Chapter 45

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One night after work Can, was in the shower, and Sanem heard is phone ping. She looks at it and it was Achia, wow so now there texting each other.   She messaged him that Friday night the climbing group was meeting at a restaurant, to discuss a potential climbing trip. Wow, this bitch is good! I'm not going to tell him I saw . Act normal Sanem.
Can comes out of the shower, wraps the towel around his waste and goes into the bedroom and sees Sanem sitting on the bed reading. He goes over to her, and he's hard, stands in front of her. ". What are you reading my love". " just a romantic comedy ".  He layed down next to her takes of his towel, and says. "Put the book down. Someone is awake and wants to play"
She put the book down , " really, I don't know, I'm not in the mood to play".   He start tickling her , he loves to hear her laugh. He got his way they made love for hours. 
They got up made dinner.  And relaxed, he hasn't picked up his phone yet.  I wonder if he's going to say something about the text.  Finally, he goes in the bedroom and comes out with his phone.  He sat down reading through his messages, he turns to her, "Achia sent me a message."   "Oh yeh, what is there a problem with the account?" " "no the climbing group is meeting on Friday after work to discuss a potential climb"
"Oh that's nice, are you going".    "I think so I haven't done it in a while, I always loved to climb, we will go together".  "Why would I come, I don't climb". "I'll teach you, you'll love it."   Damn right I'm coming. I want to see who's going to be there.
Friday night came and they met the group at the restaurant.   Achia wasn't to happy to see Sanem, but to bad.!   There planning a climb on one the highest mountains in Turkey.  Can told them that he's bringing Sanem with him.   Of course Achia said.   She can wait, down at the bottom until, we come down from the highest peek.  Can agreed, because he knew that she didn't know how to climb.  They would be gone from Friday to Sunday evening.  Can was so excited when they got home,  "your going to love climbing bebek,"
SANEM: "do you really think so Can?  I don't know, maybe I'll stay home, this way you don't have to baby sit me. And you can have fun with your new friends."
CAN:  "I want you with me.  I always want you with me."( he hugs her and kisses her and says.)
I don't like when I'm away from you "
SANEM:  "you will be fine Can, it's only 3 days."
He seemed disappointed, but was he really.?
CAN:  "Sanem, please change your mind."
SANEM: "really you go enjoy yourself, I'll spend a girls weekend with Ahan, Leyla and Deran."
He didn't say anything else, he knew she would be bored by herself when they were climbing.
Friday morning came for the climb.
CAN: "are you sure you won't come? Please change your mind."
SANEM: no Can go have fun.  We talked about this, I don't want to hold you back from things you love."
CAN:  "ok, I love you I'm going to miss you my one and only."He hugged her tight and kissed her goodbye.
Can left for the climb, but Sanem Decided to not go to work, she was to upset.
Can, was having a great time with the group, but Achia wouldn't leave his side.
ACHIA: can are you having a good time, I'm glad you came and Sanem didn't hold you back"
CAN: "Sanem would never hold me back. She would do anything for me, as I would do anything for her."Achia thought not for long. You will be mine and Fabri can have Sanem.
They set there tents up for the night, and Achia went to sit next Can in his.  She layed her head on his shoulder and put her arms around his shoulder.  He turned and looked at her. "What in the hell are you doing?"
Can, Sanem is not here now. I won't say anything.  (Meanwhile she had one of the campers take a picture of them without out Can knowing) get of, now, ( he yelled at her) don't you ever do that again.!!!"
CAN: "I love Sanem, I would never do anything to hurt her." Now get out of here and I don't want to see you again!!"
Can decided to get up early, before anyone and climb down and leave.
Meanwhile, Achia, sent the picture to Sanem.  When her phoned pinged, Sanem looked at the picture and started crying, Leyla was coming in from work and saw her crying.
LEYLA: Sanem, what happened what's wrong?" She showed her the picture. Leyla was shocked, and then she showed it to Emre. He was shocked,.
EMRE: Sanem, can was set up by that bitch, I'm sure he would never do anything to hurt , he loves you so much.  Don't believe it.
SANEM. "I don't know what to believe, we have our one year anniversary this weekend, on Sunday and he went anyway.   If he loved me that much he would have remembered our anniversary."
EMRE: " Sanem, us guys are clueless, ask Leyla how many times I forgot ours." "Leyla looked at her and said all the time"
LEYLA: after a couple of fights he got better."
SANEM:  I need a break, I'm going away for a couple of days.  I don't know were yet, but when I get there I'll let you know.
EMRE: Sanem, Can is a free spirit this relationship stuff is very new to him.  But one thing I know, you changed him.  And he loves you more than his own life.  Please be patient with him.
SANEM:  "I don't know Emre I'm the one that keeps getting hurt. Anyway I need time to myself."
Can got up and left early Saturday morning, texted Sanem that he's on his way home.  And she texted him back the picture of him and Achia. 
SANEM:  "please don't come home, it's seems your enjoying yourself.!!
Can, couldn't believe That Achia sent her that picture.
When the hell was it taken, that bitch.
Poor Sanem.  She must be so upset. He tried calling her several times but she declined the call.
I'll talk to her when I get home. She can't believe that shit , she knows I love her. Doesn't she?
FABRI: how's it going Achia, 
ACHIA: good Enzo, he will come around.
FABRI:  "good now I have to go  get Sanem"
I like to have her before he gets back.

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