Chapter 29

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A couple of days later, at the agency, a young man walks in, Sanem notices him and asks, " May I help you?" "Yes, my name is Yigit, I rented the space downstairs, I'm a publisher"Sanem's eyes lit up.  "Really a publisher?"yes, I'm originally from turkey but lived in Canada for several years, I decided to move back.  I have a publishing house in Canada also."
YIGIT:  I was downstairs getting my office ready, so I thought I would come up to introduce my self.  I also see that your an advertising company, I think I would like to advertise my company, so I can build up my company here in Turkey"
He's, looking at Sanem, she's very pretty, I wonder if she's seeing anyone?
SANEM:  "that's nice, well you've come to the right place, we're the best.  I will introduce you to Can. You know I'm trying to write a book, maybe you can read it sometime?"
YIGIT: I would love to, maybe you will be my first published book in Turkey."
Sanem was excited, maybe I will get my first book published.  Looking at this man he seemed  nice but something was off,I don't know, maybe it's my imagination.
SANEM:  "well let me introduce you to my boyfriend Can, he's head of the creative team here."follow me."
She has a boyfriend that's a shame, I would have liked to get to know her better.  Maybe there not that serious.
SANEM:  Can, Are you busy? CAN: not for you my love.
YIGIT: ugh how endearing!(he said to himself)
Sanem introduced the two men.   Can was noticing how he was looking at Sanem when she was talking,  he's definitely interested in her.  He has a smile on his face. But Sanem is clueless , she doesn't know the effect she has on people. Can and YIGIT discussed some things but YIGIT didn't think it would work for him. As they were saying there good bye, yigit says to Sanem.  Whenever you're ready I will read your novel.  Can just looks at them, Alittle surprised.   But then again it's her dream to be a writer.    But can doesn't care for this guy to much, and he doesn't like the way he looks at Sanem. He  seems shady.  I don't know just something is off.
As they were walking him out, Polen shows up.  Polen Says to YIGIT, hello my brother long time no see, (they hug and kiss each other) Can and Sanem just look at each other confused .
Polen: "what brings you to Turkey , I thought you were in Canada?"
YIGIT:  I was but I needed a change a scenery. I'm opening a publishing house downstairs in this building .
CAN; this your brother, I thought he was a teacher in Canada,
YIGIT: I was , I opened up publishing house in Canada, and I decided to open one here too.
POLEN;  I didn't know I haven't seen or talked to you in almost a year. But good for you.
Can and Sanem, are looking at each with little smirks , thinking, these two must be very close. Can winks at Sanem.
POLEN; "I'll come down and talk to you later after I talk to Can, maybe you can help me too I want to publish a cookbook."
YIGIT: "ok , that's great, you're a great cook, and are family is well known in Turkey , I'm sure it will do well."
Yigit, went downstairs, and Can, Sanem and Polen went back into Can's office.
POLEN: "Can I was hoping you could help with my cook book, layout, colors, descriptions  in the book, pictures of what I make.  Please, it would really be a big help." And of course the advertisement. ( Sanem is just staring at her, she really is something else, and Can as always is clueless)"remember Can you loved my cooking, I always cooked for you all your favorites." "And For our friends in London,"
Of course Can had no clue what she was doing.  Sanem could see right through her.
CAN: "yes, you're a wonderful cook Polen.  Sure I'll help you."
POLEN:  thank you Can, this means the world to me!! Just like old times"and your the best in  advertising, I know it will do well with you buy my side" "and I would love to cook some of your favorite's. Just like old times"
Wow, she is good!! And Can is definitely clueless, I really need to keep an I on her!!just like old times, who is she kidding, obviously Can.  (Girl this one is going to be tough, they have a history together, shut up I don't need you in my head right now.  She used to cook for him, and satisfy him in bed! With those long legs of hers. Shush I'm blocking you out!!).
Polen left to go see her brother, to see his new office.
YIGIT: welcome Polen, what do you think?
POLEN: "very nice, I'm surprised you came back to Turkey."
YIGIT;  needed a change, and actually I'm glad I did, I'm interested in that pretty little thing upstairs."
POLEN : really? I was hoping you can help me split them up, I want my Can back"
YIGIT: wait the world traveler? Wow, it's not going to be easy, those two are definitely in love, but what the hell.  Maybe together we can split them up. I would definitely would like to have Sanem as my girlfriend.
POLEN:  ok let's see what we can do.  I want him back She's definitely not for him she's after his money, for sure.
YIGIT: she doesn't strike me like that type. But I will definitely try.
They both seemed pleased with each other.  But it won't be easy to split them up.  There connection is to deep.  Good luck Polen and Yigit.

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