Chapter 19

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Can walked into Emre's office, to tell me him that we got the Compass account.
CAN: Emre, when you write up the contract with Menton, make sure we can get out of it easily if something comes up. Ceyda was really challenging Sanem. And that Ceyda is not a good person I can guarantee you that.
Emre: "my brother the playboy, hook line and sinker, with Sanem."
CAN: "just like you and Leyla?"
EMRE: "definitely, they are special girls. I found my other Half Can, and it seems you did to?"
CAN: "I did brother, there's no other like her. There's only one Sanem."
Can and Emre turn around and look thru the glass doors and see Huma standing at the reception desk, they get up quickly, Can texts the girl at the front door desk to tell Huma that Emre and Can have left for the day. They grab Sanem and Leyla and leave the office thru the back steps.
LEYLA: what's going on I have work to do. Sanem is agreeing with Leyla.
Can and Emre at the same time. " Huma is in the office!!"
The girls look at them and say, I can always do my work tomorrow!!! The couples when out to dinner and a movie, after Emre took Leyla home, but Can and Sanem walked along the pier.
SANEM: Can you and Emre must really not want see your mother.
CAN; "let's just say she likes to cause problems in our lives, she likes things her way. She's a troublemaker. She acts like Ceyda and Polan, actually, that's why she got along with Polan all these years, there one of a kind. They dress alike and think alike."
SANEM: so she probably would hate Leyla and me?
CAN: "who care what she thinks. We love you and want you and that's what's important not her. She can't come in and out of our lives and demand things. Actually wait till she finds out that my father is dating the love of his life. Now that should really set her off."
SANEM: Really, your father is dating someone,?"
CAN: yes the woman he was in love with before my mother came along. They had broken up, and that's when he met and married Huma, but it seems my father never forgot Meriban. Actually my mother and her were friends at one time. I wouldn't be surprised if my mother had something to do with the breakup."
SANEM: "wow. It's sounds like a soap opera"
CAN: "yes it does Sanem. But thank god my father raised my brother and I. He's a good Man my father."
SANEM: Yes, he is Can, you are so lucky to have a parents love like that. I even feel that parents love from your father you know what they say, you don't have to be blood to feel a parents love, he is an exceptional human being , may god always bless him."
Can, wraps his arms around Sanem and brings her close to his body. And kisses her more passionately than usual, and looks in her eyes with so much love and say. Sanem Ayden you are the love of my life. You have no idea what you do to me. I love you so much!!! They hug and kiss with a hunger that left them both breathless.
CAN: "let's get home Sanem Ayden, so you can get some rest. We will continue this tomorrow." He smiled and a winked at Sanem , she was breathless. All she could say is "OK"
That evening, Volkan called Can,.
VOLKAN: "Can, I been trying to get information on this guy, but there's not much out there. But all I can tell you is for right now, the men he hangs with are bad news. I saw them at the pier, by the Mahalle, and they weren't happy with him. It looked like they were ready to ruff him up but there to many people around. But I'll keep looking, don't worry Can we will get to the bottom of this."
CAN: "thank you, I just need this end and keep Sanem safe. I know it's in the back of her mind, she doesn't show it but it's there."
VOLKAN : "I'll keep you posted Can, Good night."
Can sat there, trying to figure out what was going on , he was so worried about Sanem, you can see that her mind would wonder off. Hopefully the PI will come up with something soon.

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