chapter 33

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Nobody pov-

Hope was out of the hospital by now and she has a cast on her arm and non went up to her and said " okay so let sit down now"

Non and hope sat down and white and baiboon did the same to and white said " their has to be dozens of them "

Non nodded and said " ur right that can't be the only bad cop right now plus that guy pretended to be a cop"

Baiboon stretch and said " well should we continue this talk before ur birthday Non or after "

Non shrugs and said " let continue after my birthday plus I won't be here Friday and that in three days"

Hope said " ur growing up so fast soon ur gonna need to pay bills"

Non roll his eyes playfully and said " yeah but that in the future so yeah anyways how yall parnters so far"

White blink his eyes and said " I'm a lucky one I got only one partner and he doing okay now he finally got his attitude checked and now he not really hanging out with por alot anymore "

Non nodded and baiboon said " they been clingy to me and I don't know how that happened and hope why u left me with them when u know I get red if I'm alone with them "

Hope shrug and said " u know u like them that why I pushed u to them and plus i was trying to get yall alone time but it seems u got hickeys "

Non chuckled and said " so what about u and day and itt " hope shrugs And said " u know damn well I didn't wanna be married but I was pulled into this shit so it not going well so far but one good thing is I can ignore them"

Non smack his head with his hand and said " that not how married couples are hope"

Hope shrug and said " who said I wanna be married though " non sighs and hope said " anyways what about u and phee and jin"

Non smiled to himself and said " okay so on my birthday I get a present from them and I can't wait "

Baiboon looked innocent and white look at baiboon and chuckled and said " what non mean-" hope smack his head and said " not yet "

White said " okay okay chill twin I'm sorry baiboon but u have to know when ur older not yet because u know how hope is "

Hope Gave him a death glare and said " asshole " white shrug and non chuckled and said " yall are so twins and it kinda adorable how yall don't see it yet"

Baiboon looked around and said " wait a second they are twins how did I not see that before "

Hope shrug and said " because I'm mostly American and he thai but he adorable but mean like me"

Baiboon then said " ohhh now I see and white can we go play uno now "

White sighs and said " fine let go play uno but I will win again and u know that "

Non whispered to hope and said " ur brother is competitive alot " Hope nod her head and whispered back and said " he says he win but he end up losing and it makes me feel bad I will show him how to play if he lose again "

Just then nick barge in and said " did yall forget about me " Hope cross her arms and see a dent in her wall and said " no we didn't but nick look at my wall " she pouted and nick apologized and hope forgave him and said it was okay

White pov-

Me and baiboon was playing uno and nick barge in I'm not surprised anymore that the people we know barge into our house

And nick looks at what card we got and nick said " so yall playing uno how's the game so far"

Baiboon smiled happily I mean he is adorable and he is my best friend and baiboon said " I'm winning so far "

I sigh and said " baiboon right and he been winning three times in the row"

Nick then nod his head and said " I can help u win but I don't think u want my help after all"

I beg him to help me and nick said " alright so first thing u need to is this"

He showed me how to play and I finally won against baiboon and baiboon didn't care all he care about is my happiness and we hug

And baiboon said " good game my dear friend " we shook hands and i hug him and spin him around and said " u been there for me the most thank u for always counting on me "

Baiboon chuckled and said " of course my dear friend u deserve winning either way"

Nick pov-

As me and Boston got into an argument I went straight to hope and white house and I barge in the door and I saw I made a dent and I told hope I will pay for it

And she told me it was okay and I saw what baiboon and white was playing and I see white was losing

So I help him out and after white won I smiled and said " good job" and he hug me and said " thank u for helping me win " I smiled and hug back

And non saw their was something wrong with me and he told everyone to sit down and we all sat and baiboon said " alright why are we sitting down now non"

Non sighs and then look at me again and said " nick are u okay u look sad " their attention is on me

And I said " me and Boston got into an argument again" Hope said " what kind of argument "

I sigh and said " he hasn't told me why he was gone for four hours"

Baiboon said " oh nick u need a hug " I smiled a bit when baiboon first hug me and I cried to his shoulders and he said " their their their I'm always here for u"

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