chapter 23

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Nobody pov-

Since tee and white are back together tee has been nice and white smiles and gave his boyfriend a thumbs up

Hope was at non house and non said " so ur telling me ever since tee and white been together tee has been nicer am I correct "

Hope nods and said " it strange though but I'm glad he changing it just u know but as long as white is happy that good" non nods

And said " my boyfriends are with their friends today and since ur my best friend we can hang out " Hope nods and said " yeah but we also have to get more things especially when ur birthday is coming up"

Non pouts and said " u don't have to get me anything u know I already know ur working alot of hours" hope groans and said " it not a problem with Me non plus every year u know damn well I give u things"

Non sighs and gave up to convincing hope about the gifts and just then sand and ray barge in with top and mew and Boston and nick

They came in and sit down and non and hope look at them and blink their eyes

Non said " did yall just barge in my house" they shrug and sand said " We wanted to see yall especially since we haven't see yall in a long time except nick "

Hope sighs and said " why is it always me being the only girl in this damn house again non parents are on a business trip which that a good thing not gonna lie they be doing to much "

Non chuckled on how piss off hope is and ray gave her pleasing eyes and hope sighs and said " I can never win this can I and u just gave me puppy eyes"

Ray smirks and he knew his charm will work and hope glares at him and they all laugh because it funny how hope can get mad the easiest

They was talking and having fun until hope got a called from unknown and hope said " um guys this unknown is calling me again"

Nick and non widen their eyes and nick said " u mean those people that tried to beat us up before " non shoves him and said " it can't be nick I mean their loads of unknown numbers why would u think that "

Nick sighs and said " don't u find it weird that hope keep getting calls " non nod his head and then put his thinking cap on

He was thinking for a long time before he made his decision and said " pick up the phone and put it on speaker phone hope okay" Hope nods and pick up the phone

And put it on speaker phone and one of the unknown voice said " my name is day and my boyfriend itt is beside me ur probably wondering why we are calling u"

No shit their wondering why a stranger call them hope said " what do u want from me " Hope can feel that itt is smirking through the phone and said " We are planning an arranged marriage and u can't say no because well it won't be to good for u"

As hope was about to say something they hang up and non hug hope and said " let go far from here okay hope I won't let them lay a hand on u"

Hope sighs and said " no we can't run plus if we did ur boyfriends will find us so I need to be a big girl and deal with this by myself "all of them clap as she said that

Day pov-

She will be ours we did find her interesting when we saw her in the hallways

She has an attitude I guess that will be need to think straight Kim cross his arms and said " don't u think about hurting her and u know damn well her and baiboon are friends so once baiboon find out she getting hurt baiboon won't talk to us"

I sigh and I drink the wine and said " I ain't gonna hurt her but she will be ours at our wedding I could care less if she 17 we will marry her"

Itt smirks and said " she so innocent but day be nice to her I'm serious I don't want to scare her we want to give her love but also be possessive "

I smirked and drink my wine again and said " don't worry babe she won't get hurt not by me anyways I have other solutions to deal with her either way"

I saw that itt sighs and he put down his wine I mean I know I'm dangerous and I don't wanna hurt this girl to but we are very possessive men here and she will see that

Nobody pov again -

While hope was pacing back and forth and non can see the worry and anger look on her face

And non reach out to put his hand on her shoulder and said " We knew this was gonna happen let go shopping tmr for wedding dresses I wanna see cute dresses"

Hope smirks and said " u want me to put a wedding dress on u so phee and Jin can see it and tear it off and gives u mark on ur neck "

Hope saw non getting red and he pouted and said " why do u tease me again "

Hope shrugs and said " cuz it My job plus it make me get off of the wedding thing for a bit either way "

Non sighs and mew said " so let me get thiss straight they didn't even ask u if u wanted to get married they just did it themselves " hope nods her head

And sat down on the couch and said " I can't turn back either way and I won't I will be a good wife plus atleast I'm not single im engaged " non chuckled and said " if u ever feel danger please don't hesitate and call me " Hope nods her head

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