chapter 29

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Nobody pov-

Hope was in the bad mood and it was the month 🙃

Non whispered to white " what should we do again " white shrug and said " We usually ignore it but then again we shouldn't ignore it u know "

Non nodded and said " anyways how is u and tee" white scratch his neck and said " We been doing good so far but he being possessive "

Non sighs and said " mine is to but it normal I mean their overprotective yeah and they are kind and sweet but they are jealous and overprotective way over protective "

White nods and said " how do u deal with that " non shrugs and said " I love them alot and it good they are like this kinda but don't let them control u and they will think ur amazing "

White nodded and said " wait I forgot to tell u can u help me with the project coming soon"

Non nodded and said " sure what kind of project " white showed him the project he has to be working on and non nodded his head

And said " this is pretty easy let start from the bottom and go to the top okay " white smiled and nod his head

Jin hug non back and said " how are u pretty boy" non smiled at one of his boyfriend and said " I'm good how was ur friend hangout yesterday "

Jin sighs and said " boring I miss u" he nip non ear and non moan a bit

White chuckled at seeing them and Jin said " oh hey white how are u today and did u and tee fix yall relationship also if he hurt me and phee boyfriend again I will kick tee ass myself "

White chuckled and said " don't worry ill make sure he won't bully non and non will be safe"

Jin nodded and kiss non cheek and said " I can't wait for our sleepover soon baby boy"

Non blushed at that comment and said " I can't wait for it to "

Baiboon appear out of nowhere and sat down and said " hi guys"

The three wave back and baiboon and white was talking to each other

Their friendship is building faster then lightning 🌩

Kamol and Kim tries to sit next to baiboon but he keep scooting away and closer to non or white or hope

And baiboon shrugs and he don't care what they think and they been rude to him at first

So they have to learn to apologize or he won't be talking to them at all anymore and he don't want that but he will do it if they keep bothering him

And it won't end good and Jin kiss non cheek again while phee hold non chin and kiss his lips deeply

Everyone was drinking and they saw this and didn't say anything their was little claps and cute moment with these three

Non smiles and kiss phee back and then he kiss Jin and said " I'm lucky that I have yall I love yall so much 💗 "

Non and white then played rock ,paper,scissors shoot and white finally won that he was the best at that game

And he smiles and they played it again and baiboon drinks and saw them played it and join and the three of them was playing

Just then baiboon was drag away by Kamol and Kim (find out the next chapter why they did that )

And non look at white and white look at him and wonder why they drag baiboon away

They shrug and kept playing the game And then they got on the console to play

Non pov-

After we played a few games on the console we went to sleep and we woke up for school

By we I mean hope woke us up and cook breakfast like usual and we all ate it And then head to school I went in the car with my boyfriends

And phee drove to the school and park it and said " let have a great day and no getting in trouble " he looks at Jin

And Jin looks offended and said " babe I'm not gonna get in trouble please don't think that of me I love u and I love u baby boy"

He kiss on the top of my head and we went in the school

And we went to class and the teacher keep staring at me and I felt uncomfortable ima talk about this to white and hope and baiboon

I would tell my boyfriends but they get overprotective I will tell them one day

As I finish class I see baiboon and he had hickeys and I chuckled at seeing him and said " how's ur neck" he pouts

And said " they did this to mee" I chuckled and said "are u happy or sad " he shrugs and said " both "

White pov-

As I see non and baiboon talking to each other I went near them and I see hickeys on baiboon neck

And I started laughing and I couldn't hold my laughter anymore and I keep laughing and hope smack my head and I said " ouchy"

Hope said " let not make fun of him when u have hickeys urself " as she said that I shut up

And non chuckled and Said " well anyways wanna go to the arcade with me please yall three "

I smiled and said " yeah I can go " baiboon nodded and said " if u help me hide these from adults then I'll go"

Hope sighs and said " I'll go and I help baiboon hide those should be easy though "

Baiboon said " have u ever had hickeys before hope "

Hope shake her head and said " no because I haven't got into that phase yet but u will get out now how is ur bum "

Baiboon said " hurting me " non sighs and said " let go get the stuff after arcade "

We all nodded and went to hope car and she drove and we went to the mall and went to the arcade to play the games

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now