Chapter 36

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Can and Sanem, got up early the next day, to have breakfast together before they went to work, Emre decided to stay at Leyla's the next couple of days to give Can and Sanem some alone time, and Aziz is on Mihriban's farm. he took a couple of days off before Can leaves. 
Sanem woke up early to make breakfast for Can, but to her surprise breakfast was ready on the patio by the pool.  She walks outside and sees Can doing laps in the pool.  All she can do is stand there like a statue, she felt like a dog in heat.  Sanem snap out of it!
Can walks out of the pool dripping  wet, and Sanem is thinking I just want to jump on him, geez he's beautiful, no wonder women drool over him.  If I go on with this relationship, I'm going to have to fight off a lot of women, damn but he's worth it, I am definitely up for a fight. ( Can just loves that innocent look she has on her face looking at him and blushing, she's beautiful.)
"Good Morning my love, ( Sanem slightly shakes her head) Good Morning "
CAN: did you sleep well?"   SANEM: yes Can very well.
CAN: I'm happy you came home Sanem I missed you.  The house was empty without you, my father and Emre felt the same.
SANEM:  I missed you all to Can.  You are all my family along with Leyla. 
CAN:  "Sanem we don't have a lot of work today, we can finish up early, we can come home and enjoy the afternoon together, it's going to be hot , we can swim and I'll cook on the grill.  Just enjoy some one on one time together.
SANEM: what about Emre?  CAN : he staying at Leyla's and my dad will be on the farm.  I want to spend every minute with you that I can, before I leave Sanem, and I'm hoping we could talk if you ready.
SANEM: ok Can, I would love too.  ( They both smiled, ) Can takes her hands and kisses them both. They sit and have breakfast together, and then get ready for work.
HUMA : "Yigit, how is it going with Sanem."
YIGIT: "not good, she's very smart, she realizes that I knew everything Polen did".
HUMA:  "hmmm, she is smart.   I need to see my sons, ok goodbye Yigit, keep working on her.!!"
Can and Sanem walk into the Agency together, and there again is Yigit , standing at the reception desk, waiting for Sanem.
SANEM: geez Can, it's like he's waiting for me to come in, doesn't he have anything better to do.
Can smiles and says,  " I'm sure he does, but you seem to be a priority."
Sanem makes a scrunching face at Can, he smiles and gives her a kiss on her cheek.
YIGIT:  good morning Sanem ( and just gives Can, what he thinks is an intimidating look, but Can just laugh's and Sanem hides her amusement) I read your book, it's very good, if you come down we will fix some things, and get it ready for the printers. And I have a contract for you,  for my share of the book , because I have a feeling this is going to be a best seller. ( he smiles dreamily at Sanem)
SANEM: ok, I'll have my lawyer Metin take a look at the contract, and if everything is ok, then I'll sign it.
Can, is so proud of her, you tell him sweetheart, that's my girl!! And he goes to his office.
YIGIT: don't you trust me Sanem, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I care very much about you.
SANEM: No, I don't trust you! When it comes to business I always watch my back Yigit, take it or leave it.
YIGIT:  ok, no problem, you're right.  Ok let's go and get started.
Can stoped in his brothers office before he went to his.
EMRE: how was your evening Can.
CAN: "Good, really good. Hopefully we will be able to talk tonight.  Emre, when I leave, if Fabri comes in here to see Sanem, make sure your with her, she doesn't trust him, and I don't either.  And I don't want her to go anywhere by herself, please, until this mess with her stepfather is cleared up."
EMRE: "no problem brother.  Did the detective find anything?"
CAN: "not much, but he's good at what he does, I'm sure he will come up with something soon."oh and I'm heading home early, with Sanem, hopefully get things cleared up today."
EMRE: "Ok, X playboy!! "And they both laugh.
CAN: "look who's talking, you have to admit Emre. these girls are different. They're both are very special. I never thought that I would want to settle down with anybody. I thought I'd be living my life traveling and seeing the world and right now I would just rather stay with Sanem and start a family. Who would have thought!"
EMRE: "I hear you brother, I feel, exactly the way you feel.  I've even become a romantic and so have you".( they both laugh)
CAN:  "yeh, the romantic brothers."( laughing hard at each other.  But both very happy.  Oh Emre, I forgot, Deran is working on advertising for Sanem's book.  I'm going to surprise her.  
EMRE: that's a great idea, she will be very happy!! What's the name of the book. 
CAN: WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE!  It's her story, of her life.   She's amazing Emre, I'm very proud of her. 
EMRE: I am too.  She likes a sister to me.  Don't worry brother I'll keep an I on her while your gone. Maybe I'll have Leyla stay at the house too while you're gone.
CAN: "that's a great idea!  The girls will be happy for sure!! Ok I got to get my work done if I'm leaving early. See brother."
——- ——
Sanem finished with yigit, and went to Can's office.
SANEM: "Can on the way home can we drop off the contract to Metin? This way he can read over it and I can sign it  tomorrow and get everything going. Can!!! Can you believe it, I've written my first book!!! I'm so excited!!!""Yigit thinks it's Going to be a best seller!! ( she's pacing back and forth, smiling ear to ear , Can is smiling and so excited for her. he's so so proud of her"!)

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