chapter 35

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Nobody pov-

Nick felled asleep on the couch and baiboon put a blanket over him and cover him up

And he said " it look like he cried to much and he fell asleep"

White nodded and said " so how long are we suppose to keep a Boston purposing to nick a secret for "

Non sighs and said " until I guess after my birthday we help them get ready plus after that we are going dress shopping for hope "

Hope then took her headphones off and said " I heard my name what I do this time " non roll his eyes and said " u didn't do anything hope not this time though "

Hope shrugs and look at nick who sleeping and said " since when did me and white house became a home to everyone "

Non shrug and said " I don't know but we do know that u love us staying " hope roll her eyes And then said " whatever now I guess since we got school tmr we should sleep"

Non said " do u need help because u have a sprain arm right now"

Hope then went to her room and close the door and white whispered and said " she isn't angry at u she just annoyed with the cast on her arm"

Non then nodded and they all went to sleep and the next day white was the one cooking breakfast and baiboon and nick looked scared when they see white cooking breakfast

Just then hope got downstairs and saw her twin brother cooking breakfast and she shrug and said " white I don't trust u cooking that much but u can do it today"

After breakfast was made and they took a bite and it was delicious and white said " soo how is my cooking this time " baiboon smiled and said " it's amazing "

White smiled and said " thank u so much I put my heart into this "

They all ate and once they was done they put their plates into the sink and got into hope car and hope groan and said " why is it only my car yall like going into "

White said " because ur a better driver then us" Hope blinks her eyes and said " I'm sure non can drive "

Non shrug and said " I don't got my driver license yet " hope stop the car once she heard that and baiboon said the same thing and hope said " I'll teach u out to drive when we go back home but non u won't be here Friday and today is Thursday remember "

Non then nodded and said " after my birthday I will listen to u then again I will be back home on Saturday cuz that my birthday "

White yawn and was sleepy and said " why can't I take a day off today hope "

Hope said " why don't u ask mom and dad that "

White said " our parents are on a business trip again remember " hope nodded

And baiboon was on his phone it took about 20 minutes to get into their school

And non and hope and nick had the same class so they went into their class and white and baiboon so they went into their class

And non and hope and nick teacher was talking about physics and they wrote the notes down and the teacher said " so did yall understand that or do I need to pop yall hand with my ruler "

She said that to the kids who wasn't focusing on their work and the three didn't want to get into trouble but we know how non and hope is

The teacher said " fine since yall wanna be disrespectful and not pay attention to the board everyone in this classroom have detention "

White pov-

I was in my classroom and since my twin and non and nick class was beside us I heart the teacher yelling at them and the other students

I finish my notes and since our teacher is nice she let us talk and baiboon said " do u hear that yelling " I nodded my head

And I said " I feel bad for them that teacher been so strict I guess that why we see the three of them with a ruler hit on their arm "

Baiboon nodded and said " it doesn't make sense though " just then my boyfriend tee came beside me and sat down and said " what happening "

I took a deep breath and explained it to him and he kiss my forehead and said " calm down I will help yall don't worry "

I smiled and i hug him and he kiss my shoulder and baiboon look around and then write his notes to pretend he didn't see this and I chuckled deeply and I smiled at him and we all laugh and play around and I went back to writing my notes

Nick pov-

As the teacher was yelling at us even though we didn't do anything the teacher said " detention all of u"

This teacher been so strict for so long I wonder how they kept her and why we then got our bags together and went to the detention room

And sat down in the chairs and the detention teacher saw us and widen her eyes and said " what happen because I know most of yall are not talkative "

I shrug my shoulder and said " We got detention again but it okay and we are used to it either way "

The detention teacher was nice and kind she wasn't that strict on us like our teacher has been

We got to lunch and hope said " well we need to figure out why we been there and where the hell is our teacher because that isn't our teacher "

Non nodded in agreement and I said " what can we do we don't know anything alot "

Non said " this is alot to take in and I think that teacher who trying to think he is our teacher when we know our teacher is a girl he probably kidnap her and he probably want us all in trouble "

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