chapter 28

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Nobody pov-

As non said that itt said " we like to claim what is ours "

Non knew he couldn't win in the argument so he whispered to white " I know that this is extreme "

White chuckled and said " yeah but let play a game now I'm bored"

Non looks at white and shake his head and he knows that white don't change and non went to play a game with white and non won

And white pouted and said " how did u beat me again " Non shrug and said " are u sure ur the best in this game white "

Baiboon barge in the room and saw the two was playing games and baiboon went to sat on the bed and non said " hi baiboon I thought u were sharing a room with kamol and kim"

Baiboon shrug and grab another controller and said " I was but they are doing to much right now this is my only escape so can I join"

White smiles and said " of course u can but can u beat non at this game he keep winning at it and it makes me sad"

Baiboon chuckled and said " I can try let play now " They played for hours on the game

And now baiboon was winning and baiboon and non was at a tie

And white was shocked and said " damn I can't even win against yall I lose don't worry I surrender "

The two chuckled and they clap hands and hope said " yall do realize I been calling yall name let play a board game now"

They nodded and went downstairs to play a board game and day was having hope on his lap

It not like hope didn't like it but she just think they are giving her fake love like her exe that can't be name

Baiboon was winning again even on the board game and they all clap for him and baiboon said " yay I win"

Non smiles and said " yes u are " just then Sandray and topmew and bostonnick barge in the house

And white and hope look at them and white said " is ours house a thing yall like to go in "

Ray shrug and he got an idea so he flirted with hope and sand knew this idea because hope ask them

And ray saw the jealous looks on day and itt eyes

And ray stopped and chuckled and ray whispered to sand and told him to look at them and he did and nodded

And non said " hmm let go to sleep and I guess yall six can sleep to it not the first time but yall are fun also tmr we need to wake up and finish the script "

Nick nods and said " yes boss we will wake up"

Non choked on his drink and nobody has ever called him boss and he kinda like the name boss for some reason and he shrug to get pass it

And hope said " u just made him surprised nobody has ever said that to him I do it to play around with him"

Nick nods and said " well he helps us and he defend us so he get the honor of the name boss"

Boston was jealous but he didn't say anything and hope sat down beside him and said " just make him yours also if ur gonna make him urs please don't make it loud"

Boston nods and understand hope and he said " he will scream my name and he will learn who he belongs to" just as he said that hope spit out the drink and chocked"

Non pov-

I was surprised when I heard that from Boston but then again they do alot of sexs

So I don't know what to say I went to my room and slept

And the next day i see hope making breakfast and I said " ur not usually so mad in the mornings what happen "

Hope sighs and said " did u know I have to be in a middle of day and itt they are so mean "

I chuckled and said " well they are ur fiances" hope roll her eyes And I got a text message from phee and Jin and they said " our date is next Friday "

Hmm what a coincidence my birthday is on Saturday and I smile and hope look at me smiling and said " let me guess another date this time "

I nod my head and I said " and it before my birthday " and I see hope smiled and said " if they break ur heart I will break their ankles"

I chuckled and said " don't worry about me plus I can't wait for the date u know " Hope sighs and nod her head and she knows me so well

And I smiled at her and it will be amazing

Hope pov-

Atleast he happy and I finish the breakfast and everyone came down to eat

And they said it was a amazing and I smiled and I love my cooking to but when it was mostly me and white we don't usually cook

So it makes me smile when people think my cooking is great and wonderful

Me and non was talking to each and having a long conversation and we love talking to each other and we love our conversations

And day kiss my cheek and I sigh and wish this was over but I happen to be in it for some damn reason

I didn't even plan to get married I'm not mad about it but I'm not happy about it either but it okay I guess

Itt then hug me again and I don't know what happening

Non and I went to play checkers and I beat him and I'm good with games

And he said " how did u win again " he pouted and I shrug and said " I'm just a game master u know "

He roll his eyes over and said " I guess u do play it more then me though " I nodded and said " I'll teach u one day "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now