Chapter 40

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It's been three weeks since Can left, they talk 3 to 4 times a week. It's been a week since Sanems book was released.  And heading to the top fast.  
Yigit organized a party for Sanem at a local club, to celebrate her success.  The publishing house was invited along with everyone from the agency.
Everyone was having a good time, drinking, eating and dancing.  Sanem loves to dance. 
Yigit, was obsessed with Sanem, he wouldn't leave her side.  Emre and Leyla were watching him closely. 
LEYLA: "Emre, I don't like the way he's looking at her.  He a creep.  Do you think he would do anything to hurt her?"
EMRE: "I don't think so, I think he had to much to drink though. Keep an eye on him."
In the meantime Huma shows up and Emre sees her.
EMRE: "what are you doing here"?    HUMA : "well, I came to congratulate Sanem of course." I see your with your little assistant" EMRE : you need to leave, stop causing problems.  If you want to see me call me or Can  and come to the Agency. 
Sanem saw Huma from afar.  Who invited her.
Huma walks over to Sanem. 
HUMA:  "Congratulations Sanem, it seems that you made a name for yourself.  I guess that's how it is when you're dating a Divit!"
SANEM:  "Huma, my last name is Ayden, not Divit, and my success is all me. Can might of encouraged me, but the book is my own success, I worked hard to get to where I am."
HUMA: I highly doubt that.  You put your claws in my son. Without him your are nothing!" (Emre, and Aziz went to grab Huma but Sanem put her hand up to stop them)Leyla stood by her sister.  "Oh is your sister your body guard?" Leyla was fuming!
SANEM: "Huma, what is it, that you hate about me so much, is it because I made a name of myself and your son loves me for who I am. You are a very bitter woman. Let me ask you, what you did do with your life. How did you survive all these years? Were  you working or did you have different husbands to support you? Is that your job to marry men and divorce him, and make money off of them!!   ( Mihriban and Aziz were high fiving each other, Emre and Leyla, smiled from ear to ear and had Can on FaceTime, he was so proud her , that's my girl !!)
HUMA:  how dare you talk to me that way I am a Divit,
SANEM: "no you're not. You might have the last name but the Divit blood doesn't run through your veins!"
Huma was humiliated, she turned around and left.  Emre, Leyla, Aziz, and Mihriban hugged her and told her how proud they were of her. Emre showed her Can on FaceTime.  CAN: "i'm so proud of you bebek, you put her in her place. I can't wait to come back. I miss you."she blew Can a kiss talked alittle and they hung up.
Sanem walked out to the patio, she was shaking, she needed to get some fresh air.  Yigit followed her out.
She turns to look at him and says, " who invited Huma here?" Was it you?"
YIGIT:  "She said she was proud of you and she wanted to congratulate you, I had no idea that she would do what she did"  Sanem could see that he was drunk. " OK whatever just let it go." Sanem was leaning up against the outside wall, where she couldn't be seen from the inside.  Yigit walks up close to her and locks her in with his arms on either side. And says, "Sanem, I'm very proud of you, we work well together." ( he starts pressing himself  against her.)
SANEM: "what are you doing! Get away from me!!"she tries to push him away.
YIGIT:  "I'm better than him Sanem. He's not worthy of you!" He started to get more aggressive with her.  She tried to break away, but he was too strong. So she kneed him in his privates and he fell to the floor.  Emre ran out. And saw him on the ground and high fived her.
EMRE: "wow, Sanem remind me never to make you mad me"Can trained you good!!"
She smiled and tears started to fall, he went over and hugged her.  And said  "let's go home!"
LEYLA: "how are feeling this morning Sanem?"
SANEM: "I'm ok, just tired.  You know I feel sorry for Can and Emre.  Huma is a nut case!!" LEYLA: "I do to, that woman does not know how to love, she has no heart."   Sanem was happy it was Saturday, she needed to relax . Now I have to figure out how to get rid of YIGIT, he tried calling several times, but she declined his calls.
Sanem is relaxing on the lounge chair when she receives a text.  " Well , Well, Sanem, you're very popular.  You will see me soon. Tell me is your bodyguard boyfriend still around!!"  She tried texting back but the number is blocked.  I have to figure out something.  All of a sudden she gets a call from Ahan.
SANEM: Hello Ahan, how are you? I miss you!
AHAN: "Sanem, I'm ok, Ahmet ( stepfather) was here, he saw the book" he seems to be getting more aggressive.  Be careful."
SANEM: "I know, I just got a text from him.  I have to figure out something Ahan, he even knows about Can. What happens if he hurts him."
AHAN:  "Sanem, I'll try to help as much as I can. The neighborhood is getting tired of him he's always causing problems.  But those guys that come here, there bad news.  He looks scared of them."
SANEM:  "ok Ahan , we will talk soon.  Keep in touch. Let me know if you hear anything."
They hung up.  But Sanem had a bad feeling like something is going to happen.

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