me, you a free bird. To be with whoever you want. (Why is he smiling girl, I don't know your so supposed to be the logical one when it comes to him! Get out of my head, you're annoying!) "besides she's very beautiful, she seems your type! Maybe alittle snobby, which actually doesn't suit you at all, but maybe I read you wrong."
CAN: (amused) well that's why it would never work with her, my type of girl, should be sweet, caring, with good and pure heart. ( looking at her reaction, but she has no clue that I'm talking about her she's so innocent.)
SANEM: " well good luck finding her, there aren't to many around like that anymore!" I'm going to make dinner!" ( she walks away with a big smile on her face. . Well if that's what he wants in women then the toothpick is definitely not for him!)

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