Chapter 49

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"Sanem, come with me, let's go down to the pier and sit for a while,". "Ok Can, wait a minute", she runs upstairs and grabs Can's gift.
Walking hand and hand, towards the pier.  Look Can, the sun is setting it's the perfect time to come here. "Yes, bebek it is the perfect time, " looking at her and smiling.  As they're walking towards the pier, Sanem notices rose petals scattered along the pier and lanterns lit all the way down the pier. And Alittle round table set up with candles.  She turns to look at Can,
"Did you do this? "Yes, Sanem, for my one and only. Happy Anniversary my love."  "Can it's beautiful,"she jumps up and hugs him and squeezes him. She can't let go.  "I love you Can Divit."  "I love you Sanem Ayden!"
CAN:  "Sanem this is our new beginning, we will leave the past behind, and right here today we start new, just you and me."(and baby) she's looking at him with tears in her eyes.
SANEM:  Yes, Can here's to new Beginning, and she takes a sip of the champagne.  ( knowing she can't drink it all)
CAN: "I have a present for you, I bought the cabin off of Meriban."  She just stared at him. We will be staying here from now on."
SANEM: "are you serious" he nods yes " this is our home from now on?"
CAN: "only if you want."
SANEM: Can! Of course I want, I love this place, it's perfect!!! Thank you!!" ( she can't stop hugging and kissing him)
CAN:  "you know, I think I'm going to give you gifts every day, I love the way you react."  They both laughed.
SANEM: "you don't have to buy me gifts every day. I love to hug and kiss you all the time that will never change ." She turns to look at the sun set, it's almost down in a beautiful orange color.  "Can, isn't the sunset beautiful, look at those colors." She turns to look at him and she sees him on one knee.
CAN:  "Sanem Ayden, will you marry me?" Sanem's eyes filled with tears.
SANEM: YES! YES! YES!  He places the ring on her finger.  She can't stop hugging him and kissing him. "It's beautiful Can."
They sat at the pier for awhile, and Sanem says, "Can I have something for you." She takes out a bottle, "I made this for you ". She puts some on his neck, and seductively gets closer to him, "only for you, it's your scent." Sanem it's smells good."  "I'll wear it every day, it's like having you on me all the time." She looks at him and smiles.  I owe you another big thank you my love. He gets that seductive look in his eyes and picks her up bridal style and practically runs back to the cabin.  They couldn't get enough of each other. They made love all night long.

They decided to stay home from work on Monday so Sanem could recover alittle more. Monday evening CeCe, Deran, Guliz, Metin, Emre , Leyla.  Along with Aziz and Miriban came to see how Sanem was doing. Emre and Leyla surprised Sanem and brought Ahan and Osman.  They had a wonderful evening together.  After everyone left Miriban, was helping Sanem clean up.  Miriban noticed Sanem was a little emotional,
MIRIBAN: "sweetie, is everything okay? You look far away." Sanem, started tearing and said,   "Miriban, I have to tell someone one or I'm going to burst."
MIRIBAN: what is it dear.  SANEM: "I'm pregnant"
Miriban looked at her and smiled and said.  "That's
Wonderful," and she hugs her.  " why are you sad?"
SANEM: "I haven't told Can yet. I don't know how he's going to feel, he didn't want kids right away, he wanted it to be just the two of us for a while".
MIRIBAN: Sanem, Can loves you and I know for sure that he is going to be the happiest man on earth, he loves kids. 
SANEM:  "you really think so?"  MIRIBAN: Yes I'm 100 percent sure!!" They hugged and finished cleaning up. "Ok I will find the right time to tell him"
Can and Sanem went to work together the next morning, everyone welcomed her, they were happy to see her doing well.
The next morning Sanem decided to go to work with Can.  Everyone welcomed her they were happy to see her doing well.
CeCe: Sanem,  I'm taking Ahan out to dinner tonight.
SANEM: "awww CeCe, I'm so happy for you!! I know Ahan likes you."
CeCe:  "she does?"   SANEM: of course she does she wouldn't be going out with you if she didn't.
Sanem was so happy for CeCe and Ahan, her two best friends in the world.
Sanem decided to go down to the file room to clear out some old paperwork , and CeCe runs down stairs and says to Sanem,  "Sanem , That bitch Achia is in Cans office.
Can, was working on his laptop , when his door opens, he looks up and sees Achia.
CAN: "what are you doing here."  ACHIA: well darling we have work to do.  , and I missed you, why did you leave , and didn't say anything.
CAN:  "I left because you pissed me off, how dare you have someone take a picture of us like that? How dare you put your arm around me like that? Who do you think you are?."
ACHIA:  "oh, come on you know you liked it, you want more I can give you anything you want I'm better than that cheap girl you're hanging around with."
CAN: "that girl you're talking about is my fiancé, and don't you ever talk about her like that again. You're  nothing compared to her." Tell me did you have it all planned out with Fabri, to try to break us up? Too bad it didn't work. Fabri is in jail.  And if I find out that you were involved in this kidnapping, You will be sorry!
Now leave and don't come back, we don't need your business."  She just sat there and stared at him, she looked nervous, but bounced back.
ACHIA: "no I wasn't involved. I just want you Can.  And we have a contract you can't get rid of me. And believe me by the time we're done with this launch, you will definitely want me in your bed.!"
CAN: I don't want you now and I won't want you later.
Sanem runs in and heard what was said.  Can looks at her and sees fury in her eyes, I'll just let my little spitfire handle the rest.
SANEM: Achia. Can doesn't need you he has me, I spread my legs for him day and night, and only for him.  And it only has been him, never anyone else.   But you it seems would spread your legs for anyone.  Even Fabri to get what you want.  So if I were you I would go find someone else, because Can is mine, and I don't like to share my man.  And next time you want to work on your account, you call and make an appointment.  And you will be working with Deran and the creative team.  Not with Can. Do I make myself clear and if you don't like it, take your contract and shove it up your ass.!!
Achia was shocked!!  ACHIA: you are a bitch, I can't believe Can is with you.  He deserves better!!
SANEM: "he has better! he has me! and yes I can be a bitch, but you haven't seen nothing yet, so take your tail and put it between your legs and get the hell out of here before I call security.
ACHIA: I'm a paying customer, are you going to let her talk to me like that?
CAN: Yes!! You deserve it, now leave!!!
She got up and started walking out and says to Sanem, "you will be sorry."  SANEM: is that a threat because the whole office just heard you I have witnesses!!
Achia, gave her the dirtiest look and walked out. 
On her way out CeCe shows Achia his phone and tells her, I recorded everything!  She put her hand up to smack him but Sanem was quick grabbed her arm twisted it and pushed out the door. 
SANEM:  ( yelling) don't mess with a Mahalle girl we're a lot tougher than you think . ( Can was watching her, I just love her my life is much more interesting with her in it)
The whole office was cheering, she took a bow, and started walking back towards Can's office. All of a sudden she started feeling lightheaded and things went black.

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