chapter 39 (powerful bottoms except non pt 1)

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Nobody pov -

Since non was with phee and jin

Baiboon was sleeping on hope lap while she help him put makeup off of him and it worked and she said " their ur neck should be clean and if u need more help u can ask me baiboon"

Baiboon smiled and said " thank u wanna go to the mall to find something for non birthday tmr" Hope nodded and white said " can I come to please sis"

Hope sighs and said " fine u can come but only once plus I been saving up money for this day so I hope it last"

Nick said " yall can't leave without me I hope yall know that"

Hope shrugs and said " let go then " they went in hope car and hope started to drive and they went to the mall

And they smell something disgusting it smelled like fresh blood and baiboon said " do u think that it happen here "

Hope shrug and bend down and tasted the blood and said " it isn't that fresh " hope then look around and saw that their was a dead body and Jesus the person eyes was open while being dead

Nick said " well this gonna have to get solve soon"

Hope groans and said " baiboon and white yall go get the present while we wait for yall " she hands them the money and they nodded

And nick went to help hope investigate and said " what could it be " hope sighs and looks at him " u can see it going from up and down "

Nick nodded and said " let hope we deal with this when we want to plus me and u know that non is gonna spend a night at his boyfriends place again due to u know why and what present they gonna give him"

Hope nod her head and saw another note and said " they are after us but we didn't even do anything to them this is so confusing look at this "

Nick then grab the note from hope hand and read it and hope was right it doesn't make sense "

Hope said " non isn't even here to investigate plus tmr is his birthday alot is happening right now "

Nick nodded and look to see baiboon and white is back with a gift hope sighs and said " put it in the car it seems since we are alone we have to deal with this"

White said " so I got a name for us to call in our group" hope cross her arms waiting until white has to say " powerful bottoms "

Hope said " ew love who would want to fall in love" Nick shrug and said " I'm just waiting until I get someone who actually love me "

Baiboon said " I'm sure Boston love u nick" Nick shrug and said " probably not enough he deserves more and more and I can't give him that " Hope shakes her head and said " as long as u love him then what do u need to fear"

White said " hope is right and if he can't see ur love I will deal with him for u" Hope smack white head and said " u can't even hurt a fly white what do u even mean by that "

White grumble and said " ur mean " hope shrugs And said " u know I am either way plus i believe love does have it sacrifice "

Nick said " does that mean u will fall in love with day and itt soon u did say that " Hope groans and said " that not what I mean and I give up with yall now"

White pov-

As we was talking and it was getting late again we heard a gun shot and nick said " well let go to that gun shot then" the three of us nodded at him

And we went to where the gun shot was heard and we saw someone dying slowly

We ran up to him and I said " who did this to u" I could see that it was a student in our school

I could tell everyone faces in our school and hope gave me her jacket and I tried to get the blood in damn these police officers could never do their job right

Hope said " it seems we have to do it while non is at his boyfriends house today and of course we will see him tmr since it his birthday tmr"

I then texted tee that I will see him at non birthday and he was asleep so he didn't text back

I saw someone pointing a gun behind nick neck and I said " let him go now " the guy smirked and said " why would I let him go it funny seeing yall scared at me I like when yall are scared it impress me"

Baiboon pov-

I saw that someone has a gun behind nick neck and I yelled stop and the person didn't stop he only smirked

And I see that hope kick the guy and said " damn u made my dress dirty asshole " I then hand her the fan she uses

And she hit him with it and I would stop her but I bend down to nick and he look scared he may be older then us but everyone can cry I hug him and said " I will always be here for you my friend u deserve so much"

He hugs back and cried in my shoulders while hope deal with the guy and she cuffed him and bend down and said " who are u"

The guy said " I'm not someone u should worry about I'm not the only one who after u hope"

I said " wait so ur after hope " the guy smirked and said " their people after all of yall and their people after hope " he shrugs as he said that"

Hope said " I deal with ur ass later and I don't care who after me but leave them out of this if yall are after me " I see the guy getting scared and I chuckled a bit And said " have fun she the scariest that u see"

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