chapter 40 (powerful bottoms except non pt 2)

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Nobody pov-

As the guy went to the jail for attacking the four

The four realize that they aren't safe but they don't want anyone to get mad so they never told them

Hope said " it seems the police is coming " just then the four explain to the police and the police nod their head and one of them said " thank u for calling us and caught that guy for us "

The four nodded their head and hope said " do better with ur job and stop being lazy okay we are just kids we can't do ur job for u I hope u know that"

The three step back because hope is angry just then baiboon pick up the note and hand it to hope 

And she looks at him and he nods his head and she was piss of and nick put his hand on her shoulder and said " hope remember what one of our teacher said "

Flashback -

Hope raised her hand for the teacher to see and the teacher smiled at her and said " yes miss hope or should I say future day and itt wife " hope glares at her

And the teacher roll her eyes for some reason the only person who isn't afraid of hope anger issues is the sweet teacher that why hope pick that teacher as her favorite

Hope said " what the best way to get revenge " the teacher cross her arms and said " why do u want revenge hope "

Hope sighs and said " so u know how the war started right " the teacher nod her head and said " yes I do and to be honest u would make a great captain to the army's " hope shrug

And said " alot of people are dying due to murdering happening this time around and their nobody to stop it"

The teacher Said with her calm voice " well u stop it a couple of times " behind the couch was angered because she was behind of the murder

Hope shrugs and said " I couldn't even save two of the students that goes to this school so u can't call me a hero"

While hope was talking to the teacher nick notice that the teacher was hiding something but he doesn't know what so he secretly texted baiboon and white and non said " hub this teacher is sus"

Nick nodded and said " what weird is that hope favor this teacher "

Hope then said " The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 set off a chain of events that led to war in early August 1914. The assassination was traced to a Serbian extremist group that wanted to increase Serbian power in the Balkans by breaking up the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

The teacher was really getting piss and the students never see it and hope actually knew their was something wrong with this teacher she just didn't wanna tell anyone until she got proof

The teacher said " well everything happened for a reason hope and u know that "

Now that what got hope off and the students step back meaning they went to the back of the classroom

And hope said "116,516
19. United States The official figures of military war deaths listed by the US Dept. of Defense for the period ending Dec. 31, 1918 are 116,516; which includes 53,402 battle deaths and 63,114 non combat deaths. And do u think that fair tell me and don't u dare fight on me with this one I promise u I will win in the argument"

Nick whispered to non and said " she is smart hm " non nods his head

Nick pov-

Seeing hope proving her point is just amazing plus this teacher is sus

And the teacher slams her hand to her desk " hope u have detention for making this bad talk "

Bad talk? She was just explaining how many people died because of the world War 1 and trying to get why it started

This teacher is a pain in the ass and hope slaps the teacher and everyone gasp and hope said " don't tell me what to fucking do it not my fault that u can't do ur job right "

I whispered to non " should we stop her" non shake his head and said " she wouldn't do that if she didn't know what wrong with the teacher meaning she knows "

I nod my head and I said " well what do we do " non shrugs and said " let her figure out she is a good problem solver "

I nod my head to be honest school history hurts my head theirs alot of fights and arguments that I do not wanna watch or see I hope that i get my love life back I miss Boston

But I'm waiting to see if he comes to me and he haven't yet

Hope pov-

As I slap her and I said that and I smirked as nick and non followed behind I walk in the hallway and non said " I'm not surprised that u did that "

I said " she pushed my buttons of course ima get revenge on her people should know that I'm not playing around anymore "

They shake their head and nick said " well world wars do need to end I swear I kinda wanna find out why they did that in the first place "

End of Flashback

I shrug and said " I love when I slap people who piss me off"

Baiboon said " ur scary when ur piss off and I wonder who got u piss off in the first place"

I shrug and said " I'm a wonderful person but I'm also a idgaf person I hate when people piss me off"

Nick stretch and said " since tmr is non birthday let go to sleep early plus we still got to figure out this stuff soon and we are better then the police"

White nodded and said " We been better then the police they don't do shit what do u see them do" us three shrug and I said " I been in many fights but I will never lose to murders" the three boys nod at me

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