Chapter 23

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Standing outside of the agency, Huma can't believe what her children did.  Being the selfish Huma, "I have to get there good side, hopefully, I need to sell my shares or I'll be out in the street.  Now my boys are dating the those Mahalle girls.  They will take them for everything they got,   As Huma started to leave Ceyda, was coming in, they bump into each other.  Huma looks at her , " Ceyda, " yes may I help you, I'm Huma Divit, I know your father very well,  ( of course she does) my how you've grown into a beautiful sophisticated woman.
Ceyda: oh I remember now, you and my father were very close.
HUMA: yes dear we were.   May I ask what you're doing here,.
CEYDA: I came to see Can about our compass account. 
Huma is thinking she's perfect for Can.  Money , looks! Money.  She won't need any of Can's money.
HUMA:  well that's wonderful you're in good hands with my son.  You know you two would make a nice couple.
CEYDA: thank you Miss Huma, I think so too, but he already has a girlfriend.
HUMA: don't worry about her she's a nobody , she's only to pass the time with you and Can would make a more appropriate couple.   Now get in there and work your magic.
Ceyda looked at her and smiled as she was walking in, maybe I have a chance with him, knowing his mother likes me.
Can is in his office working, while Sanem is downstairs, working on a present for Can for his birthday .  
There is a knock on the door and Can looks up and sees Ceyda strutting over to him.  Could this day get any worse!
CAN: hello Ceyda, how are you?
CEYDA: Can, my love, I'm fine now , how are you. ( while she gives him to cheek kisses, and rubs her hand up and down his arm)
Can feeling uncomfortable, pulls away.  My love Really, This woman is very aggressive, she's really getting on my nerves, but I have to nice, big account.
CAN: I didn't know we had an appointment today. What brings you here today?
CEYDA: I thought we would go over the account together, and maybe have lunch.  I was also hopping
That tomorrow at the photo shoot you can take some pictures of me. I always wanted a professional photographer to take pictures of me. I would love for you to do it.
CAN: I'm sorry Ceyda, but I take pictures of nature not people.
CEYDA: but I'm one of your biggest accounts, can't you please do me the favor. Please Can. 
This woman is trying my patience.  Were is Sanem when you need her.
CAN : "fine if we have time and we don't run late I'll do it."She rubs his hand and he pulls away. " ok bye Ceyda, see you tomorrow.
CEYDA: but Can what about lunch?"
CAN: sorry I have alot of work, and like I said I do not do one on one lunches with customers,"
CEYDA: your really disappointing me, it's because of that Mahalle girl isn't it?"
CAN: first of all she and I are none of your business.  What I do with my private life shouldn't concern you.
Good day Ceyda see you tomorrow.
She gets up frustrated, goes over and tries to kiss him again but he pulls away.   She is not happy, that's ok , eventually he will see that the Mahalle girl is not for him. 
CECE;  (runs in) "Sanem, Sanem, Ceyda is here, she's with Can in the Office.  
What the hell is she doing here.  She's always here, she doesn't let up.  Sanem runs up the steps and runs to Can's office, but she's gone.
Can looks and sees Sanem wide eyed and out of breath, she must of heard Ceyda was here.
CAN: hello my love, I thought you were downstairs working.  What brings you up here. ( he says leaning back in his chair with a smirk.)
SANEM:  ah well I missed you, I was busy all morning, and didn't get a chance to come and give you a hug and a kiss my love. ( smiling sarcastically) ( is he even going to mention that the cougar was here or was he happy that she came to flirt with him)
CAN: "my love come here, I missed you today too",  ( he puts her on his lap and puts little kisses all over her face. He can see that's she's irritated.)
SANEM: so how was your day so far anything interesting happen today?
CAN: not really the usual.
Sanem was getting irritated and he knew it.  He loved it when she was jealous. 
SANEM: really Can, nothing?
CAN: nope all is good.  The best part of my day is you sitting on my lap.  ( she's ready to explode)
SANEM: REALLY CAN, YOU MEAN YOU DID'NT HAVE A FEMALE FRIEND COME IN TODAY? Because I can smell some cheap perfume.!!!!
CAN: "oh so I see you know Ceyda was here. (She's just looking at him.)"don't worry my one and only.  There is no competition.  She just came in to talk about the account.  That's it."
SANEM:  "it better be!!!" She didn't have to kiss you! Go wash your face!!
She gets up and walks out of his office.  And didn't talk to him for the rest of the day..

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