chapter 34 (boston and nick argument)+ sandray and topmew

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Nobody pov-

Nick was pasteing back to forth waiting for his boyfriend Boston to get home but he hasn't yet

Sand was on his phone while ray was on sand lap and sand look at nick who was going back and forth and he put his phone down and that got mew and top and ray attention

Sand said " are u okay nick u don't look good"

Nick sigh and said " my boyfriend is taking awhile and he said he will be back but here i am waiting for him to come home but he didn't what if I'm not enough "

Mew got up from sitting beside top and hugged nick and said " if he dare cheat on u again I will beat his ass up and he may be my friend but he didn't break one bro code before and I will always be here for u"

Nick hug mew and said " I'm just thinking was I a bad boyfriend is that why he hurt me alot "

Ray said " u aren't a bad boyfriend let track his location and see where he is and if he cheat on u maybe u can live with me and sand nick okay don't worry about it "

Sand nods in agreement and he knows him and nick had a great friendship their friendship wasn't toxic as fuck they been friends yes they argue but they haven't like fist fight each other

Or betray each other and sand will always be there for nick

Top said " I just texted him and see where he is at see " top showed nick his and Boston messages

And nick smiled and said " thank u top for helping me " top nod and said " ur my friend so of course I help that friend in need I also got ur back :

Yok saw sand at the bar with his friends and yok smirked at his friend and went towards sand and sand friends and said " so look who it is my twin brother"

Sand roll his eyes and said " what do u want dear twin brother "

Yok shrugs and said " I'm just messing around with u and why is ur friend sad "

Sand roll his eyes and said " because his boyfriend is late "

Yok then make a o sigh and said " i hope u feel better sand friend "

Yok then says his good byes and left and that was Strange and sand said " well he may not be that rude after all he never says that "

Nick shrugs and drink his wine and said  " I need something to calm me down " sand sighs and took his wine bottle and said " this won't help u out all and u know that "

As sand said that Boston finally arrive and he saw his boyfriend and Boston said " what going on with him"

Nick saw that his boyfriend is here and sand and ray and top and mew sat back and saw the drama between the two of them

Nick and Boston was arguing back and forth and Boston said it wasn't what it look like and nick didn't believe him

So nick got out of the door and sand and ray was about to get him while top and mew was talking to Boston on why he yelled at him like that

Nick then barge into white house and his eyes was very red due to the drinking he did and  he helped white and non called a meeting and told all of them to sit down and they did and they are really worried about nick right now and nick mental state

Sand pov-

Damn it nick already left I tried to call him but he didn't pick up his phone and I sigh and ray said " let him cool off he and Boston did argue for two hours let him cool off"

I then pushed Boston back and said " I don't know what the hell is wrong with ur brain but ur hurting nick enough "

Boston said " first of all I wasn't cheating on him I was gonna give him this ring it took me hours to find this ring that why I wasn't here"

I look at him confused And he pulled out the ring that in the box and ray look at it two and mew and top and mew said " so u was gonna purpose to him "

Boston nod his head and said " I wasn't trying to hurt nick but I wanted to find the best ring for him so soon I can make him wear a maid outfit"

I blink my eye and I look at ray and he would look cute with a maid outfit just then ray flicked my head and said " not happening babe " I gave him pleasing eyes and he just shook his head

Non pov-

I said " so ur telling me that u think he cheating on u" Nick nodded I hug him

And then I got a message from ray and it said " Boston isn't cheating on nick don't worry but don't tell nick that Boston want to purpose to him"

I then texted back okay and I hug nick again and patted his back

And I look at white and white look at hope and hope look at baiboon and then we all nodded and we will pretend about this until

Boston purpose to him because they are a cute couple and I was about to beat Boston ass if he dared cheat on nick

Because nick is a kind hearted person with a good heart and good personality

We all talked and I help nick with his homework while he tear up and I gave him tissues and I hug him so he doesn't feel like he alone anymore

And he smiled at me and I smiled at him and said " ur worth it nick don't worry and don't ever think anything bad with ur thoughts okay if he hurt u I will hurt him okay " nick nodded and I hug him again

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