chapter 37 (nick + non +white +baiboon +hope friendship)pt 1

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Nobody pov-

While the five was walking nick has been getting calls from his friends and his boyfriend that he got into an argument with

He doesn't wanna talk to them so he completely ignore

And non was looking at nick and non said " are u okay nick u haven't been talking lately "

Nick explained to him and non nodded his head and said " well u can stay with us "

White sighs and said " I guess u can stay with us ur our friend and I don't want u sad anymore "

Non shake his head and said " u was sad for two months when u and tee broke up and now ur the happiness guy right now"

White roll his eyes and said " ur right but I'm also adorable "

Baiboon put his hand on white shoulder and said " not really but keep dreaming "

Non sighs and said " alright stop arguing I'm not even gonna be here tmr so we need to figure out a way to sneak into the haunted house"

Hope then sat up and said " yall aren't going in the haunted house " baiboon pouted and said " why not we have to figure this out and u know that hope"

Hope glares at them and said " because it to dangerous and non ur birthday is on Saturday and I swear to God if phee and Jin called me and said what happen with our boyfriend what am I suppose to tell them "

White nod as confirmed and said " she right our boyfriends will be spamming hope and let be real she already being spam by day and itt "

Non sighs and said " then what do we do we can't let this murder keep hurting others and plus their after us for some reason "

Nick then said " we will make this plan after ur birthday non plus if we keep worrying about it then we won't get anything done and u know that "

Non then nod his head and they went back in the car and non read the note again trying to get this puzzle

They finally went home and it was dark inside and hope said " well this ain't creepy but is someone stalking us"

Baiboon said " probably I mean we did read the note so it won't be surprised either way plus that fake police Is having alot of people coming after us and we don't know who either way"

Just then nick turn on the light and their was kamol and Kim and day and itt their

Baiboon said " what the hell is yall doing here it late outside "

Day said " first of all me and itt fiance is here so of course we are gonna visit her "

White whispered to non and said " 5 bucks that they are gonna annoyed her" non said " fine I take that offer this time "

White and non and nick sat down to see how this drama unfold and baiboon said " what is u doing here kamol and Kim "

Kamol said " my dear baiboon u forgot we still have to give u a punishment for being a bad boy"

Non then whispered to the two beside him and said " this might end up either good or bad plus we know baiboon like them do we help them or let them deal with this"

White said " I said let them deal with this My twin has anger issues so let them deal with this "

Nick hit white head with a water bottle and said " u do realize that ur twin can also feel pain " non then nodded in confirmed and agreement

Nick pov-

Since this drama is happening I just watch this until someone get tired

I said to white " hmm should we go to bed " white nodded and non came and me and non went in the bed room who has bunk beds while white went in his room

I heard alot of arguing but I hear baiboon moaning I'm wondering if he okay but kamol and Kim do scare me

They are apart from a mafia well mostly kamol

The next morning I stretch and woke up and I see baiboon up and he had bite marks and hickeys On his neck

As I touch it he swat my hand away and I said " are u okay u have hickeys and bite marks that I can't explain"

I see baiboon then sat down his cup and said " I got hickeys from my crushes "

I then said " isn't that a good thing " baiboon glare at me

And said " I didn't think they was gonna do this and now I can't walk"

I then look at him and said " what do u want me to do then " baiboon shrug and said " I don't know but ima call a sick day and sleep today "

Non pov-

I want downstairs when I heard nick and baibook talking and I see baiboon having hickeys and I didn't say anything

And I made my drink and it was delicious and hope came down and yawn and said " I heard alot of moaning last night "

Baiboon said " sorry that was me but then again wasn't day and itt with u"

Hope said " they know if they touch me I hurt them so yeah"

I step away from hope she can be scary when she mad and white came down and said " I think that was the bed sleep I ever have"

I then drink my tea and said " so u didn't hear moaning " white look confused and said " moaning?"

I sigh and said " baiboon was moaning last night " I saw that baiboon was trying to hide himself and I chuckled a bit And said " Baiboon it was already done don't worry ur okay "

Baiboon grumble and said " fine fine but let go to school and I hope today is a good day then yesterday I mean we saw two dead body's yesterday "

I then put my hand to tell him to stop that gave me a nightmare and I don't like it

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