chapter 3

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Nick pov-

I'm glad I have a new friend he seems nicer then Boston then again if Boston knew I have a new friend he Gets jealous easily

Anyways as I see hope preparing the camera and Non telling me and sand what we should do and I nod my head in understanding

And I smiled and nodded more and I cross my arms and understanding it

Non said " here's yall script for the movie " sand reads over and smiled a bit and sand said " What is the movie going to be called "

Non is thinking about it and said " love isn't the best" me and sand look at each other and nodded and then hope said " alright that finish  now did yall get yall script"

I wonder is she always this competitive but we read our script and understand the script and I said " wow Non u should be a actor " he smiled a bit and said " thank you nick"

I nodded my head until trouble came and I saw that Boston and mew and top and ray came and hope roll her eyes because she could tell that their trouble makers

I could see that Non is praying that hope doesn't hurt anyone if they try anything stupid and ray said " ur a pretty girl" sand coughs at what ray said and I smirk

And hope was about to smack him but Non stop her aw man I wanted to see the fight but we have to create this movie as hope gave the boys the script and stick up her middle finger

Non calmed her down and said " let's get it started "

As we was acting and talking from our script and I smiled and after was finish with the first scene that took 3 hours

We was talking and I could tell sand and ray was flirting with their eyes ray knows how to tease sand by making him jealous even tho hope is pretty

Hope was tired and sand picked hope up and Non smiled and he glad he doesn't have to pick her up

Non pov-

It seems hope is being treated like a princess and I'm being treated like a prince I'm glad I got new friends but it sad we are leaving in 4 days wait

I said " everyone do yall wanna come with us when we head back to our house " they look at each other and ray said " i can buy us a house " mew smacked ray head

And said " of course u can ur rich u pain in the ass" they was laughing and I chuckled

And I saw phee and jin uh oh and they was coming this way they saw me and I said " let's run" they saw what I was seeing and nodded in understanding

And we run for our dear life's and we run and never look up and then stop and I see that tharn and type look pocessive and I see that phee and jin is looking at me

Oh well It seems we can't run and I said " What do yall want yall is ruining my vacation from somewhere that hurt me "

As I said that hope finally woke up from her nap and jin said " why didn't u tell us u was going on vacation and who are these people"

I cross my arms and teared up and said " my true friends " hope saw me tearing up and hug me even if she tired she could tell I was crying

And said " shh I'm here Non remember " I smiled a bit and then pay attention to them and nick said " so yall must be the ones they loved so ur phee and jin that Non liked and ur tharn and type hope exes"

Ray chuckled and said " u lost a good person " they all agreed and hope thought of something and said " u liked tar right"

Tharn and type stopped for a second to think and they nodded and hope smiled " we can be friends I got new crushes either way but if u don't tell tar yall like him I'ma kick yall asses" tharn and type was relieved

That she support them and hope hug them and said " follow ur dreams okay we are still friends " they hug back and nodded their head

I saw that their just friends but hope has new crushes I think I know who she likes I look at sand and ray and nodded but anyways

No one pov-

Everyone forgave each other except non and phee and jin but phee and jin hugged non

And non cried in their arms and phee said " we will do whatever u want to apologize what we said "

Hope smiled at the scene And non smiled at them and non and phee and jin hug each other

The three of them are friends again but hope knew phee and jin got feelings for non and non got feelings for them

Non said " yall wanna be in the movie with us wait lemme invite tar"

Tar just came after a couple hours and said " hello " hope hugged tar and said " we are best friends right " tar look confused and nodded

Hope whispered and said " I know u like tharn and type " tar smiled at what hope saying and nodded and went to tharn and type and cuddle with them

Non was cuddling with phee and jin and sand and ray could see that hope is not cuddling so ray went up and grab hope wrist and they cuddle

Non is happy that he finally will get with his crushes soon but it will take a while or that what he expected

He hopes that they will be in a long relationship and he happy that they are On good terms for now

They was reading the script and hope read hers and she saw that Non gets to kiss phee and jin in the movie

And she smirked because she put that in their and non notice this and glare at hope and blushed because this will be a good memory

(See yall soon)

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now