Chapter 8

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"Aziz bey, is it alright if I invite Ahan to visit for a couple of days, I miss her dearly? 
Aziz: "of course my dear any time." Oh dear by the way, the boys and I are having dinner with a potential client so we won't be home for dinner, I'm sorry you will be by yourself for dinner. make your self something to eat or if you want order something for self. " my treat"
Sanem:  "thank you sir, I'll make something, no problem.  I have cleaning up to do around here and then I want to get on line to look up classes so I can start applying my application. And scholarships "
Aziz: "Sanem your smile brightens my day"
Can and Emre, see Sanem with a huge smile on her face, a glow.  This girl makes our day she contagious, with that smile. 
Sanem : ok let's have breakfast and off you go!
Can: aren't we alittle bossy today" ( and winks at her)
Sanem: ( god those eyes and that smile he makes me melt, get passed it Sanem Ayden your to young and he's not interested that man could have whoever he wants with those dimples, ssshh get out of my head) ""
"Can bey, yes I can be very bossy, you may be way bigger than me, but don't doubt a tiny bossy Mahalle girl, we can be pretty tuff!! ". They all laugh, and off they went.

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