Chapter 53

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Today was the court hearing for Ahmet.  Sanem was nervous, but ready to get this over with.  As they drove up to the court house Sanem was shocked to see most of her neighborhood in front of the courthouse in two lines waiting for Sanem to show up.
SANEM: "Can my whole neighborhood is here "
CAN: "what's going on?"
SANEM:  Can !! ( she said with Excitement)there here to support me.!
As she walked up the steps with Can, she greeted them, and there at the top of the steps, stood her uncle and her aunt ,  they said to her,"these people came for you today." "They are all here to support you and they are here to tell the judge. What happened to you when you were growing up. Sanem with the help of these wonderful people he will get life in prison. Sanem had tears in her eyes, hugged her aunt and uncle, and they entered the court room including the neighborhood.
It was a long day in court my and aunt and Uncle testified and told them everything that happened before they left, and why they left, I testified, which wasn't very easy. It brought back too many bad memories. The judge was impressed with my neighborhood he knew Ahmet was in the wrong, and this neighborhood proved it with support they showed, now it was to the jury.
We all went home and waited for the verdict.
About three hours later Metin calls Can to tell him the jury is in. They headed back to the courthouse and so did the neighborhood.  The verdict of course was guilty!!!
JUDGE: "Ahmet, stand please, you are a disgrace, you abused a child for years into adulthood with no remorse, and then kidnapped her to take her to another criminal Fabri, for money, you are an evil greedy man I sentence you to 40 years in prison with no parole and another 10 years for the kidnapping. May God have mercy on your soul I have spoken."
All the neighborhood started cheering and congratulating Sanem.
Sanem was just happy that it was over, she will never have to see him again. 
SANEM: "Can, let's do something for the neighborhood to thank them for all their support. Maybe we'll cater food and shut down the street and have everybody come out to party and celebrate what do you think?"
CAN:  that's a great Idea, tell your aunt, we will do it on Saturday.  How about we do a gender reveal at the same time?
SANEM: "Yes!!! That's a great idea.  You know I understand why they were scared to come out and speak up for me. They were scared and a lot of them had little children too , but when they would see me hurt, they would try to help me with my wounds, but for them to come out and show me their support, in court, I'm just so proud of my neighborhood"
CAN: "Sanem Divit, I'm so proud of you, you are the most forgiving person I ever met because of you, I am a better person. I love you."
SANEM: "I love you Can Divit, without you I wouldn't be who I am today."
Saturdays, everything was set up for the neighborhood. Everybody came out eight drank, and danced. Can and Sanem ordered a huge cake with colors of the babies gender inside.  Everyone was standing around to see what was in the cake they cut the cake and the first layer revealed two girl, baby dolls with pink bows. The second layer revealed a little boy with a blue cap on.
Everyone was so happy for them, cheering for them and congratulating them.
MEVCABI: "Sanem, my child, your uncle, and I will be helping you all the time with the babies and don't even think about saying no, because you're gonna need the help between us Miriban and Aziz, you have full time babysitters." Sanem hugged them both and Can and her said their good nights.  "We will see you Saturday and Leyla and Emre wedding."
The next morning Metin, came to tell them good news about Fabri.  
METIN: "it seems that Fabri, had several factories of young girls, working under age , bottling his perfumes, at a very low wage and very long hours, those girls were working 60-70 hours a week. These girls were all run aways, some abused like you Sanem maybe even worse. He would promise them a better life, and the girls believed him.  But by the time they figured out that he was bad news they were working for him, they couldn't leave, he would threaten them, they were too scared to leave. And some girls he would sell them to men, for a lot of money.  Sanem, you won't have to testify against him, he pleaded guilty, and he has a lot of criminal activity against him. He will never be out prison, I promise."
Sanem was in tears, she couldn't believe how these girls were treated. 
SANEM: "Can, Metin, I need your help.  The money I received from my book it's a lot of money and soon my second book will be out and I'm hoping that to will make a lot of money. I want to open a home for these girls with support groups and counselors,  Will you help me? these girls need all the help they can get..
I also want the home to be open to girls when they run away,  maybe help them get normal jobs and put them on the right path and I think I'm gonna keep writing and maybe children's books too and maybe we could do the same thing for Boys. And  we have to do some fundraisers." Well what do you say? and we will recruit
Emre and Leyla!!
Can and Metin just stared at her, they were so proud of her.  At the same time, "of course we will help!!"
METIN: "I will start working on everything on all the legal aspects and we will start looking for a nice large home to buy. I'm all in Sanem!!"
CAN:  "Sanem!! You are amazing. I am so proud of you!I will help you , and I'm sure everybody else will help. This is something that needs to be done. There to many kids that have no were to go."
SANEM:  "okay, let's get going and plan a fundraiser!! You guys get all your rich friends to donate"
It was Saturday, Emre and Leyla 's wedding day.  Today I met her adoptive parents, they are very nice people, I'm so happy that Leyla grew up in a loving family.  The wedding was beautiful, Leyla's long lace mermaid gown looked gorgeous on her. And Emre looked handsome as ever. The reception was amazing, lots of food and dancing. Leyla and Emre went to change their clothes, and left for there honeymoon.
SANEM: "it was a beautiful wedding wasn't it Can?"
CAN: "it was, my love, but you tonight were glowing, pregnancy becomes you. And you just look very happy."
SANEM: "I am very happy Can, I've never been this happy in my life, you know, I had a terrible childhood, but if I didn't have that childhood, I wouldn't have you and the life I have now."
CAN:  "My life, you deserve all the best in your life, you give your heart to everyone."
Sanem hugged and squeezed him.  "Let's go to bed my love, tomorrow is another day."

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