chapter 4

133 4 3

Non pov-

I followed the script and I kissed phee and jin and they smirk at me I will get my revenge on hope soon

But I blushed and jin grab my chin and said " ur ours non we are not letting anyone take u away" everyone clap

And hope said " ur leaving the only person single crying " I chuckled and we continued our movie and sand recorded and it took all day to film and act but I'm proud of the movie

Everyone clap and Boston said " I think I did good" Ray smack Boston head and shake his head and said " stop " just then tar sat by hope and they was talking

It weird that hope accepts tar dating her exes but atleast she accepts it I guess and I put my head on jin chest and my feet on phee lap

And phee said " if u keep doing that we make sure to make u moan " I gulped and nodded and prayed they don't do that yet

We are now taking a break and eating and hope fed tar due to everyone in this room know what happen with tar

Just then good scared us pretty good I didn't know he was in here I'm glad that I will be finally happy with people who care about me and love me

Except my parents and people who hurt me while I was at school by calling me greasy I didn't like that name but I'm glad

Phee and jin never called me it they gave me a second chance and I'm glad they did we are going slow in the relationship

Even tho what phee said made me blush hard and phee tease me alot and I don't understand why he tease me but he is cute and so is jin

I can't wait for the future with them they finally made me smile and know what life is really about I'm happy they know the true me

And I'm happy they accept me and will love me and cherish me I'm glad I met them and I was In a deep space while everyone is staring at me

Trying to get my attention but it didn't work so hope pinch me and that got my attention and I stare at hope and look away and hope said " non u okay u was in a deep space for awhile"

I nod my head and said " just thinking abt the future you know "

She smack her head and said " let live the present before we go to the future non " I nodded understanding and phee pulled me in his lap and jin hold my hand while everyone was talking

Phee pov-

I'm glad he ours now and he will be ours forever we will cherish him and mark him so everyone will know who non belongs to

He adorable when he mad even tho he almost killed people who bully him but they deserve that they made him sad so I will be there for him

And if he hurts someone I will hide their body so nobody will find it as non felled asleep on my chest he looks so comfortable and he looks like a baby when he sleeps

I smiled and kiss his forehead and jin did the same and we nod sand said " it seems we are ruining yall alone time "

I shake my head " yall aren't ruining our time but thank u for being nice to non I wish people at his school was nice to him even his parents " sand nodded

And said " if u need someone to kick their ass I will do it nobody mess with my friends "

I smiled and nodded and jin said " oh when we kick their ass we are definitely inviting yall to join non is our baby and we will protect him at any cost" Ray finally said something

" he adorable I'm not gonna lie we will be here for yall and we will also protect yall future wife non" I chuckled if non heard that he was a wife then he will kick Ray and hope just smacked ray head

And ray said " awe ur hurting one of ur husband " he fake cries and hope blinks her eye then ignores him

I like seeing other people being a couple it makes me happy to see others happy now the only people I don't want to be happy is people who hurt non that who I don't want to be happy

No one pov-

Non is still asleep and he still cuddling phee and jin and their happy he cuddling them and he sleeping like a baby

Everyone smiled at the scene seeing non asleep and smiling in his dreams he must have phee and jin in his dreams if he smiling

Everyone is thinking about that and nodding in approve they are happy that non is finally smiling and not sad like he was in the past

Non finally met good friends and have two wonderful boyfriends he happy that he gets to call them his and they are happy that they get to call non theirs

Everyone is playing a game smiling and having fun enjoying each other company and everyone is smiling and having fun

Soon their will be school for them since the other boys wanna join the school to protect non from the people who hurt him they will kill someone if someone dares lay a finger on non

Everyone is sleeping until the next morning hope woke up first to make breakfast and non was watching and helping

They made eggs and bacon and pancakes non helped with the bacon part and pancakes

He burnt his finger and hope came over to him and wrap his finger with a bandage and she said " be more careful non"

Non nodded and hope hug him like a protective mom ready to fight someone and since it was them two that awake

Since others stayed awake pretty late non was figuring out a new movie to do and hope ask if she can help and non nodded

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now