Chapter 32

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"Polen, how was your night last night? Did you get Can back to your apartment?"Huma it didn't go well at all"(she told Huma everything that happened)he figured it all out and he's very angry." " He doesn't want to see me  again".    "Polen what's wrong with you , I thought you were smarter than that!. What now, are just going to give up?"   "Don't worry Huma, he might be mad at me, but wait till they see what's going to be on the internet tomorrow morning!!! And my brother is still working on Sanem. Huma got on the internet early in the morning and saw what Polen was talking about. She had a big smile on her face, this should keep them apart!!.
Emre and his father were having breakfast, when Metin called Emre, ( Cans best friend) . "Emre, were is Can , I been trying to call him!" "well your friend got drunk last night when he came home and he's probably still out"
METIN:  "well, get the yeti up because he's all over the Internet with Polan!"
EMRE: "what?!! What are you talking about??"
METIN: "they look very cozy the two of them! poor Sanem. What the hell was he thinking!"
EMRE: "obviously he wasn't thinking, he told us what happened last night.  He came home furious at Polen.   ( Emre explained everything to Metin)
METIN: well, he has some real damage control with Sanem, that poor girl doesn't deserve this. I never liked Polen, she always thought that she was better than everyone else.  I feel for Can and Sanem, let me know if there's anything I can do, Good luck!!
AZIZ and Emre are saddened by what they see.
Aziz and Emre, went to wake up Can.  AZIZ:   Can son get up!! You have a problem to deal with."
CAN: "dad talk lower I have a headache, please."
EMRE:  Can you have to get up, there's pictures of you and Polen all over the internet."  Can isn't comprehending what they are saying.
CAN: "what are you talking about? "( he gets up groggy with a hangover)can gets up, and Emre shows him the news. "What the hell!!! That bitch!!! she set me up" "she better not show her face to me again" " ah Sanem, how am I going to explain this to her."baba. What am I going to do?"
Can calls Polen: "why did you do this Polen, why, "
POLEN:  because you hurt me Can!! I love you and you didn't love me back."
CAN: my god Polen you are unbelievable.. I never want to see you or talk to you again, do you hear me, do not step foot into the agency again.!!!" And stay away from Sanem or you will be sorry!! And hangs up.
Can gets up to get dressed to go see Sanem, but his father and brother stop him.  Give her some space Can, let it sink in.  And then talk to her.
CAN: "baba, Emre , Nothing happened between Polen and me" nothing!!"I love Sanem.
AZIZ: I know son, but you got to give her time, this is going to take time. This isn't easy to swallow Can, She's going to need time to deal with everything,  don't rush.
CAN: "what happens if I lost her. I can't lose her.( and he starts crying)
Aziz and Emre, are very worried about Can, they've never seen him like this. 
Emre  decided to go to Leyla's and see how Sanem is.  
Leyla woke up, having a cup of coffee, scrolling through things on the internet. And Can and Polen catch her eye.  "What the hell!!"on my god, poor Sanem.  She sees the bedroom door open, and Sanem comes out with her phone in her hands crying.  Did you see Can and Polen leyla ?"  Is this real? I'm I in a bad dream?
Leyla gets up and takes Sanem, and sits her on the couch, she hugging her, and kissing her forehead.
LEYLA: Sanem, look at me, do you really think that Can would do something like this?  I don't believe it for a minute. The paparazzi always makes things look bad, we all know that. Listen to your heart Sanem, is this the Can you know?"
SANEM: "I didn't think he was like that, but maybe he is tired of me, maybe he realizes that the naïve Mahalle girl isn't for him."Leyla, I feel like my heart is being ripped out.."
All of a sudden the door bell rings,
SANEM: "Leyla if it's him , I'm not here I can't see him, I can't"I'm going to my room "
LEYLA: ok Sanem, go and rest don't worry."
Leyla answers the door sees "Emre, standing there.  Emre come in" they sit on the couch, and Leyla asks Emre what happened.  "Leyla, it's all fake news, she lied to him and told him there was an old friend in town and that they were going to meet for drinks, Can believed her.  He didn't think that she would do something like this. They  were always friends. But her jealousy is out of control, she's very jealous of Sanem."and Emre went on to tell her what happened the rest of the night.  " All I can say, Can is devastated , he wanted to see Sanem, but we wouldn't let him come.  We told him to give her time. Leyla you know Can, this isn't him, he's the most honest person I know, he hates lies, you know that."
LEYLA: "I know Emre, I know Can, I said the same thing to her just before you came.  But you know, he practically ignored her all week. Lunches together, talking and laughing together about old times she told me she felt like the third wheel like she didn't belong. That hurt her."
EMRE: I know Leyla, he was wrong, but I really think he was just being nice e to Polen, because he felt bad dumping her the way he did, because they were also friends from high school."  But I think, he was also jealous of YIGIT, he doesn't leave Sanem alone. I can see it too.  And he mentioned it to me, he said, that yigit wants Sanem.  He constantly hovers over her. And honestly I saw it to.  But I don't think Sanem noticed, she so good and innocent, she's nice to everyone."
LEYLA: I noticed it to Emre ,  he really is a weird guy, he kind of rubs me the wrong way "
Sanem opened the door and looks at Emre, he gets up and walks over to her and gives her a big hug.
EMRE: "are you ok".    SANEM: "not really, it's not the first thing I wanted to see early in the morning "
EMRE:  "Sanem you know Can would never hurt you intentionally. He loves you.  He's a mess, I had a hard time stopping him from coming here today."
SANEM: "I know, ( tears coming down her cheeks) but I'm not ready to see him, please just tell him I need time.  Please."we will talk soon." And Emre I heard everything you said.  And in a way I do believe you. But I need to think things through. Ok? I will contact him when I'm ready."
EMRE:  "ok Sanem, don't take to long, because he's like an angry lion trying to break out of his cage" and I don't know how long I can hold him back."Emre wiped her tears from her cheeks, they both smiled.

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