chapter 12

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( gang x hope part 2)

No one pov-

Hope was confused on why black and his gang is there again and she cross her arms and smirk and said " do yall need math or do yall need some help"

Black and his gang glare at her and then yok speak " We are here for you, you may know us we are pretty popular "

Hope blinks her eyes and then look at non and whispered to him " are they popular though" non shrug and said " probably not but I don't know I don't use the internet much"

Hope nodded and knows non is telling the truth non doesn't use the internet at all

Just then sand and ray pop out of nowhere and hope jumped for a sec and then glare at them

Sand saw his twin brother and was about to punch him but hope shake her head and said " calm down let see what they want they said they want me but I don't know why"

Just then black walked close to hope and reach out and touch her face and hope was gonna slap his hand but she wants to see what he wants

Black said " your brave and wonderful plus I see how hard u hit someone father ur a good fighter and I want u to join us so we can be powerful alot"

Hope sighs and said " I don't wanna be in a rebel gang that kills and hurt people I may have hurt someone but I don't kill and that just freezes me like"

Black sighs and said " not every gang is bad you know have u read the book about gangs either way" hope sighs and said " I would but I would bored myself and that will take energy away and I don't want my energy to go away"

Black went up to the books and searched for one of the gangster books and he found it and he grab it and it said " The truth is far more complex. Women and girls involved in gangs are often both perpetrator and victim, actively recruiting other young people to avoid their own sexual and criminal exploitation. The limited public awareness of girls and young women in gangs is to the gang's advantage."

Hope cross her arms even non can see how angry hope is gonna get and hope said " what's the point of showing me this either way"

Black would have get hope but he doesn't feel like loosing to a good so he sighs and said " listen ur more stronger then other girls and ur more kinda understanding"

Hope sighs and takes the book from black and keep reading until it said "Thanks to Sicilian police who in 2007 found Mafia code of conduct, we can now take a look at it. 10 commandments from it represented below: 1 No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it."

And she sighs and said " have u even read about rule number 1"

Black pov-

She is alot to deal with i don't know how am I supposed to ask her to come when she keeps denying after I left with the book

Don't worry I gave them my library card and they was scared so they said I can have it and we went back to our lair

And I punch the wall and I keep swinging until my twin brother white stop me and said " Black we can't force her she has her own life u been in a gang life for years and years"

My twin is right I can't force her but I wish she could see that I'm not that bad the only thing she need to worry about is the boss

They whip us with their belt when they don't get what they want which it irritates me just then I saw the book that I got or that the people gave to me because how scared they was

Black grab the book and flip through the page and it said " A gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang. Most gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. Gangsters are also called mobsters, a term derived from mob and the suffix -ster.[1] Gangs provide a level of organization and resources that support much larger and more complex criminal transactions than an individual criminal could achieve. Gangsters have been active for many years in countries around the world. Gangsters are the subject of many novels, films, television series, and video games."

Hope pov-

Well atleast he left because I don't get why they want me to join their gang just then I told non let get back to studying and non nodded his head

Non and I went back to history about the Civil War "The Civil War is one of the most extensively studied and written about episodes in U.S. history. It remains the subject of cultural and historiographical debate. Of particular interest is the persisting myth of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy. The American Civil War was among the first wars to use industrial warfare. Railroads, the telegraph, steamships, the ironclad warship, and mass-produced weapons were all widely used during the war. In total, the war left between 620,000 and 750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilian casualties, making the Civil War the deadliest military conflict in American history.[f] The technology and brutality of the Civil War foreshadowed the coming World Wars."

To be honest I wonder why they have a war like just be separated but then again theirs alot going around and I prayed that it will stop and end soon

Just then what black says goes inside my head about the gangsters it hurting my head I wish I didn't think about it

I sigh and my head was still bringing back memories about gangs why would he want me to be a gangster either way

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