chapter 17

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Nobody pov-

Non was tired of hearing hope and black fighting and it takes weeks to get them to shut up

And stop arguing but the only reason why they keep arguing is because black wants hope to join their gang and she keeps saying no he doesn't know why she keeps saying no but she does

Non woke up and heard arguing and he sighs and he throw a pencil at them and hope catch it

And hope cross her arms and said " u do realize I know how to catch things Non also aren't u suppose to get ready to help white I will be busy again"

Non nods and knew how busy hope is and his boyfriends are doing something so they won't be available for now

White came in the class and pouts at hope and said " can u tutor thai with me please hope"

Hope sighs and said " fine I will help u with thai because u need help I guess I don't know but I swear to God if ur boyfriend tee hurt my best friend I will hurt him"

Hope can get scary when it comes to non who been hurt by everyone even his boyfriends

When hope first knew Non was being hurt by two boys he loved she would wanted to hurt him but she didn't wanna be in jail

But if they do it again she will hurt them for real she a nice Person but who ever hurts Non will get beaten up

Non parents was an asshole to him and he cried and he blame himself cus of his parents and his brother went away and didn't came back

And nobody knew why he didn't came back

White was helping hope with carrying stuff and non knew how sweet white is

White broke up with tee because how toxic tee is with people who's sweet (don't worry you teewhite shippers they will be together again ) Non went back to sleep

Due to hope helping with white this time just then before she could go to white house tee pin her to the wall and look so angry and said " how did my boyfriend get so close to u"

Is he dumb she thought hope and white are siblings hope said " first of all yall are exes don't get me in ur bullshit either way I hate when u do that"

Tee kept her in place and his anger boil and non and white walk to white and hope home until they saw tee threatening hope

And white sighs and hold Non back due to non fought tee uncle before and win even everyone was surprised that Non the quiet and most bullied kid is winning 

White said " me and hope may be twins but I know when she is angry and she not this angry yet well she doesn't get angry until someone hurts someone she care for "

Non then look at white he surprised that white and hope are twins when they don't speak at school

White went up to tee and push him off of hope and said " first of all she my twin sister second of all our relationship is done because u manipulate someone who didn't do shit to u or ur little friend group"

Everyone around them was shocked they didn't even leave school they was in the court because white has basketball practice and then Non has acting classes and hope tends to both classes

Cuz that both her brother and best friend and she always support them and non sighs again

Non pov-

I have my acting class later and my boyfriends saw me and phee said " u looking extra cute I want to mark u but we are waiting until ur ready "

If only I could tell them that I am ready for them to make a move but they don't get it

As I was acting in my acting class because we have a concert soon and I want to be amazing at it and hope could see that I'm nervous and she gives me a thumbs up

And nick scared me when he sat next to me and nick said " sorry for scaring u non I have acting class to that I wanted to learn"

I smiled because he was My first friend when Me and hope was on vacation

I said " u good nick I didn't know u like acting " nick sighs and said " I was shy when I was acting in ur movie but now my shyness is over and I want to try it again "

I nodded and I was in amazement I mean I thought he was a good actor and for myself I thought he was acting but I'm glad he wanted to act

Nick pov-

As me and non was seating and we were in acting class to practice all of our loves ones and friends is there

And they was so supportive at our practice and I am glad that my dream will come true

Soon and I can't wait to see what the future a holds for us

I could see Non was having trouble reading and I helped him and he thanked me

And I saw My boyfriend Boston yeah I'm dating a player but I change him and I swear to God if he cheats on me again I will bring hope and non in this

Boston came back from photograph class and he sighs and kiss my cheek and said " how's ur acting went babe "

I look at him with my eyebrows up and then I remember what he said and then. Nodded and said " it went well then yesterday but I'm still learning u know " Boston nodded

And hope came and put one of her hands on my shoulder and said " u did a good job and so did u non and I don't know about u Boston but I guess I go see u next time"

Boston smiled and thanked hope and he knew how scary hope can be that why he never is gonna cross her and he kiss my lips and said " mine"

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