chapter 24

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Nobody pov-

With phee and jin and their friends

Their friends keep asking them when are they gonna do non yet and they keep explaining when non is ready

They will do whatever non want as long as he ready and phee and Jin got to non home and saw non friends and best friend hope

They was drunk as fuck and non looks at them and blink his eyes and whispered to hope " wanna help me carry them upstairs "

Hope groans and said " fine I will help only because this is funny and I don't know why they are here but It whatever "
Non carried Jin while hope carried phee upstairs and they sat them down in the guest bed

Non is ready for them but he doesn't want them to do him while drunk

Non and hope got back downstairs and ray said " does that happen all the time " non shake his head no and said " they don't usually go to my house this late but it surprise me that they do"

Sand nods and smack ray head and said " u get drunk to so u can't be talking babe " ray pouts and said " u didn't have to smack my head that hard "

Sand shrugs and drink a shot and everyone saw and blink their eyes and mew said " how are u not drunk"

Just before Sand was about to say something hope said " he knows how to drink because me and Sand use to be great friends while growing up"

Non looks at the two confused and Sand said " yeah but I didn't mean to leave u hope I wanted to keep u safe I didn't mean for u to be sad and bullied u wrote all of that I thought u will forgive me one of these days"

Hope said " I wanted u here we was a great team we would defend each other and beat other people asses while at it "

Non said " alright alright leg me get this straight yall are childhood friends but it got destroyed and u didn't want it to be destroyed am I correct "

The two nodded their head and hope hug Sand and said " I miss u " Sand hug back

Ray couldn't feel Jealousy he feel happy seeing that the two childhood friend are hugging and finally not arguing and plus hope is getting married so ray can't be jealous much

The next morning non and Sand was the first one to wake up u would think phee and Jin woke up but they are deep sleepers so they are still asleep and

Non and Sand sat down on the chair across from each other and non said " what was hope like growing up"

Sand smiles and said " a nice Person to play with and she used to date my twin yok but they broke up for a reason " non nods and said " has she ever kissed anyone "

Sand smiles and nod his head and non was surprised normally hope doesn't like skinship or anyone touching her so he was surprised when sand said that

And Sand said " she was shy and not a person who beat people asses she only started beating people asses is when she join the gang u wanna know what gang she join?"

Non nodded and Sand took a deep breath and said " u know black who tried to get her to join she was in a gang with them she used to love the gang until it got violent then at that point she quitted and didn't turn back which I'm surprised they want her back again "

Sand pov-

Non said " why are u surprised " I smile a bit And said " they don't usually want to give other people second chances "

Non then nodded and said " well I'm glad hope said no she did the right thing " I smiled and nod

I'm also glad she said no I don't know what would happen if she said she will do it again I don't want her to be in pain again

Just then my boyfriend ray came down and said " yall talking without me break my heart " he put on a fake pout and I smack his head

And he kiss my cheek and I grab his wrist and kiss his lips and non smiled and drink his tea

And we three talked until the rest got downstairs

And phee and Jin got downstairs and cling into non and non looks away shyly he loves them so much but they can be a pain in the ass

Especially when non was having a sleepover with his friends but I guess it turn out great

I laugh as I see phee and Jin giving non a apology look and non looking away and stick his tongue out at them

Hope pov-

As we see phee and Jin clinging into non apologing him because they got drunk and went to his place

When they knew he has a sleepover and they kissed his face to get his attention and I went back to reading my book and non keep saying help me hope

I chuckled and went over to them and cross my arms and said " yall are a bit clinging today and why is that "

They didn't say anything as I said that and just then we saw kamol and Kim and day and itt and baiboon

But baiboon went up to me and hug me and of course I hug him back and I said " what is the meaning of this "

Day and itt came close to me and day took my left hand and itt took my left hand and day said " finally we get to meet our bride "

Itt smiles at me and kiss my nose I blush and wait I can't fall in love I will end up heart broken and day hug me and said " We will never break ur heart we will make u ours though and we can't wait "

Itt hugs me and said " don't ever say ur not enough ur enough to us and that matters "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now