chapter 31

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Nobody pov-

As non Yawn and baiboon notice and said " are u okay?" He shake his head and said " I am just tired baiboon don't worry about me "

As he was trying to focus on the game he playing and he took a sip of the drink and he collapse

And white came over and check his pulse and while hope look at the drink and while baiboon calls for 911

Hope said " he been poison but I want to know who did this"

White said " could it be his ex boyfriend who keep stalking " hope shake her head and cross her arms

And said " no it not that he went to jail remember "

White then remember hearing that non ex name went to jail due to stalking and being an asshole

Baiboon said " the ambulance is on it way what do we do"

Hope sighs and said " give me some stuff that the doctor uses and I will try to get him awake " white nods and went to get the doctor stuff and he buy it and he gave it to hope

And she check his pulse again and he is breathing she breathes in and out and she tries to see what wrong and she saw that the poison made him weak

And then the ambulance came and asked what happen and hope gave them a bottle of the poison and said someone poison him

One of the police officers actually did it they was trying to get hope to drink it but it was non instead and one of the police officers said " it has to he you ma'am "

Hope said " why would it be me let be honest here " the rest of the police officers arrested hope even though she didn't do it and it was one of their men

Baiboon and white was in the hospital And finally non woke up and he look sleepy again and white said " calm down and take a deep breath and take ur medicine "

Non smiles a bit And took his medicine and drink water and said " what happen "
White and baiboon look at each other and white said " alot happen uh baiboon u tell him "

Baiboon sighs and roll his eyes at his friend and said " well u got poison for one but we don't know who " non nodded and he knows it not none of them they was around each other at all time

Non then tried to see if hope is here and said " where's hope " baiboon flinched

And said " she got arrested for a lie but it seems it time for us to discover the truth " non widen his eyes

And said " isn't it a law to not arrest someone who didn't even lie because we all know hope tells the truth a lot " white nodded

And said " and whoever lie about my twin sister better see what coming for them and u have a date with ur boyfriend and ur birthday is in five days so what do we do"

Sand and ray came up and said " thank God ur not dead u got us worried "

Non smiles a bit And said " fancy seeing yall here"

Phee and Jin ran inside and see their baby in the hospital bed and hug him tight and phee kiss his shoulder and said " baby are u okay "

He smiles a bit And said " I'm fine now but let investigate the poison thing first "

They all nodded their heads and nick went to grab the a paper and non written alot of stuff and said " they wasn't trying to get me I think they was aiming at hope"

Sand pov-

Whoever did this deserve to be in hell for lying about someone and making hope be in jail

Just then the door locked for some reason and no doctors or nurse was here

I said " guys the door just lock " non widen his eyes and got out of the bed and phee said " take it easy "

As phee grab non arm to help him walk and went to the door and he tries to open it and nick said " damn he right this must be a fake hospital then"

One of the nurse laughed Psycho and said " it not fake but the real nurses and doctors are dead and plus our victim is hope "

White glare at her and said " what do u want from my sister "

The nurse smirked and said " to hurt her and finally get our revenge that she deserves "

I said " u don't have to do this u know who ur boss " the nurse smirked and said " I can't tell u that "

I kept ray close to me and said " I'll protect u babe " I kiss his lips and forehead and he nod his head

Non pov-

Damn it their has to be a way out of here why are they doing this

I found a picklock and I smiled and I picklock the door and it open and I see dead people on the ground

And Jin cover my eyes and said " baby shh we will get out of this damn hospital "

Jin then pick me up and took me out of the hospital and we finally got out and went into the cars we been in and we drove while

Someone was after us and shooting our car luckily it bullet proof

And they kept shooting and we got to the police station and I said " we are here for hope"

The nice police officer said " this way and also are u okay "

I shake my head and pointed behind me and the police officer look at me and nod his head and said " We take care of them "

I nod my head and just then a police officer stop us and said " where do u think ur going "

I said " to see my best friend who like a sister to me and if u don't move then I let her kick ur ass when she out of here"

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now