chapter 7

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No one pov-

Everyone was having fun especially non their nothing happen until por and his gang notice jin and phee are not here which they were trying to find them

But didn't succeed and por said " where are they " tee replied " maybe their at home"

Por glared at tee remarks and saw that Non is back and phee and jin was with him so was other people they don't know
White was adorable so he went up to Non and said " I'm sorry about their behavior "

White is being honest he cares for Non and wanted to be friends but tee didn't like Non nobody know why they don't like Non

Hope looks at White being adorable and pat his head " ur forgiven but ur boyfriend isn't he hurt my friend " White nodded in understanding

White prays that tee will be a better friend just then Boston put his hand on nick thighs and everyone saw and their jaw drop

Boston said " me and my friends will forgive u while we could tell u didn't wanna be in this mess" while smiles and shake his head yes and glared at his boyfriend

Hope was about to smack Boston head for puting his hand on nick thighs in school but she calmed down

While Non is hiding behind phee and jin and they were gonna protect him if anyone touches him

And non father and mother saw and was about to slap Non and white saw this and grab both of Non parents and said " ain't yall the parents shouldn't u love ur kid"

Non and his friends clapped and shout " Go WHITE " white smiled and said " thank u"

Non said " they don't make me feel useless like u do mom and dad " phee said " u won't touch our boyfriend mrs and mr"

Jin nodded in a agreement while everyone saw the scene poor Non always get bullied and have a terrible home life

Some people apologize to Non and some hasn't but someone who kills people is coming near Non and he is tee father

The man tried to blame everyone so he can get out of things and hope was infront of tee father everyone was shock

Hope said '" don't u try to hurt non or I kick ur ass like I did one time " even tee was shocked

That someone would say that to his father his father is a bad man even tee could see that his father was a rude and mad man

Non punches tee father and everyone is shock and they couldn't believe that someone who gets bullied punch someone

Everyone clapped and was surprised that Non actually punch someone they were happy

Hope pov-

I can't believe Non just punch the guy I'm impressed and phee said " hope did u teach him that" phee whine when he said that

Because I knew phee didn't know his boyfriend can punch and I said " maybe but let be honest he defended himself atleast right "

Phee was about to say something but jin stop him from doing it and I shrug I mean at least my best friend finally punch someone who deserves it

Por and his gang look at me oops I guess I got more people to hate me add them on the hope hater list and sand smack his head

As I was about to get him back mew stopped me and said " let it go hope u will get ur revenge later I'm guessing

He right I will get my revenge because I can if I want to and nobody gonna stop me hehe

As Non was bleeding for punching tee dad for like 5 minutes phee and Jin walk up and clean Non wound

I walk up to tee father and said " how does it feel to be beaten up by a teen must be sad right learn a thing or two never touch Non and if u try it won't be him hurting u it will be Me this time and trust me u don't want me to Hurt u-

Ray clapped and said " hope stop threatening the men I know ur protecting Non but be nice in ur words he's old"

I blink my eyes and ignore him yeah ima just hurt tee dad

If he even dares to touch Non plus I think people are watching so I clean my hand and kick tee father chest and make sure he pass out I see tee father guards around me

Ray pov-

Well that can't be good since tee father guards around her and I just see her take her black leather jacket off and punches the guys

I'm not surprised no more now since she looks like the person who will kick someone ass for free and not feel bad about it

Even she know as me and my boyfriend sand and our friends watch I went to check on Non and see his boyfriends are patching him up

And I said " are u okay Non u look badly hurt " Non nodded and said " I'm fine but I heard alot of fighting what going out there right now"

I'm not surprised he doesn't know yet since his boyfriends are patching up his wounds and i said " ur best friend is punching tee father I'm guessing that the person name"

It really confusing with some people name but I get them kind of I may be rich but I'm cute what can I say

Everyone loves me and they can say they don't but they do oh right I gave Non some money to pay for the camera and get that guy

Name por off Non ass and try to bully Non again

Non said " u didn't have to ray" I look at him and said " I hate seeing one of my new friends getting hurt due to a camera so here "

I see a smiled on Non face and he teared up and said " thank you ray"

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now