chapter 44 (white and hope siblings)

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Nobody pov-

Hope was American and white was thai but they are twins they had twin blood in their vains

Hope is smart but white isn't he sometimes ask hope for help

And she will always say yes and white came up to her and said " hope time for our first day of high school"

Hope groan and threw a pillow at him she was homeschool for awhile so it was about time to put her in classes with smart people

Hope said " give Me five more minutes " white roll his eyes and then went to the top bunk where hope is sleeping

Yes they got their own rooms but they like bugging each other and then white pick up hope who was very light and said " ur the one who usually awake before me"

Hope shrug and yawn who was being carried by white and said " I could care less about school right now I want my sleep and u know that "

White roll his eyes at his twin he knows why she was homeschooled for awhile but since their parents go on business trips now

It was time for hope to be in real school and meet people

White then sat hope down and he made the both of the cereal and they ate and hope grab her backpack and put her lunch inside of it and yawn and said " why must u let me be awake "

White sigh and said " it time to make friends u been more lonely then me and that saying something I know ur a introvert but please make friends "

Hope shrug and continue to eat her cereal and said " I don't make promises but I'll try"

White said " u are impossible sometimes but u are my twin kinda ur adopted but we have the same birthdays "

Hope then roll her eyes And said " do u want to drive then " white pouted and said " u have a driver license I don't "

Hope roll her eyes at her brother and said " then shush let not tease me " Hope and white was both in the car and hope drove them to the school they go to and she parked it

And press the button on her keys and lock the door while she and white went out the door and they of course close the door

Hope said " hmm this car is a pain sometimes just like my brother "

White roll his eyes and him and hope was talking and por and his gang saw hope and white talking

And por whispered to tee and said " look like ur boyfriend is talking to that girl we have never seen in our life time "

Hope heard them but she could care less it always are yall dating they must not look the same and she may be adopted but she and white aren't dating they love each other as siblings and nothing else

White saw that hope didn't care and he chuckled he glad that hope doesn't let their words get to her

Hope then bump into type and hope apologize quickly and type said " hey it alright I'm sorry to " he then help her with her books

And she thanked him and apologized again and said " thank u for helping me " she smiled and type said " no problem it was mostly my fault either way I didn't see u at first "

White said " look like someone will make their first friend " hope then grab a breadstick from her lunchbox and put it in white mouth and said " u may be my twin but ur a pain in the ass to"

White pov-

I roll my eyes at my sister she knows I'm right but then breadstick she gave me was good

Then we went our separate ways we had different classes and I saw someone who grab me and it was por and his gang plus my boyfriend

And I cross my arms and said " yes what do u want " por roll his eyes at me and said " do u know her "

I said " yeah I do why do yall ask " Tee roll his eyes " are yall in a relationship " I can see that my boyfriend is getting jealous

I shook my head no and then I said " first of all yall don't control me second of all she my twin she may be adopted but we have the same birthday and we was born the same month so is that all"

I cross my arms and I could see the guilty in their eyes and i could care less if they was guilty or not they don't control me

I then went past them and I roll my eyes and went to my class and I sat down at my seat and I pay attention to the teacher

Hope pov-

I went in my classroom and the teacher smiled at me and she grab my hand and said " class we have a new student who will be in the same class as us "

They all stared at me and I wave my hands and I wasn't shy I just don't like talking the teacher said " tell them ur name sweetie "

I said " my name is hope" they nod their heads and I sat down next to this person and he said " i don't think u wanna sit beside me"

I rise my eyebrow up and someone threw something at him and he said " now u get it "

I shrug and said " are u okay " he nod his head and said " yeah I am now thank u for asking my name is non and ur name is"

I smiled and said " my name is hope " non pat my head and said " nice to meet u hope "

Someone said " hope don't let him touch u" I stare at them

And I said " first of all don't tell me what to do unless u have a damn problem with me so unless u got something to say or do I will hurt u "

Everyone went quiet even non he teared up nobody has every protect him and he hug me and I hug back And I glare at the rest

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