chapter 13

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(The date part 2)

Nobody pov-

Phee and Jin surprise non with the date and non smiled finally he found two people who love him deeply

And won't break his trust again if they do then hope will deal with them but they both hug non and Jin said " ur our sunshine and we are your protectors non we love u so damn much"

Non smiled with happy tears and he glad he gave them a chance and he look at hope and hope said " they wanted me to keep it a secret so I had to keep my mouth shut plus I didn't wanna ruin the surprise I'm glad to see you happy "

Non smiled and then hold both of phee and Jin hand

But non doesn't know that his brother is coming soon and that was another surprise but he coming next week so it will take long

Just then Boston and nick clap their hands and said " now enjoy yall date that we set up for you" hope scratch her head knowing they didn't do anything she did

Hope said " they definitely did the job definitely help" both phee and Jin chuckled and took non hand to the table

And phee said " I'm glad to see you smiling again I hate seeing u sad I wish I didn't make that mistake but thank u for giving me and Jin a another chance " non smiled and nodded

And said " u guys made me smiled but the one who fixes me the most was hope but she also said if yall apologize good enough to give yall a chance " hope check her nails

While phee and Jin smiled and said " thank u for giving us a chance hope I know deep down u trust us a little bit more "

Hope shrug and said " I trust yall yes but if u hurt non again I hurt yall like I did to tee goons also why is the gang's coming to me"

They shrug and non said " it probably because ur cute and adorable that why they came to u they must have fell in love with you deep " hope shrug

And said " I don't want to date but I know their was a mafia and his boyfriend well an old mafia he used to be a bodyguard to a mafia"

Phee sighed and said " and now u see why we should gave u more hat protection " hope glares at him and said " if u put a damn hat on me I will get u"

Non went in between and try to stop them from arguing and non said " alright yall argue to much let's chill out"

Hope shrugs and said " fine we settled this later phee " phee smirked and said " fine we will "

Non knew that they were arguing so Jin grab his hand and Jin said " don't pay attention to them they always argue plus we will deal with phee late " Jin turned non around and put his head on his shoulder

Non has gotten butterfly all over again and non said " ur making me flutter again"

Phee then went over as hope just shrug to deal with Boston and nick for messing up the decorations again

Nobody knew where's sand and ray and top and mew was but they probably playing cards in the school

And phee grab non waist to hold him in place and kiss non cheek and whispered " We will always love u don't ever try to escape us u will be ours forever " non blushed deep red and non said " possessive guys I like"

Sand pov-

I finally beat Ray in cards he may be my boyfriend but it seems I won again just then I see two people I don't know coming in the school

I shrug it probably nothing bad and hope went by and I said " wanna join us in cards" hope cross her arms and sigh and said" do I get payed "

I think for a second just then ray suddenly said " yes u do I'm rich after all and ur like a little sister to me so yes also ur staying at my house I found ur diary"

Must be bad if ray had her diary and I sighed meaning I know he won't tell me since it someone else private life but I want him to not tell me

Because I like hope as a friend even though she yells at us for playing cards in the hallway and I then think wait why is their a mafia

In our school either way as I saw their was a mafia and I guess his boyfriend coming through looking for someone

They are probably at the wrong place but who knows I said probably meaning it probably nothing tho

Non pov-

As phee and Jin make me blush while touching my waist and my hand and phee said " your ours " I nodded and we went out

And I saw that their a mafia welp we probably gonna die and the mafia said " hello my name is kamol and this is my boyfriend kim and our friends behind us day and itt"

I have a feeling hope is gonna be mad when she know who these are but our date can wait let find out who they are first I hope phee and Jin make love to me though 💜

Hope then came up and said " what seems to be the problem I hear alot of things happening so what happening " I look at her how does she not know oh never mind

I didn't tell her that why and she look at them and shrug while kamol and Kim and day and itt are confused go hope

Anyways I kept griping my hand into my two boyfriends cuz of how scared I am right now because of the mafias

They said they will protect me and hope was so confused at this situation and I said " u good hope"

Hope shrug and went back to ray and sand

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