chapter 27

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Nobody pov-

Non was getting ready for his date and be so excited and he sees hope standing at the door and cross her arms and said " why am I called again"

Non sighs and said " can u help me get ready I don't wanna screw this up" hope sighs and said " finee"

Hope helps him tie his tie and she grab his brush and brush his hair and said " wait a second why do ur hair need to be brush non this ain't a wedding yet "

Non chuckles and said " well remember when we were younger " hope nod her head

The past-

Non was trying to get hope they was playing tag

But a stranger appeared to them and smirked at them and was trying to hit one of them

But non kick his stomach and made sure the stranger did not get back up

Ever since that day non has protected hope just like hope protected non

End flashback -

Hope said " well it in the past " non nods and said " when is ur wedding "

Hope said " as far as I know they haven't change it so it in 26 days "

Non hugs hope and said " I will help u get through this like u help me with alot of things " hope hugs him back

White barge in and said " I hate to ruin this beautiful friendship moment but ur boyfriends are ready for u"

Hope smiles a bit at non and said " go be you okay " Non smiles and goes outside and see phee and Jin

And non got in the car and he wave bye at hope

At the restaurant-

They have order everything they want and they ate it all and phee kiss non cheek and Jin kiss non lip

And non was surprised but he kiss them back

They had a great date they went to go out to eat and they went to the mall with each other just to have fun

And they play arcades games with each other

After the date -

Phee said " next date is when u come home with us baby boy" non blushed red

And nod his head he has to listen to the tops because he don't want no punishment

He went in the house and saw white drinking tea and watching TV and white look up to non and said " how's ur date"

Non smiles and sit down and he told everything about it to white and white nod along and smiled to

White is happy that non is happy but non didn't see where hope was and non said " where's hope "

White shrug and said " she had to go to the store she usually walk but it does take her a bit"

As soon as hope came back she had cuts on her arms and legs and non rush to hope and said " what happen "

Hope sit downs and said " their was these thugs after me when I came back from the store to get something "

Non eyes widen and went to get the aid kit and banage her wound and baiboon saw and said " what happen to her "

White said " bad people was after her and we don't know who"

After bandaging  her up she just shrug she couldn't feel all the pain which surprised the three

And then the door knock and white went to open the door and kamol and Kim and day and itt rush through inside

White was thinking who invited them in and why do they think this is their property probably cuz of baiboon and hope And he just shrugs

Kamol pov-

I was looking at my files for alot of people and I found alot and check them out

Just then my guard came into my office and said " sir hope is in danger " and I said " what happen "

The guard said " she run from thugs but they cut her skin"

I slam my hand down on the table Nobody mess with baiboon or hope and baiboon is mine and Kim and hope is day and itt

I will protect them plus I will protect her brother and non and I said " call my boyfriend and call day and itt"

He nodded and went to get them and I sigh this girl is really something else but it strange she doesn't ask for help I sigh and said " let get going"

I went outside and went to my car and my boyfriend got inside and same with day and itt and I see them piss off

I mean I can relate I am overprotective to but Damn

We went to Hope house and we got out of the car and knock on the door and her twin brother open it

And was shock that we are here and we went past him

Itt pov-

We saw hope with alot of bandage on her legs and knees and arms and I said " hope come here now"

I said with that time and everyone froze and hope came close to me and I grab her hand and got her into my lap

And I grab her chin and said " why didn't u tell us that u was hurting and it hurts me that we had to find out ur our fiance"

Hope said " I didn't wanna make yall worry plus I didn't tell non either because he was on his date"

Non shake his head and said " u can tell me anything hope ur like a little sister to me "

Hope smiles a bit at non and I hug behind her back and said " please tell us if anything happen okay"

Hope nods and I sigh and said " We are going to sleep in this house tonight "

Non and white back up and hope and baiboon look at each other and baiboon said " yall have work tmr and we have the weekend so"

I shake my head no and said " We will cancel it " and non eyes widen and said " I may not be the smartest in the group but why would u do that"

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now