chapter 32

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Nobody pov-

The police officer pointed a gun at non and said " she is a criminal"

Non scoffed and said " how the fuck is she a criminal " the others gasp as non cussed they don't really hear non cussing so they step back and watch this show

The police officer said " well she isn't a criminal but her uncle is "

Non looks so piss right now and said " u can't take ur anger out on her just because her uncle is a criminal u know what kind of damn police are u a bitch or a man who doesn't know shit"

White said " yeah and plus I'm her twin and I know my sister well enough so let her go now"

As the police officers grab his gun and pull the trigger and non and white cover their eyes and hope got in front of them and said " u lost motherfucker "

She was bleeding and she didn't care at all and she look at non and said " get the police here now " non nodded his head

And hope said " u don't have the guts to kill me even though u tried plenty of times but u still lost at the end of the day"

The police officer shot her again and she wasn't fazed and the other police officers saw this and their eyes widen and cuff the fake police officer

And the fake police officer said " why are yall cuffing me she should be the one in cuffs"

The police officers ignore his complaints and they took him in the jail cell and the two of them watch him

And hope past out and white pick her up and carried her to a good hospital and their was alot of things on her

And she could Barely keep her eyes open and non said to the nurse " will she be alright "

The nurse said " we will do anything we can to keep her alive but she did a good thing and a bad thing the good thing is she protect yall and got shot and the bad thing is it dangerous to step in front of the bullet "

Non nodded and said " she did say she will do anything to protect us and her wedding is soon I hope she will be alive for her future "

White was in tears seeing his twin with all the tubes on her and he was crying in tee shoulders

And phee hug non and said " don't blame urself okay" Non nodded and phee kiss his forehead and said " ur a brave boy baby u grown so much"

Jin kiss phee cheek and then kiss non forehead and said " I'll help with yall bills for now okay"

Non nodded and said " we have to go to court but I wish we know if hope is alive or not "

Phee hug non deeply and put non on his shoulder and pat his back and said " let get u bandage non "

Non nods and Jin bandage him up and it was beautiful 😍 and Jin kiss non forehead and said " their I'm done with that "

Non smiles and said " thank u love " Jin smiles and kiss his lip and non kiss back and Jin kiss deeply

And the nurse came back and said " it time for the surgery yall can wait in the hall until we are done "

They all nodded and went outside and wait in the hall and it took a couple of hours and then they was finish with it and the nurse said " We are done now and she starting to wake up"

White pov-

I smiled and rush over their and I see my sister waking up and said " what happen "

I smiled and said " u saved our life's sis" she smiled and I'm just relief she didn't loose her memory's

I hug her and she grunt but hug back and said " yall can't get rid of me yet at least "

Tee said " welcome back sister in law " hope chuckles and said " I'll make yall get married 😉 "

I blink my eye and she now teasing while hurting and I pout and she chuckled and I smiled to see her smiled

And non came up and hug her tightly and she said " can I breath here non " and non said " sorry I just miss u"

Hope smiles a bit And said " I miss u to but please tell me ur okay "

Non smiles and said " im fine but are u okay " Hope smiles and said " well I'm alive"

I said " barely u almost didn't make it And if we didn't go to a good hospital it would end up bad "

Hope said " what do u mean bad " I scratch the back of my neck and said " uhh don't worry about it "

Hope pov-

I said " let me guess u went to a bad hospital who had blood and dead people all over the place"

White jaw dropped when she said that and he nodded and said " how did u know "

I sigh and said " I heard that fake police was talking about it and wanted to escape but I was waiting for a great opportunity which I did escape and when I saw him pointing a gun at yall I went to overprotective mode and made sure I got hit by a bullet then yall"

Non said " u made us worried and I don't know what I could do without u " i sighed  and said " u could do alot of things without me"

Non shake his head and said " don't u dare ever leave me okay I will make sure u stay alive forever "

Hope said " non not all of us can stay alive and u know that but we can be happy for the future or sad or angry time like these happen "

Sand nodded and said " oh yeah u got court tmr " Hope shrugs and said " not my first time but I'm guessing it the one with the fake officer to get him in jail double "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now