chapter 5

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Jin pov-

As I could see non isn't in bed meaning he must be awake and I look around and see hope wasn't there to so it means their awake

I walk downstairs and I see them making another movie I decided to scared them for a bit and I walk and boo non and hope it scared non but it didn't scare hope

And I said " so ur making another movie non" non nodded and said " it fun making movies especially since nobody is taking it away from me and this movie will be direct by me and hope"

I nodded and thinks he makes alot of movie hm maybe I should keep him away from the screen and we go do something just us three since others aren't awake

They been asleep for I don't know how long and I said " why don't we go to a mall"

Hope thought about it and sigh and said " ur right we do need to go to the mall I have to buy something for My cousin birthday"

And I look at non and non said " if hope goes of course I will go it might be fun then writing a movie but when I get back we need to continue it "

I nodded my head And hope is in the driving seat I was confused but me and non decided to be in the back seat so we could hold hands

And hope drive to the mall it took 10 minutes and they got there their was alot of cars there

And non is shaking and I said " are you okay my love " non shook his head no and I hold his hand and he calmed down a little bit now I get why he doesn't go to much places

I think he has anxiety and we walk into the mall and hope found the toy section and tries to see what her cousin like

She found a bear and Legos and went to the counter and we waited and she payed for it and she got out and saw us

And said " did yall know that the people who use to work here die here" non thought and said " I know what movie I can make now"

Hope blinks her eye and smack her head and I chuckled at non he cute when he smiles and is determined on everything

And everyone I'm glad he found his comfort zone he means so much to me and I'm glad to call him and phee mines

Non is a bottom to us tho and soon we will ravish him but not yet atleast we will go slow and take our time

Hope pov-

I'm not surprised that non wants to make a movie that basically is a horror but he does make interesting books and that what I love about him

He like a older brother to me but he likes to study more then me I don't understand it either but

He a caring person and I don't get why people wanna hurt his feelings he ain't did nothing

To anyone he's human just like the rest of us are human not all of us are robots and can see the future

I'm just happy to see non smiling after forever it took non along time after I heard the tales about this mall

It seems 224 people die in this mall and it should have been you know haunted well one room is haunted and I said " I'm going to the haunted room that here"

Jin said " hope that not a good idea " and non nodded his head and agree to Jin and I roll my eyes I mean what so bad about ghosts

Ghosts are adorable and fun to see and I will be happy if I could see them and I walk it took forever and I decided what I should do

Should I enter or should I wait just then I enter and I heard one of the ghost calls my name and the ghost said "ooooo your not supposed to be here miss but we do like company" the other ghost nodded in agreement

And I blink my eye and said " yall are cooler then what I expected " one of the ghost smiles and said " thank you human how does it feel to be alive "

I shrug and said " alot of work and had to comfort everyone " one of the ghosts said " so ur the human that helps people I'm happy we finally see someone who helps people and don't stop"

I nodded and said " u know me?" And the other ghosts nodded their head in agreement and the little girl who a ghost said " we know everyone who alive they just can't see us like u do"

No one pov-

Hope was shock that nobody can't see the ghost like she can and she blink her eyes she heard people calling her name and she said " I will come back tomorrow before I leave "

The other ghosts smiles and nodded as hope went back to Jin and non and non ran up hope

And hug her tightly and said " never scared me like that again" hope pat his head and look at Jin

And jin said " he been worry for 10 minutes sorry" hope nodded and said " I'm fine I was just seeing if their was ghosts in the room"

Non looks at hope and said " are their ghosts in there " hope nodded and jin eyebrows went up and said " u must be the brave one going in their knowing the fact that their ghosts"

Hope nodded her head and said " ghosts aren't so scary and non is u still doing the movie " non nodded and said " since u like ghosts u can do a ghost movie "

Hope nodded and non hold jin hand to comfort him because that was scary that his girl best friend went inside the scariest part in the mall

As long as she not afraid then it okay she prays

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now