chapter 47 (the Flashback part 3)

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Nobody pov-

After hope said that everyone was shock because nobody dared to say that to the most popular kids

They were afraid of the popular kids and one of the popular said " how dare u say that to me"

Hope said " wait ur the popular one oof I didn't think that someone who has daddy issues is popular and who a spoil brat so yes I dared "

White began to laugh and non looked confused but then he got it for a second and he whispered and said " what does she mean by that " White looks at non and he will tell non what he mean by that later

White stretch and said  " I will tell u what she mean by that later " non then nodded and he first saw phee and Jin who was walking past them

He fell in love with them but they didn't see him yet so he didn't wanna go up to him he hoped he will one day talk to them

The popular person was shock when hope said that and hope was just checking her nails she didn't even care about what they say

Just then sunghoon saw the whole thing and he sighs and walk towards hope he was a popular guy in this school

Every girl was staring at them and non whispered and said " isn't that one of yall brother right now"

White sighs and nod and said " he popular but he single which people are trying to know why but it his choice not theirs "

Non nodded and said " does he baby yall" white chuckled and said " the only person who gets baby is hope because we are overprotective of her Because she our only sister and plus I don't see sunghoon or Rm cuz they are in different kpop groups"

Non nodded and said " does everyone know that yall have popular siblings and who is in bts and enhypen " white shrug

And said " no because we don't talk about that so we aren't really able to talk about that plus our parents are on a business trip"

Both white and non saw that sunghoon wasn't the only boy who was walking towards them it was their boy group and white groan

And white tap hope shoulder and she said what to him and he pointed behind her and she groans and said " this is why we don't talk about family "

Sunghoon then sit infront of hope and everyone was whispering " are they dating "

Hope knew she was in trouble when one of her older brother arrives and hope groans and said " sunghoon what the hell is u doing here "

Sunghoon took off his sunglasses and said " I heard that u was gonna fight again and u remember last time u fought someone u won that fight yes but u end up in the hospital "

Hope roll her eyes And said " ain't u suppose to be on tour sunghoon and leave my life alone ur popular then me "

White would stop her but she was right he also wondered why his brother is here to they are usually Busy

Sunghoon look at his team mates and ni-ki said " well we came because we were making sure that our friend sunghoon young sister isn't being hurt again "

Hope roll her eyes And said " I wasn't gonna fight either way"

White said " hope let not lie to him now u know damn well if we lied we will get in trouble with him he is our brother and is overprotective of us " Hope groans and said " fine I accept it this time "

Sunghoon pov-

I was in my room in the enhypen house and I was checking my phone and I saw a video that my sister was arguing

And Jay came and sat on my bed and said " what wrong " I showed him the video and he pat my head and said " u know how she is"

I nod and said " she used to be so kind and sweet where did the time go" heesesung said " I didn't mean to eavesdrop but she is getting older she not a kid anymore "

I nodded and said " I know but u know how I am" my  best friends nod their head

And then our manager came and said " let practice again "

We then practice over and over and we got it right and me and the rest of the members was out of breath

And our manager said " yall look not happy what happen "

Sunoo said " sunghoon is worry about his little sister because well i think we told u how all of our siblings are "

The manager nodded and look at the time and said " where do they live we may take a break for a week or two "

I smiled and hug the manager and said " ur the best ever"

The manager chuckled and hug back And said " I will always be there for yall "

I smiled and said " let go have fun " they groan and nod their head and we was partying like it 1965

We went on the airport and I texted mom and dad that I will see my young siblings I know that my parents are on a business trip I felt guilty from leaving them

They been alone alot and they don't care but our parents should be home in three days so I'm glad I get to see them

My manager said " so we will be there in 8 hours what do yall wanna do when we are there first "

Jake raise his hand and the manager said " yes Jake "

Jake said " I wouldn't mind trying out their food I mean they live in Thailand and it looks so cool and Big"

I smack his head and said " it not that big it just has alot of buildings and countrys "

Jake rub his head and said " now u know where hope get that smacking someone head part from " I shrug at him

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