chapter 16

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(School and plan)

Nobody pov-

Hope was exhausted and black went to smack her head to wake her up but then he sees hope is tired

Non sighs and said " are u done watching her sleep we know she looks like adorable cuddle bean but she sleeping due to staying up working on the assignment "

The teacher got in and saw hope sleeping but then shrug because hope is finish with her essay

Non went up to tell everyone the essay he wrote and he said "
Japan is an archipelago, or string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. There are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands! Japan's nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian region of Russia in the north and Korea and China farther south and Japan participated in World War I from 1914 to 1918 as a member of the Allies and played an important role against the Imperial German Navy. Politically, the Japanese Empire seized the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence in China, and to gain recognition as a great power in postwar geopolitics. And that about Japan war well their more but my voice hurts to say all of this"

The teacher clap and said " wonderful non u get an A " baiboon went up and his was about mafias
" the Mafia, a hierarchically structured secret organization allegedly engaged in smuggling, racketeering, trafficking in narcotics, and other criminal activities in the United States, Italy, and elsewhere and The Mafia is commonly involved in selling illegal goods or trafficking other illegal things. For example, the Italian-American Mafia made a lot of money selling liquor illegally during Prohibition in the US (1920-1933). Today, many Mafia members sell illicit drugs that all"

Teacher nodded " u got an A good job baiboon and it ur second day of school" Hope suddenly woke up

Non looks at her with a worry look and then looks at phee and Jin he blushed when they came inside which their late

Nobody knows why phee whispered to non " we love u non" non blushed deep red and everyone was an awe that their cute together

All three of them lasted for two weeks and their date is on next Friday which it either make non happy or worry but he wants them to touch him and he wants them to make him theirs

Sand got in class and both him and yok glare at each other and non went up to stop them and said " can yall not fight today please and thank u hope is resting and I will glading punch yall if yall try anything "

Yok and sand was surprised that the kid who got bullied by anyone is piss off hope woke up and said " why is yall arguing again can't yall argue after school" then she past out again

Non then wrote a script for a new movie he wanted to write after the first movie

White pop up and scared non and said " sorry non I wanted to tell u something but it seems ur busy making a new movie"

Non nodded and said " might take awhile yeah but it gonna be a good movie I'm doing but wha this it non" non smiled and wait for white to say something

White said " so I need help with My homework who's the smartest in this class can u help" non then said " well since hope is the smartest but since we don't got homework today and it seems u was late which why u got to do it again I can help u"

White said " thank u non" non nodded

White pov-

I can't believe non is gonna help me with my homework I need help because I got confused and I didn't pay attention yesterday

Since their was alot going on and non and I exchange phone number and then I went with non to his house

It seems his parents aren't here which I guess it a good thing he said last time his parents always yelled at him for no reason and that makes me feel bad I wish I stopped my boyfriend from Bullying him along time ago

Non was helping me with my homework and I said " thank u for helping I would ask my boyfriend but he still in detention and is in trouble with his parents"

Non nodded and said " I don't think he would he able to help u either way " I then think for a second and said " wait hope lives in ur house"

Non said " she my adopted sister so yes" I then nodded wow I never knew they was siblings and I said " is hope asleep"

Non shrug and said " when she gets power to do something she goes on her motorcycle "

Non pov-

Im not wrong though anyways I was helping White he a kind person to talk to I guess he never wanted to hurt me

As me and white was finishing his homework non asked me " if hope is my sister " she not my blood sister but she my adopted sister her room is across from mine

And yes I got a computer but it a good computer either way I love my computer so much

White said " hmm I'm having a sleepover do u wanna come at my house this Saturday " I smiled and nodded

And I said " can I bring two people " white nodded and said " don't worry I won't bring people who hurt you I don't want u sad again I hate seeing u sad "

I smiled and said " can I bring hope and baiboon" I would bring my boyfriends but they are busy this weekend so it will be hard

White nodded and said " of course u can we are gonna watch movies and have fun and eat food and we will go out and go do whatever we want does that sound fun" I nodded and smiled I'm glad white is a good person

He so nice and I don't want anyone to take advantage of his kindness

(How's everyone today?)

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now