chapter 30 (kamol x kim x baiboon) +hope

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Nobody pov-

As kamol and Kim drag baiboon in the room and kamol cross his arms and said " what are u doing "

Baiboon didn't Even look at them when kamol said that and he said " I'm playing a game with my friends who actually care about me "

Kim said " we care about u to baiboon u know u could came up to us and let us help u with school work but u always go to them and what for "

Baiboon tries to calm down and tears up as the process and said " because they actually know what I'm going through and they went to the same phrase "

Kamol sighs and said " tell us one damn thing that they been through "

Baiboon sighs and said " non went through alot in the school years and his parents was bitches with him and said why did they ever had a kid like him and the teacher keep flirting with him and he a damn human to and he dealt with fake friends and he got control by those fake friends and before he went to a relationship with phee and jin they were bad but they are doing better and being loyal to him"

Kamol said " and what about white " Baiboon sighs

And said " he went through a toxic relationship with tee and it going better as far as I know but he been through alot plus his and hope parents are barely hope"

Kim nodded and said " what about hope " baiboon flinched at that part and he wish the three had a good life now and he hopes he will make it great for them he would do anything to see then happy again and he will never let them be sad nor fear or think that someone will hurt them he will protect then

Baiboon was about to say something but hope cut him off and said " I'll tell them okay don't worry "

She wasn't angry at baiboon she was never angry she doesn't care if he told them what happen about her and she pat his head and said " yall wanna know  so bad"

Kamol and Kim both nod and Kim said " are u keeping this from other people as well "

Hope nod her head and said " not even my twin knows about this so u sure u wanna hear it " they nodded and hope sighs and said " I'll tell u but we are going slow "

Hope said " when I was a child I had to protect My twin and before I could drive I had to go to the store to get food and I always came across from Gangs or other shit as far as I know I always came hope with a bruise or two and I know how to hide it well"

Hope continued and said " but I will tell u the rest when I'm ready to okay but as far as I know don't give baiboon a hard time yes we are treating him well then yall"

Baiboon laughed because hope is snapped at them and she doesn't like their attitude and hope said " but he cares about yall okay and if u love him show him the love that what I gotta say for now but now I gotta go I gotta make dinner bye"

She left and baiboon was with the two bad wolf's

And they had hungry eyes and kamol grab baiboon hand and said " ur ours and I want u to make sure u know that"

Before baiboon could speak Kim kiss his lips and said " no buts or ands"

Kamol pov-

I took baiboon shirt off and we aren't gonna go full ways not tonight but we will give him kisses

I kiss his neck and I whispered to him and said " moan sweetheart" and he did and he moan loud and I like it

And Kim kiss his chest leaving more hickeys there And we kiss his neck and his chest and his cheek and his lips and I whispered to him " ur ours" I then put my lips on his neck

And I suck on his neck and kiss it and he was moaning and he was trying to escape but I kept my hold on him

The next day and me and Kim drop him off at school while we went to my office and I said " he will finally knows he will be ours fully we will claim him"

Kim nod and smirk and said " ur right kamol and he will learn who was there when he cried in his sleep and when he needed someone to cuddle with"

I then said to two of my bodyguards and said " watch him and I swear if u do something wrong yall are fire do yall understand " they nodded

Baiboon pov-

I went to school and after school I went to the mall with my three best friends and hope said " turn around "

And she put something on to cover my neck and said " well their but u do realize everyone in the school knows u have hickeys right "

I nod my head and said " I'm not stupid hope and I know they know but I don't wanna be seen with hickeys "

Hope sighs and put the makeup in her bag and said " let go to the arcade now" I smiled and we went to the arcade

And hope payed for the games and we went to play the games and it was fun and I was playing a driving and I was good

And non said " so u need to learn how to drive me to but I don't know who to ask"

White said " me either " hope sighs and said " I'll teach yall I guess but since I will be teaching yall , yall need to have the same work place as me for now "

We nodded and all said " we will never leave each other again because the four of us are in this together and we gotta protect each other and promise each other "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now