chapter 25

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Nobody pov-

Non has called white and hope for a meeting and hope went downstairs and yawn

And said " why did u call a morning this early I love my beauty sleep u know " non sighs and said " I know u love ur beauty sleep but we have to discuss this either way "

Hope groans and bang her head to the table And said " can't it be talk through tmr " non shake his head no and white then got downstairs with no problem and he sat on the chair

And said " what meeting is this for either way did I miss something "

Non sighs and said " well u miss that ur sister is getting engaged to two mafias" white widen his eyes

And said " hope u didn't tell me about this are u okay"

Hope roll her eyes and said " I'm fine first of all and this ain't the first time all I gotta do is annoyed them and they will divorce me "

White and non both said " THIS ISNT THE FIRST TIME?"

hope cover her ears when they yelled that and when they are done she put her hand on the table and said " yes this isn't my first time but ignoring that let just hope they keep me happy but I did hear that their relationship is toxic "

Non scratch his neck and said " u gonna end up like white if u end up with toxic people" hope blink her eyes

And said " non ur in a relationship with two people who did u wrong and wanted to ignore u " Non leans back and pouts when hope said that

He know she right but he loves them and he won't give them up to anything

He was jealous when they keep getting close to each other before the three of them dated

Just then baiboon sat down on the couch with a frown and hope said " what is it baiboon are u okay?"

Baiboon shake his head no and non said " let me guess it about ur two crushes on Kamol and kim" baiboon nods

And said " they won't even tell me anything they keep hiding alot of things from me so can I stay with yall for a couple days please" he gave the begging eyes

And white said " u can stay with us don't worry we won't treat u wrong but if u need help with school work ask non or hope

Baiboon nodded and lean his head on hope shoulder and hope said " since when did I became a pillow"

White shrugs and hand her book and she takes it and reads it

The next day at school

Baiboon was behind hope following her like a puppy and hiding just in case if kamol and Kim finds him

The thing is baiboon left without the two of them knowing that he left

Just then bullys approach to them they been Bullying baiboon because he was a new kid and they thought he was useless but he knows mafias

One of the bullys said " give us baiboon or u will get it to"

Non and white back up because they know if hope get piss off she won't stop swinging and hope said " why would I listen to u either way"

The bullys smirked and one of the bullys tried to go towards her but she kick the bully and he got on his ass

And non sighs and said " should I stop this nahh this is a good thing either way" white looks at him

But he knows his twin won't stop swinging and he shrug

White pov-

I was getting my phone out and I recorded it and I said " beat their ass" and she did

But the principal came and glared at hope and I whispered to non " i think she gonna get in trouble"

Non nod and grab baiboon to follow him and I also follow him and we overheard that hope has iss and detention for two weeks

And she walks out and she saw us overhearing and she cross her arms " are yall minding my business again "

We shrug and baiboon said " u didn't have to protect me hope I didn't want u to be in trouble "

Hope sighs and said " it cool first of all I love when my fist are in action so ur good "

Baiboon nods and slept on non shoulder and hope said " Even though I'm the youngest yall three do act like babies and it adorable "

I smiled and said " let go drop u off at detention "

We drop her off at detention and since I got the Same classes with non and baiboon we went to the class

And after we was talking in the Cafe and having fun but it not really fun without excitement

Kamol pov-

One of my guards came to me and said " baiboon isn't in his room sir " I slam my hand on the table

And said " where could he possibly go" Kim said while he anger I haven't seen my boyfriend this mad since I well made him live with me

And he said " all the guards go to baiboon school he could be there he likes that school for some reason"

They all nodded and did as they told and I got in the car with kim and they drove to the school

I do not like this school but baiboon likes it

I see him and with non and white and hope

He is cute with his clothes and Kim said " I want baiboon to be ours I'm tired of seeing him flirt with others "

To be honest I'm tired of it to and I wanna make him ours to but he with his friends and he right now in school

And me and Kim and the bodyguards walk to the hallways and everyone bow their head and hope Tap baiboon shoulder and pointed at us

And baiboon roll his eyes and said " what the hell do yall want "

I see that non blink his eyes and said " u hang out with hope to much" Hope shrug and said " he my son now 💙 "

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